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City Cheap Immber Sash, Doors Blinda, Piaster Paris Grand JSiver Planter, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putti, dfo., èc. . B. DeForest, HAV1NG inercaerd hte facilitice for dolie busi f. and enlrgid hi8 Yr.rd and tork,i9 pre pared the present soasoiï, witii tki bes larern and chea' eet aeasoneti dtück orerin this mirfcte to sntieiy the rciuonabli CüptH-ïatione of all. Oui motto ia nOttO hv undoreolil r cueh on dölivrry . ' ot andertafceto friffbtentbt public iiy-utv y'ithat t bey wil] get ahaved ifthey buyeUewheretfor wc presume tbat othero wilJsellaelow atuhey can n fiord to . All kinds of Timbcr, Joists, und cfuitling, Pl&e, Wrutewood t Basswood , Hem lor.k. Planed and Matched Pine, Wkitewood ,Uh Klooi ing.Plnncdtnd rtiunh Pin rund Whitewood ïitJint:, Fe ie Post 6. Onk and Cudai Post f and Piekt? te i-t all kinds. Ipinr f atl), anö til l)i tem oo'O L. .n Ptne, Ashani Whitfiwood Shincles, Barn Boards and Bain Floor Plank, BlackWa.jUl.Hini 'Mn-rrv and thin tufV, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Iloxand Body LumberIaple Log Timber, Hickory . Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Oi''t!l:hicknoasofi,widths Hndlonths,&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkiiide. lST.Xo ui' all sizne, &c, &c. SASIL DOORS, ds BL1NDS, made by haud to orde j ns In was factor y prices, on the shortcstnotice bythe bcstol' workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. nfftlï dcflcription in the above building line furnlBhedouthenhortefiloi' noticc. for We have Mills Cutting Regularly . A ful! anda perfect assortment of the above anc other kinde oí liuilding Materials Oonstantly on hand at tin lowestpossible ratei Cali and be Convineed. A few rotls soitth from R. IZ. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B. - I amnow operating Extensivelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succwsors to Chapín & Loomis,andCbapin, Tripp & Lcxmis O' TIIE above firm of Loorais & Tripp having purcbftMd the entire intiTcst of U10 formor companit.s will continue the büsiiioss .it theold stands, irhere thejj ■■■ UI bf ready, 00 the sbortest notice, to fill all orders in tbe line of Castings and Machinery, In the most workmanlike manncr, and on fts liberal terma as any ili-r Ahop intlic State. Among the vari dus Li'tiúlesmanufucturcd by us, we wouUÏ enumérate STEAMENGINKS of all kinds; Mili Qotting anl Fixturcs, wroughí rul cast; itlltho variuus ca.stinsfür muking :vnd repairing UorsePüwers &Threshing Machines sucli as are at presont, or have fonnci lv been in use ra this part of tbfi State, M W..-11 ns al] various kiiulsof oastings and machine rorfe calied fnr by üsjnra and mechanica inihis sectïon of i: of all i'ü: v;i.-inus patternsj up it: Bizes and prices, irill be keptcoastantly un hand, got the most modern and improveo styles. HUBBARDS WROÜGHT IRON REAPERS & MOVVEHS. íiaving commenctül manufacturiníí tlns SDperiorMa ohlne, single and con 1 .. rmers are ínvited to cali and see a specimon m&china nam is oor ware room, bofore pnrcb&singOlsowilttTe, bellennS tha-1 1iïk machine need only to beseen to convincc the farmer of irS SUPERIORITY over the Reapcrs ;mri Uowersin tliis market. Thankful for frmer patronage to the "M firms, we wou ld solicit a frona oíd fríonds.aDcl a irïü! by all wifiliing forauythtng Ín our line of business LO0JO8 k TRIPP. AnnArbor,May ISth, 1859. 