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Ö. ELI í3 Lj Isnowreceivinga lnrc atrf wi! aeUeted aiiorteMTit of Ciccks, Watehes, E B!aaiiwr.mniwiimgniii!n!inini!iininCTir;CTnE5riB;m!ww'i'i''; 7 J EWELU Y, 'Í Silver an$ Plated Ware, i er: u TTK--WJ 49. is" ! a RAZ0R3 amd SHKAR9, T I ft' Musical Instruments, - i 4 Siringa % Üt,okê fut Instrumenta, j rJ SII43ET MtfSIO l f' CO3ÍB3, and a gropt vartot of "5T ANISES NQTIONÖ, teCJ. j ,: He would cali particular attentiau to hu larg stock j tl cf OM, Siteer, Steel, and piaisd, x4ii -■■ PERISCOPE GLASS, l ai supstior articla. Alao Huutington Si Flatt's P1 colobrated a CALENDAR CLüCK! uitabie for Offices, Countinjr Rooms , Halla or Dwellinga. 'hese docks are rel'able time keepers ;ttnl Calendar _ ïmbiotdaucl requiie tua winding of tiie time movementa only, to secure ftll the rtquired changé. at mid Ight, sltowing the day of the week the rauntk and flay f 'th'! lonnth, tnciuding the '29th of Felmiary of Lcap ] ■ear. His goods are mostly of recent parchase from 'ew York a,nd the manufacturéis, and wiM be solU to ilttbatlvM, Proaa havias difficult w.itches So fit f ith glasfsea can my atuck U larga ni1 complete. P. S. Particular attent ion, to tlio HOEÏI3 AIHING f all Uodfl of finu Wfttches, such os Mukiiig and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, i?ííjT, Ö7IL Cylindcrê. AUo r d eatly repaircd and warrantcd, at his tld stand oaat j, i Je of ilain Street. C. BLISS. Ann itor.yoT. 15, iSCl 820ti 0 "Provide for Yo r Family." l LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Wtsttra office, Kingsbury Hlock, Rondolph St., Chicago. 1 Assets Jau. kt, 1862, $276,223.44. ' Policiea fVre isBued upot the üves of dab tor , and for f ■ill business piirposes, either for Ufe er" for a term of ( yeará. on as favorable ttrsM as by any otïn r G.mpany. Marvied ladies may inflare the lives of tbttir husban'l, G according to a law of the State, secui og 01 , the insurance to theiïiselves tr their chilüreïi, tVí-e frotn t the claims df their iiusijands' er editara ; also, marrid ladif.H can insure their ow ñ lires for th beaefit of their childrea or trustees. Potioia on iivert are issued for 9Dy sum noi eicecdins $10.0 0. By the tenns of the charter, this Tompany i? prohibíted payiug rao.e than 7 per cpn. annually in dn'idends „n ít capital to stock holderf ; n 1 ït receives sum in intL'iest fnr the use of its capitul, tiiu surplus beinp dtvldd among the Mutual Tnsurers ; hence it will appcar thut it combines the advantages of a Mutual with Iba security of a Stock Compuny. hfn the premium amounta to $40 or over a note mfty bt given for l'our tanth of the anacunf. Ratea as low a s any pi):er good corupany. "JNow is the time of secure a competency for youi lamüv should düith fiiic3. your homestead encumbered and involvcd. ERASTU5 LVMAX, Pnddettt. Geo. F. S.xiFFKX.Sy D. F. Johnson, Vi;e President and Manager of Western Branch office, Chicago E. B. POND, Agent. WM. IKWITT, SI. D. , Medical Examiner. Dr. Wm. 3SS Hura's DENTAL REMEDES, ARS THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSÜRIXa FINE TEETH & A SWEET DREATO, AND Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. Do ynu wish tobeblessed with and admirfcl for TamLY Wamud ïound TLLTU? üe Dr. W. B. HL'KU'S UNKIV'ALLEDTOUTH FUWUER. wiirratflei free fi-om aciii.iilkali, or ány injuriputi Ku.stanc. 