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PBIHTING I OP ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS ÍN TnS LIIÏE OF PRINTING AT TUE MOS? REASONABLE RATES. We )iave recently purclmsed a ROTARY CARD PRESS, and lmve addod the lafst ttjXei dT Card Type, whicli euables ua to print INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. In the neatest stytei, and as ohenp as any other house ia üm Sute. Wa are aluo prupared tu print POSTERS, HAKDBILLö, BLAKKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCüLARS, TAMPIILETS, c THE AHQTJS BOOK BINDERY is in c'aarge of FIRST CLSS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufiicturod in dkst sttle at New York Prices, Fcriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work warrantcd to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. OflSce and Bindt-ry, oor. Mnin & Huron Sts Ann Arbor Marble Worlis. Batclielder ï ! Ad on Uaud a fino aaortment of American and 1TAL I A N MA R B L E whicb be is piepared to manufacture íato innlltheir varictics, nmHn % WORKMANUKE manner. Having ha il cnsiiler;ilile experience in the be tl.-'.ttcrs himelf that be wil] bc ublr to pleast all wlii) inay favor mo with their orr'erp. His prices LÖW AS THE L O WEST. thoRG wishintf any thtog in ay l'.np nri1 rop'vfnIlT in nted to cali D. C. BATCHELHKK. ' Ann Arbor. Mar ÏO, 1801. 801tf XVool "Véante ct POR WH1CI1 I WIIX PAT OASD OR G0OD3. Cash or Wool noi rftcsdèl on JVöfis, n$ acorow itia snf. Po ntoaw fttch fa yspr Pa. dr 8,770,994,0.30 VOLTLNTELRS WAJTTED! ÏO ASSIST IS THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! 3 iVliite folies, or of wliatever eolnr, caste or . nal.ivity, whether married, ingle or of doubt tul connexion, will bc en ij Usted in the noble cause ut' EMANCIPATJNO TllÈ COMMUN1TV i - raoji tiIe- THRALDQÍH ÖF HIföl PRIGS3 ! l ftü'ï will nv:1.-" tli.-ir Wit fit at tY Extensivo Furnisliing Establishment - OK THE- ; O TJ ITEUMAN ü HEAD QÜARTERS! j Laving been eetabüshed for the LAST TEN ï fi A R 8 , our ltnown rnle of trar&re is an Undisguiscd Dcstrn ctioii OF ÏIIGII P TUCES ! 3F" o n. o Zi o E" sarxixr gFor all J.ges! Sex and Condltionsl In eonsequenceof the very fiattering enrouragetnent whioh we havo reerived ninee our location in tliia ciiy, wc have iuereasej our Stock of SÜMMER C L O T H I N G ! To meet. the demanda of our customor?, :n ..' baring becerae more fully eonviiieeit tha ever, tliat our mode of dealing, narj.ely: at the lowtst [lossiblo ratea for 3FI 13 -LSl X3 "V - 2? . "JB" i is the only troe pln; we will continue t: aerve tlie public ns heretofore durifig. the coming fall and winter. Our stock consista in every variety of KEADY M a n E CLOTH1NOI Plsia and Ftmcv CLOTHS, OASSIMERS. 8ILK, AND SÏLK VELVETP. A largo lot of OENTLEMEN'S FTJRNISHING GOODS, whieli are all wnrranted DON'T FAIL TO OXjXjA T C3-. .BC. C?, For past favors wc are gratef'nl tall, Theeame forlargeones in proportion, And those wl o see rit to cal] Shall receivo onr best smiles and devotion. M. Guiterman L4 Co. N. B. Students and all otliers who -want to see SONDHEIM'. new "moda ofcuttiiir will do well to cali and leavetheir measure For fi Nice Fitting Suit ! 3--CTI1TEIl3VtA.3ir tSe Co Ann Arhnr. jpt. 28. 