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With Whom Compromise?

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Li the Arucs cf tlic 16th inst. we g-ivo expression to our views of "tlio pi sition of lbo democratie party," anci in düing so doclarud against ofi'ering any compromise tot!io BO-callcd " Confedérate .';;:ii-s,'; usirg this languagc : - 'There . i ■ compromise ir ilh rebels in anus." To tbis decluralion the Ypsihu.w JJerald tafees exceptioDH, and makes it the text of a peace or compromiso artielo With j all sincerity, wc ask our coteuiporary to wIi.jiu a compromiso shuuld bo tendered? As demócrata we onnnöt eoraprouiise with üiu rebels except it n sa tri fice of principio. Their repregentatives, so long ago os in April 1860, presentcd their ultima(uní in the Charleston Couvtntioi), and it was rejected. Northern demócrata went ' at that linie as far as principie would perinit tliem to go, and they can go no farther dow, and are under not the least obligutión to make any coucession to nieu who broke up the party that they nnght find an excuse to break up the Union. Besides, tbere is not the least, ground for ; suspioion that concession would be met half way, for Dj vis, Yancey, Toombs, & Co., have avowod ono vcvy occasion that the Union can never be restored, and tbat they only ask " to be let alono." As well nnght we ping palms to a hyena -is talk compromise to Buch men, unless by that word we al) tho timo mean ui aeknowledgmout of the independencia of the " Confedérate States." The govorument can no more offer a compromise tb au can we as demócrata, for the Confedérate governtnent has Bolemnly annousced that the States over which it claims jurisdiction owe no allegiance to the United .States, and will iu no eveut asknowledge any. They have formed a . government, taken up anus to maintain it, closed the door to all compromise. There is, then, no alteruative but to put down tho rebcllion in al] the States which have joined tlie Southern Coufcderacy, or recognize that Coufcderacy and accept the dUaolution of the Union as a perma nent and üxed tact And witli such a l'uct staring one in the face, who daic proclaim in favor of a compromise with rebels in anus ' The disunion men of the South ask no compromise and would spurn one if oflfered. The Union men of the Soutli adi-ise no compromise, and they do in God's name let uone be tendered. - Bear the noble Job. II-hp, a representativo man of the Southern Union men : " My praycr is for victory, complete, enduring, and overwbelining to the aniñes of t!ie Republio over all of its encmies I AM AGAINST ANÏ AND KVERY COMPROMISE THAT MAY BK PROFOSBD Ti) BK MADE UNDER THE GÜNS OF THE UKliELS. The .irbitramcnt of the aword has been dcfiautly thrust into the face oi' the üovcrnnient and oountry, and there is no honorable escape froin it." When the rebel State government have been driven frora power, md the " Confedérate Government " shall be numbered among the things of the past, we shall bu ready to listen to any compromise t'.iat Jok. Holt, Axurew i sos, John J. C rittenden, and their Southern Union ooileagues may propnse, but utitil tlien we are with thern againxt oompromfeüuf ■ ' tmder the guns of tlte rebels."1


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Michigan Argus