'Frice,25 cents pu bux. U3, Beware of the ordiaary i;Leap Tooth Powder3 which whitea but destroy. Do you wish to be certain that your Beeath is f ure, sn-eet, an egreeable to husband or wife, lover nr liii-nds? üie Dr. HCRD'S UELEUKATED JIUL"TH WAbil. Price, 38 cents por bottle. This astringont wasli is also the Uet remddy ip the worliifor CiXKER, Bad Bkeatu, kiam'O Ciifis, Soe Mouru, etv.'. It has cured huüdreds Do you. oryonT children auderf:om Tootuache? Got Dr. UUKlJ'S 1LVUIC ÏUU1HAU1E UKOfö. Plice, 15 cents pui hjtilwrcyouafB'Citdi,Uí NEURALGIA? Get Dr. W. B. HÜHD'fi NEURAtQU PUbTfcBS, Tbe mum cffective :icd dwlightfuJ rtiuedy known. Tliey do not sdhere nor biiatcr, but soothe and cliarm pain aay. Try l'lice, 13 and 37 cents. -rr Maüed on receipt ül [rice. Do you bh a complete stt of Df.NTAI. RKMEDIES and a iRïiTI OS l'KliatKVi.u TlKB UtDr. llUHD'S tENTAL TKEA-UUV, the neaUKt aoi iubt vall(ble prsseut that one fnend eau mate tu anótber. l'nce, 51 tícllt by mail oii rectipt uf pvice. Tor salo at all the besi stores tjiroug'oout the country. Cxcnox.- A thero ara dealer who Uke adïantaüc of our U-orta!ents to impone pnn tlwb; caattosum intorlof DroparJtron, l" n.sfary f iniist upoa baving whatyuiicMlfcr.and yuu til (.STIUE BKaT, ll.oiouüly leiled, and prepare'1 b7 a expenonred and üciraiillc Din :Ut, lioaiuuf tf tin New lort State üeutit'a .'J soci:;'i"p. fiuti Vipt IVcsiUcnt of tho Now ork City Vantalfociiiy. il iiii HM WM. B. HURD & CO , New York. Ï3, Dr. Hard 's Dental Rcmcdi.s are for sale I Ann Arbur by EtXBBH i; Vilson, Ebïkeaui Ca., aad GkeívilIe ü FOtUBt. eiJlt ST'OXji"1E32ir. OSIOLEW FF0M tb subsoriber on Punday ihe ITth inftan', a light-bay mare, abnut 14 H battta high, aü four legs vhii . inte stiiia in the tace, 10 or 11 year M, carnes her head vrry lo uhen tr.vtlling. 9 Also, a black tip b,i,ggy, woorttn axeltroi-, open fn'nt, cloc! spat, maineléü cloth top, trimtced with green snl yellow ilmak, some faded, long dash, no pinte, cUBli'ion tod aoat trimmed witU movcen colurad ouamelC e mn called himself -lames ■ olí, he Is bi-ut 27 or 10 vi -ar ol.l, wiih llgh hair and whMmn nd sumnji-r clothei ; ho had a roman, c.ntl aa'l small poodle ds? w 'th him . i liberal rewnri will bo paid for tho arreU of the thicfand propsrty, or any iofoi-mation tbat will leid to heirr,c,,v,ry. J0„N BP.0WN. Ann Arbor, August 2lat, J862. Farm for ale. 11HK un.lcr.-iKni d oiïers for enle his farm of 52 acref , situat.iiin Pittsüuld about oni. mile lonth oi tl l'nlviritv arljoiniiip the farm of Judge KinsMwy; acres undcr iinprnvetnent:with 30 acres of good summerf,.llr,vreartyf..rh(.1l. The.e is a frnmt, hu-c, ,orMbiirn,0(lgraInbHrnll new, a thnfty beanug I mtrr. I well renei i'or term-i ai.plv on t;i pr.'mi.-1'K. I PitiaU,Anï.18, 18ft) WW F.nARD IÍTAN. ' ÏJoticeof Sup'ts of Pooy. 1 A rFR()VS hnvin:; rlain t bc auriitoö 1-y Eor'l A of SuptrintMUm ni Wanhtenaw C. Poor will ■ p'ease lnnd Hli-n M eithr of tho undersigneJ on or Ni fön tbc. ir.t TumUj la Ootobc ext f'. DAVIi, ' Uüp'ta. a,b::ii. I AcÍAftor, L■,-:■ E3


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