1M8. TH7t U jV ! A R A L L K L K ü S U CC ES SECOND AKRIVAL - OF- SPBIKTG Sz, STTTvCTvIEI?, o o 13 a -AT TUK- A.. P. MILLS, PHOPEIETOE, G9t8 b'HJiiliï üüdor p;uiic pric n 4híÍ sdí? a prices that will makt hard times come ayain no more ! Facts for the Peoplt -orW A SHTEN -A_"W VDJOTMNG COÜNTIES ' And thcir Dumerons question? BBtwcred Whii is Fveryboihj trading at the "BANNEh STORE? '-Btcaute A. P. RfiiLLS, the Proprii'tor of tliat Establisliment hasjlet returned l'rom the Eastern Citiea wnh tlie Largegt, Handmmest, Cheape&t, arte Most Attractivti Stock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY GOODS! evor brought io thisp&rt of the State.] TVTiy i Eoerybody pleascd mith hii Stockf BeeftQlM liissfyles ar? morp bfaunuil, qna'ity botïc-r,nml pnces Uajiu at an-J other store in the county. Wliy has he alwatjs Somilking New and Cheap to Slio-j}? lïecjtnao ?l' nasa Crifnil connectivi wttll one of tlie l:.rtest DrySnode H ni i In New Vork, whn ia al "BOBBTSIQ ROUVW ior :,l I) ntjrleB, m ilicï appwr fr im time to timo n, ü tl kaepimuBuiipUed with e ylo, un 1 cuiAoqonuü cutomers canatways find somethiug Fich, NEW CEEAP and DESIRABLE Why does 'at sell sn tnueh Cheaper ihan the rest? Tpcauso lie bus a Tjuyer in the city all the time to tnkF kdrantagA of the coutinual clwngo of the m.irk"t, flm'. in that way buys his gools much cheuptïr tluiu 6tb i. uau, and tiin. ha miuis ihom down ' XjOXJGJSST1 EICa-XTrtI3)3 Why does he sell Ladies' and Childrcns' Shoes so much eheaper than was teer heard ofby the oldett Shoemakets? BeaauM h buya his stock In tne land of .bnciiaUers, of tlie mauufactiirrr?, fully "5 por cent chenpor lluin the Kew York Jobbpi-s eütlKMu, knd macli bettftr vork thnu thoygeneralty koep. 'ihis oourse unaMes him to sella be Uur Gaiter for 35 Cents. thnnothfrssel! at 60 conts.nn.l .1 botter FQXED GAITEI' at öOceuts, thau otüers sell at 75 cents. Has he any Kats and Caps? Ve,I hould tliink he ha stacks of thern, enongS to upprjr the State, at priws lowor than was verheardof round these parta. Why is his Tea ta much brtter fnr thtprzte gay than ynu get at ottter place Í Bmmim be takex troat care in seloctincr it, aal giveehip oustoraeih the benctitof a real gootl 75 cut TEA. FO1! 50 CENTS. Itiea'wajbf ha?s;ot; Where shoul! you go to ijet your CLOTHS ar.d have them Cut or Made? To thf BAXN'ER STORF, whoro the I'eople's Banner ii uufitrlffor tho Peoldt-'iigood. Southsidöoi I'ubllc Sa uaro, i fewdoot irestofOoolí'i HötielA. P. MILLS. INFIRMAR Y. Fuherë Wock WvoüwarA Ace !hfroitf lï. S. J, CA PKíiTWSl A KA1X AR DOpTORS gen. f aïly retcod that Ci nsumptkri i ble, becau r.i-y uuunot cure it táUeuitelvéi$ Ei ti t raake it true. ■ wili w tfkn on a job all tin j unil afer uuing ltl ing 'jut npoil tUi nieter. al w 11 U Í eau bc di m .o ili v.-iy jeu Mirlt it. liu y '',yintí t- a botter ww kraan- h bo wiiu tin ruugkiy .. - vou wili gi-t vuur werk cumplÍHb 'i tl e bftpei lu thin rvupect Uiore is tLe wn düicn-ac to W : prnfHfltoiu. '11. c bi.nglra in aecb niin,in t!ie arts, in law, in tlieolúgf. ai.d ïu iel fcll '■ CLn&Ct ''t' lit'lK'. A tui i% i ruethat they emild nol Wit illwea wcM lifie tlitinelvet. ïïut i'uit.-iuu-ly ia ütMtlnr cftari df wL .ii'l tb?e. whi ii ii;.v take yoiff ase in Iiíuk!, 1u Uir obac yea wallt t, or restore you to healtb, accor ing ■ ■ ■'■ ■ ■ ■ : .'