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7 ü Í CD S r H H 1SJ L wil S l H s e 8 o l 1 ü 5 „- -I CC 2 I tv II ga I Ho 8 g H , " THE BEBELLION ON HIGH PRICES POR CLOTHING. HASC0MMENCSDATTH8 6L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHI N Cl EMPOEIUM 1 I No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM non opcnin? a lnrge and varied assortment of airingandSuinmErüooils, and in view of the rebolliou on high ijrioei genefally, will offer them to my Ir.ends and custuim rat the YcryWcatfitrurea for Cnsll.- ■ Thcmc in nat of i superior aftiole ei Clotlu, Ciissi meriis. or Beady-Mado Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAQNER, who has just returned frora the East, wKh a larga assortmtnt of SPRING & SU MM ER GQODS wbich have been purchatcdatthelate LOW FiSJCES! andcaapffer themat a lower figuro than ever before. AmoDg joy AsHortment axay be found BROAPCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all descrlptions, togethoy witU a superior aasortment of Keady-BIade ClolW'S, ,, . TPT'Kff, CAKl'ET BARS, ttEBJLJJa UilBRELLAS, and üSBlientleincirs Furnisliing GOOPS, with numeiousothcrarticles usi;aUy founá in similor establishment. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the Bubscribcr flatters himself , that his long eitperionce and aeneralsuccess, will nuablehim to give the greutest satiafaclion to all who ma y trust himiotheway ol Manufacturing Garments to order. WM.WAGN'Eñ. Ann Arbor, Api 1 9th 1S62. 85lf GLOBIOU3 News from fOixie!" The RebelJion about C'rushed ! A. C. LQpB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE Ketíiru thelr sincere thanks to their numerous FRIENDS AND PATRONS, For the liberal manner in which tliey have heretotofol-u patronized them, and bog leave to announce th;it they ai e AGAIN ON HAND ith a Large and well selectd Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHINa! GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps & Truuks, whloh tiiey will scll at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further partijularí Oall and. e O for yourBeiWd, led yoa wjll not goaway dlisatisfled, A. & C. LOEB, Uuron Street, a few doors wost of Cuok's Hote!. Ann Arbor. May, 18f2. tmU DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE FIRM OF C. H. MILLE & rO., U this day dis solvf.1 by mutual consent. C. II. Stillen ia iuthorized to tcttle all business re!alin(t t id Kirm. C. H. H1LLEN, C-B. TUOM1-80N. Ann Arbor, September 15, 18i)2. NOTICE. ITAVIN'Gpurchasec "'e intrt of C. B. Thompson, XI in thulatefirmofC. ft. MMJuniiCo., I hall con t1nu at t'old itanc , adopting ai Tur a possible tlie onsh sybtim nf rtuing liiisii.i'is. Thiuikful for pat pat rónage, 1 hepe to merit a continuance oi the liberal l patrenago hereto ore bestowod. Persons indebted to tbc old lirm will pk-aso cali andscUle mmodiately. S70w6 C H MII.LEN. Oval Picture Frames ALI.SIZES, STYLEe and TRICES just reoeivcd and forsala oheapat CKOPF & MILLER'S. 1860.Deo.25, 's0'f "VITE! ■Wj&.XrL' Demand Treasury Notes For whicb we pay M. GU1TKHMAN & Go., , Ann Arboi October 3, 18Í2,


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Michigan Argus