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An Appeal To Michigan

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We, tbe undersigned former cltizens of tbe Peninsular State, now resident in thia city, moved by pride in tbe heroic beiring of our brotbers in tbe field, by ympathy in tbeir great suffering8 for the coinmon oause, and by a desire to entend systomatio and efficiënt belp to all such as the chances of war may bring whhio our reacb, have united in an organization styled " TriE Miouiqan Soldibr's A.:d Society." As these objeets of our proposed care are also the objeets oí your tenderest love, we feel sure we have only to state tbe oase iq platu terms to secure j'Qur prompt response. There are in tuis city and vicinity some fiftee'n Hospitals, which contain an average of about tbree hundred Michigan soldiers. Thoy are far from home md among strangers, and as they are gathered hero fronj many diverse points, and are distaut from the cliannels of relief through which you are in the habit of distributing your charities, they are exposed to be overlooked and forgottcn - The Government, perhaps, does all it can to supply indispensable necessaries. But as its vast system of hospital arrangemeuts must work under general rules, there can be little adaptation to individual wanta. There is also an Agent of our State here, who is empowered to supply thoso pressing wants wbicb the Government fails to do. lSut beyond this, aa mothers, wïvps, and sisters know, there are a hundred smnll comforts and luxuries which the sick man craves and needs. We propose, with. your aid, to carry these to tbe cot of every Buffenng Michigan soldier hero, and to bestow with them such kindly helpa and atteutions as at least mny sucrgest to hira the idea of home anti friends. At a recent meeting we adopted the following resolution : " Resolved, That as we come daily in pontnet in our Hospitals with the noble men from our own Ótato, sick and j ded in battle, we appeal to our friends j throughout Michigan in their behalf, to forward to our President, DaricsClahke, Esq., our Military State Agent, 173 Broadwuy, &uch comforts as tbe sick require." Ye naad all artioles proper for sick and wounded men, especially these : - Under clothing, stockiogs, towcls, preserved and dried fruits, pickles of all aorts, butter, eggs, and so soon as the weather will permit, chickens. and turleys, &c, &c. We trust that the names signed below will be to you a sufficient assurance that the articles will be properly applied, and that in making up your iieighbqrbopd donations you will remember tho claims qf Qur Society. DARIUS qi,4.PrKE, Pret. Geo. E. Jarvi8, Secretary. H. M. B,qies, Jj. Jldgerfop, J. II. Bates, Charles Howard, G. L. Trask, J. W. Gray, D. W. O. Langley, Frcd. Sibley. Geo. W. Thomas, Mrs. E. Chester, E Langley, Mrs. Q. T. Gilbert, J. L. Langley, Mra. W. S. Iiowland, V. C. Stevens, Mss K. If. Jones, John F. Porter, Mrs. S. Ö. Diamond, W. A. Cooke, Mrs I. Coe, A. Thompson, Mrs. E. S. Campbell H. J. Lawrence, Mrs. G. E Jarvis, C H. Gilbert, Mrs. J. F. Harrisoq, L. B. Langley, Mrs. G. O. Gibbs, W. W. Clarke, Mrs. Mont. Gibbs, Mont. Gibbs, Mrs. A. S. Kellogg, Geo. C. Gibbs, T. Montrosp, J. T Montross, Mrs. J. F. por ter, W. W. Davis, Mrs. W. W. Clarke, James Pattee, Mrs. W. S. Dnggs, M. C. Duncklee, Mrs. W. W. Davies, Israel Coe, Mrs. R. S. Willis, A. 8. Kellogg, Mrs. G. W. Markham A. Gilkison. New York, Nqv. 22d, J8Q2.


Old News
Michigan Argus