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Oír Vt,, MiJ fcT A UK NiJW i;l'i-..i ■ ;. II..!' J r..:j.l PUBUSHURS AXÍ) Manufacturero, a .Vv attd Completo stock i( LAW & MEDICAL íiOOKí?. School Iinoks, ■' Miscellancous Rooks, Blank liooks. dan ' STATIONEHY! , Wall Liad (Yin ■ ï and Matlicmatlcal Instrumenta Mu.tic. Juvenile Librarit, EuvelppeB, Inks and Curto. LB239HHSS . .. "".I -:-7ZT" ' GOLD AhíI all otJter kiniis a Pen. i and Penáis Window CiH-iiice, tillados aii'i l'!nrc, POCKET CUTLERY! Aadeverythín purtaiplpg to c ti;nk, und iuoïu to whichthi-y wuulii ii.viíu tlie attention Ol thé ■.-oniitry. ín coiuluctiiijr our bbsÍDQ&a, wjj KfvftU 1 :ilt that can he done,6t thaj no ro&soDtit?Uj m:ui, woman or cliilJ !ul tiu.l .u.y fauli. We poLL9SR focUitiea whích wiU erin.blc us to supply ouratumcrs at tUa Lowest PosptWo Figures. Weprnposetoit'llfor I:,1V I A Y, ata sm.ill ailvnnce W expycti . hul Cash Sales wiil Admit cf Low FIGUEF.S. The"EÍTti!B6oitSTOm!,"ia mannen hy anona 'cnnv,' n they wil) ata . I on Ihe "quartr deck,' ' rtay ;uia niUing lo itU'iul to all witli pleiututa, ííj wil' favor tht'rn will; :i cali. Uememher the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arlnr. Míiy,18P0. 14 ('hicdgo íiook Trffde, The I 'lace to Buy StJtñol JSoo&t WHOI.KSAI.K Uook &. Stationtiy House S. C. GRlGííá & (0. PVBU9H Sanásrs Frogrfssíve Readers, Newly Elcctrotypin!. ■;. !, new anrl original HWktrállona, art Ibemudi buautiful as well as besl bvoka extaDt I. Salidera' a:.U.. : $ ; q 9nU' -i-l:'i Chnrtí . ) f III Sön8ffi'sM'r;lüttVy FpeUUig Bk H ,T 1' ...m ! :V -i-v .-] Lk-r I.'-, lint-i-, ", ' V Bande. s' ,n-. tol i..:h.h Wmo, RJ VI. tíai ' roí mi) 12 VII .üi'i i .' .eni;;:li url J )!;,l.-h 1 r.HUT -.ü VIH Saniltrí' N'cwKimt Kendvr 15 IX Sanders' .'t iv Scnd Keader, it X SaDdero'Xew Tbird Reader,. 4f. XI. deiw' Séw Fourth' tteiuler i :■ XII. Sanders' Xt tifih 7r XIII. Samlers' Háb tftln ! Kcarior, ( XIV. Saniom Vmtag Ladies1 Bcaaer, fL iV. Sandors' tchcoJ Spcakei ) 00 XVI. 8andern] Rloeuffon r.i (!.:, n 3 q 1'hcsn 10-adors nre ditagniheil for tl4r íiricllv ptm frative ckaracUr and practicsladap ati uta ilie 'uudíí They hv been reocivi-d wh iuiin Mdrnled üiy.r and by no ctass miirp favoraWj tban by Practical Teacher whij havo ti-sic.l theirmt-ritfi -.i t.c pcíjí 1 r oro. r.cbinsou's Coiirse of Mathematics. BY HOü.iTIO N. RoËIXEüN, I.L. D, Late Professor of.&}4thep]af!ca. In the I', s. Kax I Rbiusrin'tj rngrtSBÍve 1 r murv Arilbuiefic, II. Riibin.t,n's Proer6s.-e lntllctiul AiiiL. ) 111 Roblnun8 Kinhlmnts "1 r:1tiii AiitU. 5 IV. RobiDsou's Prugrc-sive Practical Artlh. ti V K.uj.i. ■ Kcj to !'r;;clit.i! Arithimtic, 50 VI. 1:!. -ii. :;!]- i'r Higher Arübm tic, 75 Vil. 1'. b K, ■ to Highor Arithmetic, 75 VHÍ. Kt in-i.ii' New I,K ii],-i.! ,v Algebia, 7.1 K. R Ij.M..,iI's Kiv T.i I.! r'jra, 75 X. Kobinton l'nivt-i sity Algebra, 1 i? XI. RobíosonV K.-y v ::;i,,.iMiv Algttíra, 1 ño XII RuDinsonM Uton)otry and Trjgonometrj. 