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The Mississippi Squadron

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'Viro, Doc. ÍJ, ÍSG'J. The nnvy will a copspiruoiis parí in this catnpaign. At the foraier siege of Vickaburg, k wül be reracmbeiod, tff powerl'ul flec-ts unitd n kassailing tho place. Farrngut's -fleet ís now engaged elsewhere, luid were it disengaged, it would tiud it no ensy matter to get ipJtQ Vicksburg, both on account of the rebel baüeries that would its passage, and the sliallow slsga of the water.- There will, therefore, be but the qd? fleet - that of Admira! Portor- rta un dertako the reduction of these batteriod, That one fleet is now in figh,ting trim throughout. Those old favorite gunboats, that bave doue so much valiant work ani won so much gloiy at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Island No. 10, Fort Pillow, MemphiSj and other placea, - the Banton, Baron de Kalb (St. Louis), Cairo, Carondtlet, Cineinnati, Louisville, Mound City, and Pittsburg, - will ba all on hand, iraprovcd in some respecta to an extent that will astonish the good peoplo sf Vicksburg wlien they hear their thundeis aud feel once more the weight of their metiil. Then those old pioneers of the Western Flotilja - the Tyler, Conegtoga, qnd Lexingïon - will ha,V8 soijia longtaw" fiugeriug in the pie. KIVALS FOK POPULAR APPLACSE. In addition to these, there will bp some new ironsides t'nat nave never vet ti'ied tlieir strength in an engagement of any kind. There is the Chillicothe, lndianola and several others of the ney patttrn of gunboats, wbieh will be oq hand to compete with the nld vessels itj the glory nf opening the JMississippj.-. As these will be total strangers to the enemy, it would bu inanifustly unwiso and iinproper to alinde to the number of them or the guna they will earry.- Let it suffice to say, they will teil their own story in proper time. Some of them are experimenta in naval architeoture, and their qualities are to l9 tested. SQME SMALL FP.Y. Then, too, there will be a perfect swarm of anolhor class of sunbouti, not ejfpected to bü very efficiënt in a close t;nLr!igement with heavy batteries, but which wiHMiave an important part to perform, exaotly adapted to their abilities, which will, in its way, be quite as effective as tha work of the heaviur class of boats. THE "MOKTAHS. . To all tbia must be added themortat fleet, - no mean appendage of the Missi-sippi i squadron- whoso rnonstrons thirteen-inch mortars have alrendy done a very considerable deal of plowing in tho sacred spil, THE HAM Ff,ELj. And, further, thyre 19 nos1 a distinct hrunch ot this squadron that will aid in the great work without distraction, as on formar occasions, when it was a separate and independent command,. .f alinde to the rap,) fleet. These rihis have done rnuch good service in the past. Now that they aro placed in their proper sphere,they vvill aecomplish vastly more, ha'ving a competent he d,, qnnlified tp direct the:i in the moveinénts for vchièb they vere intended.- The rams will pmbably find no vessela of the enerny to fight against ; but, as, they n]l carry guns, they will materialjy ipcrease the aggfegute of the metal of the squadron, and, being fully proteoted against rifle bullí, and, to some extent, against heavy ordnancs, they wi[ come into pliy in a number of ways. A PRACT1CE SII1P. In order to promote ti(e eíSciency of the squadron, iha Adrairal hu.s purr chassd the larga steamer New Unclo BarS, which is r.ow tapidly undergoing aUerations and repairs, preparatory (op use as a practico ship. The Admiral will have his own quarters on the New Unc!p Sarn, and will givo his person[ attention tí) the training of thefee oííicers and men. In this duty he will be assisted by a competent corps of thor.Tjghlv educated naval offiuers, The vesol is being fitted to apcofj, modate fiom four tn gva hundre4 ofSoera and inen. Eyery attentioi) is paid in fitting hor up, to provid'ng for the comiort of thp men, and at tha same time to the preservation of the strict discipline of the navy. A einglo particular in her construction I must single out for mention, whiph ia an admirable and wcll-ventilated hospital, suited to the comfortable accomodatioi of from filty to seventy-five patients. - Doublé that nurfiber can bo accomodatcd if necessary. The vessel will carry a large battery of heavy guna, so that the training of the men shall be exten ded to all the duties they mny be called, upon to perform in any service. Tha Admiral will have his quarters on this yessel, but, on goiog into action, will doubtless shift his flag temporarily t( sjmo of the iron-c!acU. A NAVAL BRIGADE. When Admiral Porter wag first ast eigned to tfaiü station, he suggested tq the Pre?ident the expeditney of organr izing a Naval Brigada to opérate at all times diroctly with the squadron, tp soine extent petforming the duties of a Marine Corps. The snggestion met the opproval of tha President, and, Col. Jiliet being a military man an4 better acquainted with the organization of a military force. the duty of enlisting this biigade was assigned to him. Th br'gade is to consist of a regiriicnt of Injuntry, a squadron of oavalry, and a field battery. When organized it will remain under tha mmediate command of Col E let, though subject to the genera! order of the AumiraJ. Á transport is being fitted up at St. Louis erpreasly for its accoiurjiodation. Qq this it will have jts permanent quarterg, and will be transportad f'rom place tq place. It will be really the most agreeable and pleasant army of the service in which young men piin enlist. They will never ba subjected to long marches; will alwaya have warm, dry and corifortable quarrers, with good rations and medical attendance; and, when called upon to fight, will always be sure of the protecticu of the poworful batteries of the gunboats. Recrniting offices, I understand, are now open io the principal western cities lor tbia brigade. Donelson. Z3T E ver marriage certifioate reqnires a ten cent stamp. Suoh is thg decisión of the Commissioner of Escise, The nest thing will be to tax all the babies that are born. S It is beeorning quite oommoa now in New York to append to mar. riage notices in the papers, "JJo cardj sent," thus obviating the misnndorstanding and ofience which would neoessarily arise among frionds and aoquaintances frona a vyant qf knoludge of the fact, and escaping the ivsponnibility of the omissjons an4 discriminations alvays irftklent to the custotn. ui v I' %-gP A rnaa of the ivorld may hav enough of the world to sink him, But be 08D nverhave enough tA ïatiefyhiiB.


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