607i.f SCIIOFF & MIL LEK RESTILL OXHAND at theiroM Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, wlth the most complete assortment of Books and Stationeiy, PERFUMEROS, FAXCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GIJ.T CORNICES, OUJRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they would suggest iothose in purpuit tf anythingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing trom thïs stock, as each porchaser getn an additional present ut" Jewelrjr, &c , lianng invalue irom 50 ets. to 850. tfjF Theytrust that theirlong experienco inselectïng g(odfi fortbia marketj and strict attentioñ lü the wants of Customers, may eutitle tbein to a liberal share of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dpc. 5. 1860. 777tf E"E aild CAR. W DR. F. A. 0ADWELL, pB OPERATOR ON THE BYE AND EAR. For Deafnesis, BlIndneM, and all deftcts of Mtíiit anti Hcnilng. DR. C. PFINt; A REGULAR Phy8lelin,wttti T'.vrVTV yAB' exclusive practica in the treatmeni of discases of the KV I, AND EAR, will be found qualified to i;i reÜef or eífeot a cure in any cuse withïn the reach of human atóU 4E No cktwgñ for an examlnatlon or an opinión, orfor unsucceful services. Dr. C.'s Treatk on thb Kyk am Kak, of 300 pp., Mntainlng references. Testimoniáis. Descriptton of Iisïaes, Cases, and other importaal matt4 r. illiisínited rt-ith Cuts, to be haAfratis, by sending Ten Cents to pay postage. Address Dr. Cabwvll 'Jü Etandolpb Street uirncrlVaboru, Chicago UI. lyTCS 18Ü1. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.ÏÏ.MILLKN&CO. ; llave removed to Ibeir Brick Store recently occupied by ' A. DeForeat, aml are now receiving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS ; FOK THE 3PEING TRADE, ! ? Among uiiich are Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, 'f i BE A UTIFUL NE W oTYLES , miMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, ■ BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &o. Dboice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CR0CKERY. Í dlso an entire New Stock of Carpets v and Oi' Cloths, nf New and Beauiul Paiterns, THESE GOODS WE RE BOUGHT AT f P.]SriO PEICE8! l And wcc.inraify n" whfl w!" c!11"n'l examino our tock,Uat (ioodsare Chtaplhit Spring fur h 'T CASH OR READY PAY. MILLEN & CO. J .anArbcr,Mrci2 1861. 2="39 '' Montage Foreclosure. DI'.F.u:'] bi ring b en ma'Ie in tlm jumnmt or tlie lat in: i;i]ii]ciit sccured by a tnortgagu exeoutod ty JamesH. Morris and Mnrv 1'. 5in;n-i toKHrn li!,tsf,,ri da. ■ : ,„i),o inty of Wiuhtenaw, in Libfr ■ ■. i. seo tiíl dnv of '"'-v '- ! '''■'■ 1; , A. U.. by which Mault the power oT gáte eoalained in Vaid moilga.;. 'i'.", andno Bolt or probeeninstitutedatlaw t recover ! ■ Minrtgage or aoy pirtthpreofj itml theanm of fourhundred andstrty doÜars and sixty-thxee conti betag non clalmed to be duo tbereon. Notice la Ihorefore beteby lim, tho sald niortgage wil] bè foiedosod by a sale of the mortgnROil premi-.-, (-..-.vit: All certaln tr.ict or parecí ii' land knowoand desci ibedatifollowe, to-wlt : ftèing a pari oftbeuorth-evtquarterof section N'o. tventy-n?ne ut'townahip No. two sdüth of range No.'six easi ginning i . north of nmnt of nterectioo of :i line tbrough the centre a! Hurón strect in ' ■ aforesaidj thencerunomg east.uatil t trilies the ea?