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The Democrat And Wide-awake

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I. IS'.Mieatli the bhishius; luooii '.hoy lny. Upo:. . -r night ; Haggard and tütn, ttícíi ni ble forma Wout douii BuSíl the cu: ú,i íiiilit. Ora.iimg their omintry's tattcred ti A.:i They fouyht liki ■ le by sid", l'he Düiociaí an '. Wide-Awake. II. Iheir hearfs were uno, un ! ótlo tho sCrrlte - Tu smite di foe, tifo, Am 1 proud rcjbellioa ovpciUro.u;. ïii--.■ r ';il, Tiiey i; ■ ;:■ i ! hí leal of viuiory break : Bat in tl irg i tiicy ftU, ïiii Ifamomat iiu.i tfidfi-Awako. III. Ihpy kis;(d the rerking parth, Btessing the hanner oí lUe U:UuglU I ]'-;:r;l ;i m;.!]4'.,il Vüico Amid tho peals of rictory : Be tbis tfiè watchword ihis ihe stvifo, LTnii'[i of heárts for UnumV sake : buou oi freedom i aliko For Uemocrat and Wide-Avvake. IV. jjhI si:': ;! ,-. sleep beneath the raoan, WHfüiu oiief rii I te ; No monument or lettered stone Mark's the lone lesting of tlie bravo. But side by siiie, on fame's proud arch, Tliese herooa eqiial honors take, And irciMiins 1 ï]-. pl;;il l b!ess alike The Demociat and WidoAwako. L-r" Theold sliould bc imiulgent; ihoy seo no fimlts in otlierè tbat thtv bare uot connuitted themaelves. HTSE" 1' !! a'3'ti tu boar provocation, is an argument f great wsidom md lo forgiveit, of great luiud. ï"3L ftatred is so durable and so obstinate, thiit recoucilkitioii on a siek bed is tbc swaett'st sign oï deuth. L2T Ai) liiiKTuMur, on udiniring a beautiful cemutry, observed tliat lie cotibiJured it a licaltby placo td be buried in. HOF' An entliiisiisiii; vy} says Ih'r.t the first lirnu si u ever locfced anus wnh u yoiing man she feit liko "Hope lean■!(? on m anohor." Wliut a delighltul fueliug ! Cê A yankee lias just eompleted a very important invention It. is detigaed for edito. s, ui.d wlien perfeeted, will cut out itfctus, patch trouaere, grind out poetry, rock iitile respon-ibilitief, etc. &3T A sixty nmo pouud sliell burst near au trisbman in 0110 of tlie trenehes. Patcooly surreyed tbo ruius .the fragmeota had amde iud cxclaimed, ' Be jabers ! thim's the fcllows to sollen the was in amau'o Bar !' C" As dayligbt can be as'cn through Tery small hok's, su little thiügi will illustrnte a ptrson's ehara.eter. Indeed, tibaracte." eoiiBists in Iittle aots, and bonorably pi?rfonm d ; duily liia buing tbe qaarry from whieli we build it up rough ücd stoncs the habita tliat furtii it. ST " I don't niis-" niy eliurcli so much as you iay supposo," s.nid a lady to her minister, Iid oaUed on during Lur Unes; "for I make He!y it it tko window, as soon aa the befls begin to chime, and slie tells me viit ure a guiu to cbuieh, and whcther they bavegot on anything aew." 33-T A certain son of St. Cnspin r.èoeiiflj callcd on a noigliboring bhickHinitb, to gct t lio steel oorka ol lus horse's slioe sharpuned, and buiüg in great baste, hfi askfii, " Oan't you do it without taking the shoes off! " " I don't kuow," Baid Vuicau, " but f you wüi boid bis ftct in uiy furge, I'U try."


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