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Surrender Of Island No. 10

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A spccnil to the htoago Jone-i, New Madrid, 5th saja "'T be guubbát deletarrived last nigbt,having rnn the i el blockade at the island without damage. Sho had in tow, on t fio sidc exposcd to tho robel batteries, a barge loaded H'ith hay, arrajiged in sueli a manner aa to protect her. Tlio night was intcusely dark and stormy. She passed tho first battery bcf'orc being discovered. The second fired on her as soon as its gims could be brought to bear, but, owing to the darkuoss and her speed, sho moved through totally unhanned. The third battery also concentrated fire on hor, but hot a shot struck the boat. She pa. the fourth and fií'th batteries with tho same fortúnate result. Fifty-three Bhota were fired at her. " Three miles belów tho island t'ac rebel íloating battery opened on her and continued firtng until the Caronde-let passed out of rango. All through the passage a contfciuous firc of musketry was kopt up from the shore. Many bullista struck the boat, but. all hands being below, nobody was hurt. Tlie Caroudelet did not discharge a gun during the entire passage. Sho passed' the last batterv withiu an hour after clearing the flest " A telegra])h from the Island, dated at 6 eveuing, said that very heavy firing was heard in the direetioD of New Madrid. It is thought tira Carondelet s engaged with somo of tho rcbel gun boats. From or.e to oight heavy reports are heard per minuto. 11 llür escape froin iujury ia running the blockade is 'attributcd to the fact that she hugged the abura of the islaud so closely that it was tmpossible for the rebels to depress their gans suffieiently to hit lier. " There is great rejoicing throughout the fleet at her signal success." New Madrid, April 7. The gunboat Carondolet ran the blockade at Island Nc. 10 on Friday night, and the gunboat Pittsburg ou Suuday night. AU the batteries of the eneiay opened fire, but uot a shot struek oither boat. Gen. Popo has succeded iu gettiug four steamera and live barges by the phanrjèl cut through tho swampa from Piiillips' Landing above Island No. 10" Tiiiá estraordinary and herculean task was assigned to ('olouel Bisscll, with his regiment of eugioeers and mechamos, and has boen we]l executed. Tt was essentiil to tho erughing of tho eacmy and the capture of t'12 Islaud. ïesterday the gunboat Caroudelet, Capt. Walker, aecompanied by Gen. (ranger, Col. Smith ot' the 43d Obio, and Capt. L II. Marshall, aid to tien. Pupo, mado a rceonnoissanco, by order of Gen. Popo, tu Tiptouville, the object boinir to draw tho íire ñom the masked hatteiies of the eiieuiy. A large uuniber of batteriea were discovored at or uear each point where troops could land, and there tras a continuous tire of heavy guns all day. Tiie Carondelet attackeU oue battery . on her way up thu river, and Lewi II. Marshall, Aid to Gen. Pope, aoeompanied by soir.o soldiors of the 27tfa Illinois, lauded, ppikcJ tho guns, broke the carriages aud throw tho rebels' ammuintiun iuto tho river. All returned to Xew Madrid in safety, delightcd with their excursión. This moraÍDg the guabo - lolet and the Pittsburg proeoeded by order to the spot selected by Gen. l'ope for his torces to laúd, aud in two liours three batteries werc silonced and the guns spikod. At 11 o'cloek the fint división of our regimonts of infanirv aul ouo hattety of artillery coimuunded by Gen. Paine, crossed the river, fbllowcd y Gen. Stauloy's división, uhJlt Gea Uraager. The wh:jlo operation of crossiog the river iu the faeo of tho eniuj wasa magnificont spectacle ai:d relloots great ciedit upou Gen. Pope, whose cnergy aud skill have bjgyi Bsverel Uxud, but ha has triuniphed. Withiu the icxt forty-eight houra the fate'pf Island No. 10 will'be fully settled and anotbcr bright pago ald.-d to our history. Ciaoiao, April 8. The Alps arrived at eight this morniag, bringing 8e cmd Sfitster Lord of the Bentonj wiürdispatchés from (.'■m. Eoftto, aunoüuein rendar t liim at uiidni'tht of tho cu non, tuca, guns, and t 'JEhe nuinber of prisoners is not yat kr.nwn, nor t!io auuuut oí' ordinance or stores. Tiie ViítOiy at Kaud No. 10. CIiicaoo, April 8. h fpeeial ('airo Tribune dispatcb, from íl'v ladrid, s;)js tho ffuüboata Pittsburgh and Carondelet yesterday sllelled and sileiif-ed tlie batteries npposito the sliore when Pope ordered tlie troops across, wiiich was accoinplished without loss of a man. The robots fled towards Tipton, sinking several of their transports and guuboats. The Granipus :uul the'r floating bat tery mouotin_' n guns driftcd down the rivor last nitrlit and are DÖ'w aground near I'oiut Pieasant. Tliey wül be reeovered with their annann.'iit Thé Ohio liullc will alsa be recov. Gen. Popo took the Pittsburgh and Carondelet and with a parí of his anny nuirehed to Tipton uud attaeked the encmy thLs niorning. iih Ivo th')ii-:and prisonarsj ntOBtly Hora Arkans is and ljouisiana. Ile will probably get a-i niany 1A0M btffoM nighrt. Tho rubela fled to the awainpa in great coubternation. The victory is completo a:id decisivo. Great quantitiea of si ion, and ammunition havo fallón into our hauds. All their baggago and suppües are taken. The reb;l Adjut.uit Gc.ierul Makall is a prisoncr. The country betweon Now Madrid aal the Islaud on tho east sido of the rivcr is boing sooured by our troops. Their entire f'jroü-at aud about the Is1 md. i.i eitlu:r takjn prtsoaerft ox. utteciy r.)uted.and dcmorálised. Uoloael Biasell h8 boen ordered to 'Lip ton, wttieh is twelve miles below New Madrid, with Waiisporta to bring up canuon aud other property taken. Tho Times special saj-s a mossenger arrived on the flag sbip at 9 last uigiit, with a letter from the coinmandiug olüei-r of the Island, propusing capitukition. Oom. Footo replied that he wuuld accept no terms othcr tUn an unconditlonal surreinK'r. At ane o'eloek this morning the surrender w& :;ide. MEKniwT-vTiiKH Lasdino, April 8. Tl thi Si rr-t ifjr Gen. t aine'a ccromand marclied toTiptonville last night and oaptujed. Gen. Makall, lornicrly Adjutant General io the United States anny, his sta.l', and about 2,000 prisonera from Arkan.-as, and a large quanity of stores, auiuiiition, &o. Gen. Pope's movements are a completo success. We move in the ctireetton of Island No 10 in a few minutes to capture all that i left. ■ ■ v o! W:ir : Later - General Pope lias captured three Gfetterals, 6,000 prinoners !t war, One bundred siege picuii.", and several iicld batteries, with immense quantities of suiall anus, touts, wugons, horscs, &e. Our victory is complete. W'o barenot lobt a siiiülo man.


Old News
Michigan Argus