( Hjo of safd section, Ihcnce west and i:.rnll(l with said ' untll it etrlkos land owned by Mm. Puiier In A]t] is-jö, thence north by naid Fuller'a laod ftboul Uiirteen rodfl until it strike? et.tbenc ril bj aaid Page street tweotyfour roda to the north-west corner f biock N'o. 25 on ■ nnby' nddMIoB to the riltege ol .nn Arbor, al by tho north line of ald Motion to tha Borth-easi corner oi said sectHm. theqce sMitli on the tionaboul íorty roda to thé place of taining fonr acres, orsome part thereof, at public voHur ál the Cmirt HoUm in the city t,f Ann Arbor on tlio ninth i'av nl November Dezti noon. Dated, August Hth, A. D ,1861. si3td Chancery Notice. QTATE OV MITIIICAX, the Circuit Court for the k Couniy "f Washenawj in Chancery. Before tho """" ; Cbambers In the Ca f Altii-ii [! Wood, i-omphiiiiant, andjnhn W, Maynard, M:uy 3. Maynard, wUlíam S. Maynard, J.uther Dana.Abigah W. Farar, George Hyde, A.onzo Farrar, hn-,y U Cbandter, Washington Warren, Ëdward Larabert, William H. Major, j Benrv Stone, William W Babcocfc, John Ntekotam, Jampa F, - ■lm Et, Joflrav, Arthtu W, Edward& Juilray, and RichmouU AV. Jaffrar, It satf ëfhetartty ftppearlng to the nndertrígned Circuit Judgefortbe foarth Judicial circuit, by affidavit that ftnmpof tho defondaota in tilia cause iWde uut of tlii.i State, to ml : Luther Dana, Atyjah W. Farrar. GeorL-o Hyic, Alonso Farrar, Hehry W.ChaDdlef,and Washington Warren, reside In the State of Massachnsetta and that Edwfurd Lambert, ÍVílliam H. Major, ËEènry stone William W.Wright Dwight M.Batcoclc, Jobnjftckolun! James F iv-nv. Andrew Ketchum, Jolm R J Artbur V. JaOrav, Bdward S. Jaffray. an.] liichmond W. Jalfrayal] reside ín tbeStateof New Vork On motionofO Hawkius, soltcitor Eor the oomplalaaot, itia orderodthat Üe said Don-resideat doíendanta cause their appearance inttiisoAase tube ËDtered wlthlQ three monthf from thödateóf tliis order. Andit is furtheroi tbip fcweoty da}s the complainant ase this order to ba pablubed 'm tho Michigan Arg%% a newspaper published m tbeCity of rlQtheCoanty óf VTashenaw, aod that sucfc. publlcation be i ostlmied In sald newspaper at least once in ni'li week for hix buco Ñ, successlon, or thíit'he cause i copy of this order to be persouallj wrved oneachof satd Mefendants at least twenty days before the ttmepreflcribed ín ibis order for theír appearance. (A true cepy of íhe original orer.) K. LAWRENCK, Circuit Judgo. O. Ha WKIK8. Solicito? för Cumplumuut. RoñÉKT J. Bkrv, I! ■ r Aun Arbor, August fí, 1861. 812td Chancery Notice. T1HE CIRCUIT COUItT for thk covmy of wasktbhaw. 1 In Chancery :- Rober t Kline, Complainánt. vs. Storrs ":I. Moultoa, Ariel fifoaltun, grbil Mnulton, Benjamin Pollett, James R. ('ook, and Joseph Kulmer. Administrat r apon thfl estateof AlbertQ. Mnulton, aeceased, defenda&ts. It satUfactorily appearing to the undorsigned, Glrcuit Court Cemmissfoner, by affldavits, that the defo&dant Ariel Moalton sa non-residont of thisStato, od motion of Alpbeus Felcb, Solicítor'and of Counsel for corDplainant.íttfl onU'i-od that the said defeodant Ariel Moulton,! pearaacejñ thin cause to be euterftd witbin three montlis from the date ofihis order and tbat, in caso of his ap pea ranee, he cause his answei to the i bilí to be Oled aml a copy thereof to be serred on tht compïainant's BoUcttor, witbin twenty days after jemee of a copy of gaid bilí and notico o] this order, aad in default theroof that the sftid bilí bc taken as confeased by tbe itaid defeoaot, Ariel Moulton. And it i-i furtlier ordére í tbal within twenty tho taldeompiaioantcauae thia vrxtot xo he publisbedin tbe " Miobigan .'