■!:. (O :. "i.iiub'T tl is flCt l iinliTHtari'l whj trae pllyeician BhorftO prfbatmiled til? ■ trhich atu tin reis cm e. [q mi ■ ■: aaica, wem mt awi fiud tlt by a poRpessina i r BtttftlM, by .-i,ic litw invc!:tifili, of whicl) 1; as the eolo use, or Uy the irrraier fnÍLtriftj ol hi# niü'i, one persun wili mul e np do wliat no ether en. Jxaclly t in.-;y be v) In ] l; Ari'l tMi i 1 n w .] why I have Buea great over all i tbe treatoaenl oí Con innptfon. IIt haring lal gestat, bj pusiMM log the Lo&g-lfetMfJ ■ ■.:.(■ tlit! satan of hé ■ ' i ■ ■ .■ for CouMunpttnci m loothtrl ■ [i ■' bold t' ny that I eun effect a cafe óf thia diteam bevond the i. ! " ; i 01 " t In i tO Lave heen ii' fi-i. [ ; ' !,t give yoti o . ■;.. - opon mimben ifes frum mm and ruinen given ov lo th 1 ' 1 . rl il ■ '■ fï C ■■ 1 ,iü 1 I'-Ioi O'! tO l;'ii !tll 'y the pei ■ Lic ■ for ConsumitioB. 4 ni'csii'y for me t" 'I.i to hei'c. for Ihe ■i]ji;in dotng wh1 anothr eansot eanot. ia . :i men r'i ei fttmon mmi-i'. lt' tlie Cnusuiíipve wi-lics furthef ffoót iftian tui-, I cun on)y Rnyr toma ;n.l Rathrfy ynirMlf by tri 1 1 af in y .-kill iu tb ore or vuur cosa] -i' Doet) r rnrif-nui wili vNit Yjilanii, ani) Ann Arbor, 0-61. AnnArbiT, at Cook'i Hotel, -1 and lt! "f each month; Hu kioa House, Yiüanü, 6th ind 6t!i of i-Heli nmfli, The ra lm ei "f the timp, La vül be füuoü at bis Lun Infirma] y in 1 cttoit lyTT3. WIHSLOW, Anexpcritn ml Nufso nÜA IVmale Physic'an, prenöntp" to the atteñtkiB oi m. .. hr r SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CH1I.DREN TKKTH1NG, "ly fooitftafefl f!"1 'i'i1'" e) tt-etliin(f , b ■'■ft. n 0% t ii' guns, hsdttcijij all iiiiiuTimaiioo - wili .; L PAIN and 8pK#modis setion, asd ifl SÜ3E to REGÚLATE ihe BGWELg. I epanl upon it, m t'kt-rs, it wili givc rest to your.clvesy Iiolief and healtli to yoiir InfanL? Wc have put up and and sol'! tlii urticlc for ove í.'l) y. ai-, i. ni VAS ,-AY. [N ( nxUMNC: _ AM CKÜTH of it, bot we have tover ljfn bic to j r.f, nnv .;tlvriii-ili."Ti - M'.V! 1: IT KA11.LD IN' A -1.L; r-.ri.NVi. 'lo nniT a idke, feral ! w, : now ;tn rf t. nie (-f dia ... .. f -■,.. ntr:ir. ile] . , b) ii;.r [- n . lul s; tak t.rn:- ' ocrajueftüaLán M i t maLicl elïectH :tt(J mctfitftl .Ttucs. ïpcnli in inflttir "WMiT VI .' KX0W.J' aftr tep yi i rif ace, AND 1 1 l-.l i ■■ ■ ': I..HÏ.!l:iS KOR TUK FL11U.1.M1NÏ HV WIIATWI-. 111 KJ DK l.Al:l . ina'i.i.Ki tvrry iBstnr i the infant i- eufftr ng from pain and ■■l:.i.i--tKB, I be toun-ï in r.ftiLn ir twní' mñitn (líT the dj rup K admlnUti i ■! This raluable preparntion i. the prfscii tion of f-ne oftba mos] EXPEKIKN' itnd -KI: I FUI. Nll'.srs n Níjw nliinl and Las t' l-j oyèd with NLVLK UI. .N'i SCCC1 THDUHANT) OF CASFS. It not ocly relieres thechH ] fi m p n, i'it invii.rüifoii the HtmAcli anl bowels, acid tj. nnlííta t:r :nl energr tu tic vhole svstcm IL w.ll almos.t in.-1aií relieve QEiriNG n ras tanstg, Afin wind coué an-l overeóme oovvulaion, whicb i!" n t apcedly r-nü .lied, in I Id itrath. We heiirve it öie HK'"T ■iJ SUBES1 lt] MEI IN IHE V"l;l.n. in all cs.