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State Teachers' Association

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A yery uceesaful meeting of i lio Smtfi Teacher1 Atisociation w;is hehhit KiiLmuzno last week. The atfendiince largo, int) the proceedingu hhrmoniouri 11 nd profi'iib'e. Amongthelecturern were Dr, Tappas, Pro!. Wki.i.s, ol' Chiuugii, Prof Fajbfibld, and Prol'. Wklcii Th o lollowing officers were elêcted for the suin yeur: Pretidtnt- Professor ,1. M. 15. Sill, of Un; Stutü Normal Sclino], Vice Presideni - Professors 13 JL5 FairfieM, Hillsflttle; J. J Saddler, Sturis; I i. G. Maroy, Detroit: T. 0. Abbott, Luncing; E Ülney, Kiilamuzi; D J. Pior, Romeo; E. J. JJovd, Mouroe ; E. A. Siroop, Grand Uapids; and L. G. Evecett, Oiitontigon. Record mg Recrelary- PrxJeHsor r, 8. Perry, ol Marnhull. Corretjmnd'vg Üer.rtíary - fis or Edwurd Dnnfoith, Grand Kapidn. Triatvrer - G. II. Batsford, North Adurns, Ex fíutive Birtrá- Professors I). Putnmii, Kalamuzoorj and ly l)anfurth, (_ w.v.i Eapids. Comnuttee on Scfiool Ltiw.i - Professors E. S. Ripley, ypnlai!ti ; J. J. Sad dler, Stnrgic; and Mr U. 11. Bolbíoid, Nmth Adnins. Committee on Text Bonkt- Professors E Dunlorlh, ürund Rapids ; 1 P. Briggi, Jackson, und iíuv. iVI VValdo, Allegan. fcgt Tliü Griiñd Jury of tho City of New York having presunted the Journal , rif Commrrní', Daij Book and Neia as dar.gemus journuli, tho Powtnmster General ha issutd an order prohibiting tliori tranemwsi ín throogh tíiu mnls We have i' olijection to the legaal Miipprussion f any paper :viiü' :iiil und comfort t tliu rebels, but we nuist pointedly protest ngainat the inobpirit iiiuli i licinjx rnanifestêd in too rnany places. The press and tho peiplo linist stand r íiill toge: her, and the irue liberty nf t he míe is nooefSttry to i perpuluation of Uiü libertiea of tíie other. "5T Tin; Detroit Free Press is now printud on ; Hoe Doublc Cylinder Presa, tlie only one oftbe kind in the State. This enables the propriötors lo keep i e i their columna until a late hour and yet "wprkoff" tboir large I editinn in tïnce for the tnails. Tho j Wree Press is ably editerl, ives di more reading mntter tbnn nny other State daily, and is ahvnys v. tn tho times j its new8. We coininend j it U uur friendti in want ol a daily journal. í"jE" Gborob C. Hoppkb, one of the i i most popular conu:u'tor.s in the eniploy of the Michigan Central Kailroad : pany, lias been nppoiat,ed n Second Lieutenant in the First Regiment, and is now (ni diity in Cam]i Poimtain, We'll warrant Georob lo do liis iliity every time, and lo beeonie as popular with hi.s coiupany as he has beon with the traveling public. Several of his i Roilrond nasociateH have presented him ' a tino Rwocd, and Ihe publixhed corres, pondence is unusually approprintv. j5ÈT" "u (?ive place ir) nnother column to tho address of'Col Curteniua on asoming thu üotnmand of the Sixth Reg ment, at 'Camp Fr'inont," Kalamazoo. It breathes a ppirit wortliy ol emulation. LST' Rbsry B. LA.sDox.of Monroe, a inember of the last elass gradunted by theUniversity, and well known to most i f ourciti.eris, has been appoin'ed Adjutant ot the Seventh Regiment. Col. Gkosvknor. Thia regiment, in rendezvous at Monroe, is reported ful! and waiting prders. C& Gen Williams has received his oom in ission as Brigadier-General, and left Detroit on Tuesday eeni.ig, for Washington, to report himself ready for dnty, He w;,s accompanied by his Aid, Major Wilkixs. C. P. f-ouiNO, M. D , n errad. líale of th Uiiivt i-.siiy of Michigan has been co;'.iiii.-sio[ie! as burgeon of the Seventh Regiment. The Dr. haa the necessary qmil.nVntionw to mnke n o pital Surgeon, and we think thathel wil!. Ty-T' Several suiall ensagerconts liave recently taken placo ni Westerij Virginia, the most important oceurringon the 2Ctli. j near Summerville, betweeo the Sëvonth Oliio, Coi. Tyler, 9Ü0 strong, and 3000 rebel infantry and 400 cavalry. Otir ■ loss is reported at 200 missing, and thu rebel loss fearful, The enemy'a colora ■ were captured. ii - in fv" No skirmishes of any note have taken place in Mi--iiii) niñee pur last issue, thongh oreat activity is manifested on both sides. a, An 8ngagemnt ia reported at Edwaid's Feny, above Washington, but no facl-t L'iven. Also one at Bailev's Cross Rond, r.ear Alexandria, on the 27ti). The Union torces were driven in. The Banu and Antidote. - RnsselFs letter to the London Timet descripliou óf the ilight ut Bnll's Run- he didn't venture near enough to eee the ti.L;hl - . and an editorial from the London frncs, upoii the same subject. Bolh arpear il) this i.-;si:e of the AltGUS. - i X3ÏF' It is again reported that fin ! ttack on Washington is to be made iminoilíattíly. So let it be. An attack can not keep the country in a more excited stute than rtoeth frequent minors of one, nnd we believo that Gen. McCleLLAN Ís ready lor t. E" The State Board of Eqiialization has (jouclitded its laboro. The aggregate valüation ol the State has been increased from $137,603,000 to S 172,055,808 80. Wiishteaaw Oounly ia eqnalized at 810,100,130, an inercase of $1,200,480. The aggregate State vauaion is 8137,679,889.87 below the last awei8ipent, and has been red u eed wisli a view of keeping down tho ftwo mili tax provided for State


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