. papeí published In saldCoanfy, and that Raid pnbUcation be contintied in said paper at teas! qjow ín eaeb week for aix weeks Ftion} or tbat he causea copy of tin order to be perSonally Serveí on t&e h I al lema i .. . Qtj daj a before the time above prescribed f hia appearance. Dale!, July llth 1861. D. 8. TWJTC CircuM CoortCom.for WashtenawCo..Mich. A. FELCH, Sol. forCompl't. A truecopy, 809w6 R. J. B.uíry, Register. Nótice of Ditch Sale. Tïir ÜNDERSÏGNÊD will oflèr for tale al public auction to the lowest bidder, al the house of .! Pray, in theTownship of Kortbfield, County of oaw, Sta1 Í5th day r.f August, - one o'clock, I'. M., thenalüngof '20 ñditof blind Ditch or DraJQ. the túnel to Bajd drain Es to b one foot square, an 1 to bc made of sound oak ptank free from snp ; saidfdrain is locatedat tiie outUt of the Hmwe sh eLakebransb Ditch Alo the nexí Mrly rodsabove leaned mit, widened aud deepened, and mil be sold at the .same time. S09td JOSEPH Pil í T . JACOB PRESTON, J. 11. BTARK, Drainage Coinmlsnionera for tho County of Vasbtenaw_ No'ice of Ditch Sale. rpHE ÜNTÍE tSIGMTP CommissioneFB will ofTer for Rale i a' pabilo ;nit!tion to tbe r . ship ''f Korthfield, i of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 1-ltli day oj August1861,at lOo'clock, A. U.,I92roda o! Ditch, to be tro feit wlde on the bottom, and ofan average of íiJÍ fl&öt in depthf and eachbankto slr.nt ontwarl onfl foot to each fooi of t , ■ braneh Ditcb loo rods loag antl one foot wMe on tho l'oíton, to be 3 fect deep and of the saine slope of thc malo Ditch, said ditch denomínatoU thcMudlake Ditch. JuSEPH PRAT, JOHN' B. STABK, jacob preston; Drainage Coinmissioners for the Cour.iy of Washtcnaw. Mortgago Foreclosure. DEFAÜLT having been tnade in the oonditlon of a Uortgageezecutedby William Walker, andCyl1anIáj his wife, to William ü. líaynard, dated the twtUth day of May', A. I). 1SUO, and recorded in thc Regiater's Office in Washtenaw founty, in Ubcr 26 of Mortgages, at pago 736, on íhc day of its nt twonty-five minutes past eigbto'clooktp. m by which defauJt tho power of su le contained in said mdrteBge beomne operativo', and nosuitor proceoLÍit:ghiving been iosUtuted ut law torecover the debt sesured by said mortgage or any part thereof.and the sum of onu hundretl and eleven dollars being now clalmed to bu due fhereon as intexest and costs of insurance, and further Sums to become due. N'otice Ptrbrefore bsreby gien sáid mortgage will be foredosed b a aleof tho roorígaged premisos, towlt: All tbat cortain tract or parcol of land fcnown and described as foUowfl, to-wit' fylng aml betng id the city of Ann Albor, being flve rods widé on the north sido of blpck No. two, north f Hurón street range one cast, to extend the whole tength of said block east and west, led plat of tho village (i Ann Ari ' . ' r lome part thereof , at pubücTencue,at che Court House intbt ciy of Ann Arbor on the Ofth day of October, nest at noon. WILLIAM S. MAYNAFD; Mertgagee. K. W. Morgan Atty. DiteA, July ííh,A.D.1861. 8C8td Cbancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tui; Cmcrrr Coüst for tde County of Wisiitêxaw, I.liza A IVrkius va. Sebrah I'crtdnsw-In ("!i;itivr : .'In puriuance oí a decretal of the Circuit Court of the Countv of Washtenaw, In Chancery. made in the above ■ .! day of December, A. D. oightcen Uundredand fif t y nine, and a further order of this Court anaU' on the slïth dayof February, Ai I cighteen hundred and aixty-one, wil] beaoH.under the direction of the Circuit Court C ner for thé County of Waahtenaw. at pabilo amotíon, al tbt' sostfa or bont door of the Court House, i" the city of Ann Arl or, on Haturday the sixtli day of July, eighteen liumin il and