1 5o XIII KobiniK ' " j 50 XIV Rub nton Aaalytical Ueomctry and Conlc "ei-"' 1 51 XV Roulniion's I :í:.;; vA:-.,] :.D.: Intcfral Calculus 1 50 X I Robiniion'B Klonientary Atitrom m'y, 75 XVI, Kobiiion's UuiviKMt} Awiioiay, 1 15 XV!M I:i'!iíi:i.m'v Muí!,. :; . ■ ,,!is(_ . XIX K;Li n-- Key 'o Algebra, Utoniuírv, Sur. Sb . 1 M ! n.i, MATUEMATlCAf, f : bTHcInn riifimctlc anñ Texl Book In tSe Híghei Sfatliematica. Hor ..f research, fac Ihyand nptiieee cl llluatratiiin and practical uaaiulneso, th ilulhor t thls ril ' by ld mail ., 1 ■;■ 1 ril,.. In Is coiiiitr;. . serien haa boñ rcconiniendil by thf besi UAlhi maticiaus in all ectionot tbe ooúnti y. Gray's Series of Botunics. six books. Hitühcdck'a Scliool Anatomj and Pbjsi ol(,igy, SI. Hitrlit-DckV Géóiogy, odg bools. Wejl'8 j r.-i ui ui:u-:i. tu-o books Wirll's Scientific Series, includmg ('bemistrj, Pliiliisopliv, eto 'J'lirce books. Wüsón's Series o f Histories, five bonks Fiiequelle'e Froneh Series, ciplit books. Woodtmry's Germán Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keep5? ing, tliree books. Spencerian System of Penuiansbip, nine books. And Many othir Valunblc Bookfl. Wholesale Dealera and Retail Pur cliasurs J WIU Snd at ;our atpr over FourThoiund different artlolea of Statlonery and Tbree llundrèd TUousand Vol umi's o( boiks. l'i-oin whfch t ranke tlieir .-elcctidn. CDinprisini i,n aagoruni 1 ' not rivalwl by any othei booli house in the L'lií'ed ítate. S. C. GI-IGGS & CO. Are Special Agent.; for Blessrs Harpêr & Bro's Publioations. „ " ]). Appli ton & Oo's " M " Ticknor & Field's " " Gould & Lincoln's " J Ji. Lippincott & Co's " And fumili all thoir ilnoka at Ka-tern piici-s for cash Note Papers Letter Papers and C-ip Pa pers, Bhmk Books, Pass Books, Audall kinds of HTliil-:UY, at the lowest priceg SLaTI'ü by thedozmoi case ƒ 'ft.SfrniiL'fr and tta-irrs VtMftInff ChlehSO wili firu a ü inti-rr-t ngto lingi-r an bouramij intcrmiuabl pilvs Qf Iiteraturoat59 and 41 Luku Hrreot S. C. (itilGGS & Co. Ager.ts Wanted. For c'i-tly ni Subscription Works or iiny nnble wrk upón Kcliginn, Literatura, cienco, o Art, tddressS. C.liKKA.S .m CO. PLEASI.; ltLMEM!'.i;:i Thattliery is no boókatorfl In this country keepinga bot ter nr more Ktajuive UHortmóril thaala atwara ïount 1"C at taaud-llLake Btreet. KEMKMliKR. That I'ubüc r.r Rrlvaté Mbrariei oanbe rapplled wltl Brs clasa Slandard Works by S. U.U. . Co. iijjon botter 1 . (lian ro end i asi ani pay ir . t .Wos'.t rn I.itfnny ■.w rrofessional menTeacherft, BsboUtre iii all departnu-nta of ol the vorld of lettert, are invitad tí. make 9 ,n I -11 Lalfe sticia tiu-ir plue 01 resurtió mumentsuf leisure. S. C. GRIGGS& CO., Wholeaalt and Ktail Bookwllcra and (tationtr i) 41 Lako Streel, Ch , a. c. Gaicua M9m9 k. i. ssk.v. ' FOXÏ, SALE. IxV W. S. SAUNDERS (ffers his ■ liotiKsícad For Sale. ViH be n Aun Arbor the last week in Septemb r, ni Prico Terms Cnn bc ohtaihed hu at. this 9êë" ZZ 90 fl5 1863. 1862. l NEW FALL GOODS ! 40 Xovv opening, a splandid stock of N'cvr Goods for the ns, Fa Irade at S O, H. MÏLLEKT'S ■.18. Aaa Aïbor September 15, 162. ITOtf


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