-cí uf HY-lNTi-üYaiiil IIAKkIIiKA IM CHI1.1.R1 Jl, wlu-ilur it nri-i-s Ir mi tttli'ni or fr m any ollicf cjiur. Wrf muiM Bay to every nu-tbtr "h Ii s & child í?iiler'í, from hiij ol tlie V r . . n c. ninVnt - I o NOT l.i'i Vont PREJUI K KS, NO': TUK 1 HF.II'liICKS OF OTHERS, stjnrt betwen yuu nnl font nuffirn cliilJ, anfl tlier.-ü.'l1 thatwiH be SOTE- YES, (H.liH.Y - to follow tbe qh of t'.ii-i meHc n. if tinioly uacd. FuU diect:onn for unz wili acef-mpa-nv (-ach boni. ■"■ n-í'n i i.n'is:, t "I CüRIia ï TLliKJN-Ñ Vork, i on tlit; wfitf.n iy S.Jd by Druggiats tlir'iniriv . Principal (Pee 13 Str- t, M. T. PKICE i.NI.Y :.-) CENTS PER BOTTl.E. v',. lr77S, Jbr Me Speemf and Permanent Cure of S&i& Weaknesê, Xocturnal and Diiifnal JSmUsHion, Jfcrvous and General Dcbilitg, ImficUnce, and all Diseases ariswgfrom üolüary Ifabits 07' JExO4&siie Indalgcncc THERE are thousamls of Yoana Men, w woll ai Utroftté AciKn ftnd Oi.d Mes, who are sufforinK lo som oxuat from tlie above Jltomoo. -Muuv, parhfcpc, are nut aar mt their trne eondition, or wlicn ivesi-tance is rcalty nceJel. For the benefit of siich, we bttrtwitfa givu a few of th m% comniott Btrmptoma, rllj Rone of the Bark and Limhê, Puin ia th". Hond wd 5ñi, Dúitiu m "' SjyAí, Vtfa and H" tefore the E, PalpiUit'um of th tri, nwjtsiit, L, uf ttomory, Coniman ƒ i'-ri., Depresnion af sjintt Arrio io Society, Self-Bistrwit, Tiintd'Uu, et'1. Fbr 4aeh and all f the ab-ive svmptuuis Iheio ranaediea wili be fouud a "Suvreign Balm1 These remelles embrace thrce prcscrijitions : A box f Pastal, a box of 7Vif PtUtt, and ft box of ('irili Jbnifl ril'--, :U1 of whioh have Important offices to perform, and shouid be used tesethor in every tase. Their auirioritj1 oflier modes of tnafement may bü briefly etatöd m Wlows, ïii : jS Thej dimïnish tho violo n1 of sexual eseitemen. XHf Thuy iiniuedjatcly arrest nocturnal aiiJ (iiaruil stekt ■iOQS. jfÏTThoy remove local Wffikness, causing tïi or;wij aft ISMiiuc tlioir natural toni? nul mor, JBfjf They strenthon the eOBSUtatloQ bv ovsrürailns rons ilubility'aud [eaeral ïrakiiew. jgfg-Thoy nliven the Bpirite, whicB are nstfally deprftMt by expelliiig all ezoitinj; canses from the syfctem. Bfg-lïv (nrtfforatlng pfopertlei tiicy roitora fch patiënt to lúa natural beaJth and Vigor of ïnruilniod. TS3" They cjiro when all otlmr menos hnve fui.ed. JKiTTIiev oontain ■. Jfemirv, ;ir Üj)íuí), or anythif that can Ti anv event prove injurious. j8 Tlicy are easy and plmsant to use, and wlll not lol" feru with the patlent'd asnal ttusiaosB or pleMnre. Ü" Tlisy (aU bo uMd without nttÜeM0 or ktsowlwij f ev'.'u a rooin-mate. That they may ome within tho reacl of aTT, we hnTa tlxvá the price of the Pastei at $1 pur 5ox. and tli l'ill ai ï cents per box eaeh. In ontering by mail, In mldit;on (o th prioc, twelve cents ia stampa shuald be iucloscd for refcum postage. É,_ T.ADIFS in want of a safe and effcctnU tA remady for Irreqnlctriüa, Suppreasion of th Jl JfotMff, oe any aiseaie ptcnliar to tlieir 4tr N should usa Dit. Gates's Füjialè Móxrin.r & Pilu. Prio, by raaJl, Si uri un stamp. CiOTIO.