sixty-otfe, at i v. . ■■ o'clock, m '"il. of said day9ail thosecettain tracts or parcela "i' lánd lylng and being in the towhship of Salom, n thr ('itmty f WftjBhtenaw aforesaid, and desciibed in said decrw as followarviz: The west half o j the southeast qu r ction Qfteen, and the wert half of the north-east quartcr of seetioa iwnitv-two, in township one south, of range . .r so much thorof'í as muy be nooe&sary t satisiy tbe amount due upon said doeree, together with interest and costs. n. s TWITN ül i L, Cir. Court Oom. for the County of Washtonaw. O. HAWKINS] Sollcitor for Complainant and Aasignee Ann Arbor May 0,1861. Theabove sale ís ailjoiirr.od until the 15th day of Norember next, at the .same hour u.ud place. Uated, July Oth, 18rl p. s. TWITCHELL, Circuit Court Coua. V;hieuair Co., Mich. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, in At a scsiion of said Court, held at the Court House ia the cil y of ftxn Arbor, in sald county and State, on the fifteanth 3ay of June, A . P, lSfil , Present Bton. Bdwiti ï.awrenco, Circuit Judge. In the uit of Robert AlcCleUaad, Complainant, b Íps io lnm ünknown, wnerelD he I ray-. for nof üiertain ïands and premisea In his bilt of complat ut deeoribed, aiid in which he claims to Eiavean lotereat: It eatisfftctorijy appeqring to said 3ourt that tho other porties interested ina1d laodfl and remises are fco the laid Complainant unknown,- oq. uotionof A. Felch, Solicitor for sald Complainant, it i.-j rlered that all j q la and premses (partitjon of which is soughi (n thia cause), appeai ind answer tüt bltl of conplami Bied In this cause by he tirst flay of October, A.D.,l8fil, or tbat aoch bil cí onipjaini bfl taken ;i confessed by thora Said lans md premises are Bltvaté ín the county of Washtfnaw, md State of M chigan, and are dêseribed :-. foUowa, to vit; the south half ofaociibn twenty -four, anl tho vest half. and the east half of the north -ea1 qoarter, f sectiqn twentj flve, tn towcship four south of range teven êast, in the district of landt formprly subject to n SftW Slaip, contRining in all -oven tundred and twnty acres, acoording to tbe I tttent berefor. Add il i- further orderM, that witbin twonty litys from the entcyof thia osdMs the oeokplaJiianl cause . copy of "nu r to be published in tbe Mïcbig&n Ar;us, anewPpaper printed ami ptibUnhed n said city of Lnn Aihor and that auch pubucfttion be continued at east once in each week nuceessively, for ix weeeks. E Kawkkncf. Clroui; Judgei A Felcq, Solicitor, and of Connsel lor Complainant. MANHOÖD Eïow Lost and How Restored. Just. Puhhshed ina Sealed Ennlope, 1 LKOTORH ON PHE NATURK, ïlll'.v Mr.NT ANn ÏADICAL CURE OF 5PERIAT0BRHOl A. -r Sjninaí tv, NerTomness aWflnTolunla- BmiaaionB i..luciug Imputpney, and Mental and hysicül Tncajiacity. BY ROB. J. OÜLVERWELL. M. D. Author of the "Green Book," $c. Tho world-renowned anthor, in this admirable Ijccture learly provOS ftom hts own exnerieno.e that the ftwful insequenoefl ofselfabnse m(j be offpctunlly removed ithOut medicino and ■■■, il hout daageroiu injrglcal operaiea íntrnme'ntrf, rings or cordial, piJtntitïg titamoile or cure at once certnin and effect ua], by hich every sufferer, DQ matter wlmthis condjtipn may c.m.iy c!in biniself chenp'y.privateiy and radicctlif. - 'his Lee ture will prove a boon to thousanüs aud thous nds. Sent tuider seal to any adflress, post pa;d. on the rftïlpt of two postago stamps, by addre-psinfr Dr. CH. . 0: KLl.N'E. 127 Bovery, New York PoBt Box, Ï8. 786


Old News
Michigan Argus