- -Theee l'ills slionld not bi niiod J (luriiiKí'-'1.'"'1'"1;. a:J misrarriage wili tw tlie LADIK5 wbo.from Ul-helt1i, JoformHy, or any otlier humane and roasonable wiuse, decin it iwtetary to avoid au increaso of fiunily. can do sa without inenrring danier to healtb or constirutimi by the uho of .V. Lm Craux's French Preventies Pamdtrt, Prio, by mail, $1 aa Theao Ponders can only bo obtainod by addrMiinj th General Agents, a balow. Bead for Dr. Gates's Pricata Mediïal TreatUc oh Saxwm Eiseates, Puice Tkiï Cünts. Adáren, H. O. MILLER l CO Otneral Agtait, For ttoU by MAYAKD, STEBBIUS, á Wil KON. y788Í0 Ann Arbor, Mieh. PR0KL.MIL LEirs ITAIK INVIGOKATOK. AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE AM) KCONOMICAL COMPOUNI? FOB RESTt)RING GBaY HAIR to ti original color v.U out djfiing, and prevente thq linir from turn ing gry. FOR rRKVENTINO BAUIN1 öSand curir,? ii.n'hei. the is the Least partida of vitality or recuperativa yjittg} rein&inlag, FOR ÏÏFMOVING SCÜRF AXD DAKDRC3T, anc all out. aeoiu affect ions of tbt bcalp, FOR BSAVTIFY1KG IHJi iLUR, itopArtingto it aó iin■ . mal ng il r ft a-'i itlky ill its ttwlu: Lt to i-uri re;[ü ■ ■: :' ■ . „i.'.nd fbr tliiw llict una trial isoaly necessarv to ajfisfj1 a éoerningi uWli af IU superior qua Ut i' i . ejaratiou :.i ■.'-c :.' in use. Il hJ nn[ scalp (rom (tadri$ an othtr euta ' m. Cauf-es tin bair tori uriiiutl.v.., Hblé appsaranee, and alao where be hair is loosening aud Ihiniiing, it wili give atrcDgTfa and vigor to the roqta, anrl restore the grovtk to those parts whicl] 1 ave liocoii.o bdld, oaasing it te yleld afrttth coetiv$ of hair, Tderewe buadreds of ad es and gentlemen ir Js'fw Tork who have bad their hait reftored hy tbe ';sf (if ■ rator, when all ■t1ht preparaïious hrut tilt(i', 1.. M. Uari n hit posáession leti . .,:.:,. testifyin to the above t'acts, ftrom persons of tl t n ipectability. It wil! effectuaJly prevent hv karfrm turnt- rayuntiltbe lal loflïfe;p,nd in bmb vhere the hair bas cl - color, the ue Hbe irlVífítrafor' wili vriUicertai&tij rtnm it to its asyrhw! küf, giviug it a dark, glossv appearánce. Au r i i rfi me for the tnilrt and n lhiir EWatorattve it ii partieularly reooilimft4d havüig an agneable fraeranoe; and the greaf fflcilitien it afforda In dnssing the hair. whieh, wbeu m-M with th Invigoyator eau bc dreased in dy ïequired fbna so aa to preserve itft place, wbetber jlaiu or iu ■ hnc . deaiand for t By th standard toilet' artUU whib none oogbt to ba without, as tho pric places ii wit hui the re&ch of all, beiijg ONLY TWENTV-FIVE CENTS per boftie, tío be hal B i ..ble druggfetn' and I I. M!l.[,i;ï voald eaii tho attenflon of Tarentp and to tbe w-o of 1 ■ ï invoVaior, in dksefl wlirre thachÜdrens' Hair inclinea to be veak, Th of it: lays ihe foundation for ft good head ofhnir ii nm&ttê i-e became connerUd with tUe icalp. theremoval pi wblcb ifi r.i-cr?. ry b--tli for tb hfalth of tlïe cfiild anÖ the future aupcaracre nf itg II .'i. (rTiox.- i ■ i .iii.-n: i]irfur s?mle I.oriS MIlJ.ER ' itpr Trmfir: fiNo 1 '.:TI r.'S HAIIÏ INVIGORATOR, Y. Wo'wr n tbe Whoieaalc D j ol . 6 ; ! ey E ld bvail theprtofl m ld. I.ihi-ral dincoilBi ín i ■ . ■ ., I alsod ■ ■ , ■ .' i'ubiiV-'mjNew & Iinproved Instantanoou Iiquïd Hair Bye whieh after yrarR of PcienbfU oxjirrirnriiiing I bs# brougbt to perfsc-Jnn. It dyes Wack or brown inftnut'.T vlthoút luiüryto tln ITairorSkln warranteïf tbe bEit' trticta o PRTCB ONLV UFTY CEKTS. PEPO f, & 2?LY 8T., 2fci YA faijrl r


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