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(Srreat Books in Press. ÏHRILLINÖ IIÍÍCIDENTS 01' THE QREAT BEBELUÖN; OR The Heroism of our Soldiers & Sailors, 1 vol, largc IS mo Prkc, $1.25. ThecylticBftnd the public aro right ín prpdictingthat thU will Harpa. !u graphic mu-rative, exciting interest, a-dt'Xl-insive populaniy, ail other histories of tïie War for the Union It.s tliemu will be the lieroic darlng, patiënt suITerings, Rnl bair-breaflilie-cnpGsof our scl'hcrs andHailurs, aa'l its incident? wil] ferm tha theme of conyersalion at innuiTienible firesides for ycars to cnipe. lt will coiituin. inatldilion toita tirrin detuils, the pliiloS sophical Analysis of the Causes of the War, by Joaai Loiiiïtüi1 jviotlky, LL. D , AutlK.r of "Tlie Rise of the Dutch Republic,'1 etc, the dn%e& uf all tlio important eventg frorn the Juhn Brown rnifi, aml an accurate ..nd Revista accuupt ví the priutipal fcuttlcM, witb. engraOrje tliiid the proceeda of ftllSuqscriptifina sent direct to U8 will be given for the Relief of Dtsablftd Süldicra, and all persons who wish a copy of the work, anï also to benefit the stldie s.should send thcir name a,nd ddrea at once. Also, any offioor or priyaf1, or persun in anv secLion of the country, baving knowledge of a herofc act ar stining incidftftt, will oUlige a b,y scudinj? us an accountof it. ■ BookacHers, Postmasters, and Canvagsing Agrts will be ftaralshed wltba Bubacrlpttona Prospectas, on ■ tion to the Publishers. r A liberal commissicn giren to soldiers d,eaïjipg to actajs agenta tx takingsubacription, II. THE HISTORY OP AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, froro 1608 tol8Q0. By Tr. J . I.kander Bishop, 2 vols, 8 yo. Vol I. now redy, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probnbly the largesfcand most importapt work no-.v in the A(nericnn Wehavealso just pu'olishea new ecliüons ol tb.3 [ollowipg usefulanii popular bqoks; The Business Mau's Legal Adviser ; Or, Hmv fo Save Mnncy. hf Con-lucting Busmess aconrdingto law as expouTHled by the Best and Lato.üt Authorities. 400 pp , shecp. I'rice ïl. OPPORTUNITIES for INDUSTRY ; or, A Thousand Chancet to Mtike Money. Cloth,$l Th3 has boen republisheu in England, Every lusincssroanand cleik should have these books, They will pay 1he buyi-T a hundred fold. Bier parept Bhould {iet them íop tíieir sona. All these books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of pricp. We pay particular attenlion to mailing books, wrpping tliLiri cau-fuilv, ano will procure anJ penn, poilpHid,any book anywhere, on receipt f publiBhcrs urice. Aüdreas FREEJJLEY $ CO., 8SHf Tribune Duilüings, Kew York. THE HOUSEKEEPKR'S NEW rURNITURE POLISII Prenared from an ioiproved recipe by the proprietor of ths "Brothkr Jonathan 1'olish,'' is cerlified by all the leading Nev York Furniture Déniers and Piano Forte Makers to be the best n tlie world for RonioTing Scratchrs, Marks, and irt. and restoring a high and lastin gloss to al kinds of VarnUhed work, from Furmtura to Leather. It la cheaper and better than Vapnish, dries inunediately. and is easily applicd. a piece of Cantón Klannel and and a bottle or two of this New FuiïSlTrRE Polish. a Houfekeepfr can work magie in tne furniture of a house airdkcep it looking like pew. Now is Mi.' time to "ahinaup" youv Jabíes, Chairs, Pfsks, Piano?, Fictuie Frames, Carriages, etc., an 1 make tlit'm look 50 per cent. better. This is true ecnomy, For sale by lurniture Dealers n4 Slorekeeper gcnetallj.- Price 25 and 50 cents a botlli" . Pepot No. 1 Suiuce Bt , New Yoili. Special Agenta Wantod. Address, Box 1972, New York P. O. The Ilou-eknppei's New Furniture Polish is for sale at Ann Arbor by NEW FALL GOOPS! BACH % PIERSOIM Have just opeoed a Clioico Stock of WOOL, C0TT0N& SILK for Lidies' and Genllemens Wear also a stock of Best Family Groceries, I wbich wil] ba scld CITEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prom. Silver, " " U Canada, " " 14 " " " Old demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH & PI3R3OÏT. Ann Arbor, Sept.22, U62. Rifle F actor y! Beutier &. Traver, [uecessors to A. J SutherlanJ,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Fasks, Pouthet Game Bags, and Everjother artide in ibatLino. Allkindüof done at the shortest qQticf, umi mthobet nianner. a f ii 11 assortment alwívys kopt on hand ancl nia'le order. tjf=%_ Shop on Huron atreet. Aun Arbor,Uct. 8, I?6Ï873tf JN'ow is the Time. I say, siow ia the time to settle Accounts, TAM determined for the nest six weeks to bring'thr unsettled accounts on my books to a ojo, Au iqy leijt must bc paid, and all business men are ra&tfDj short crodits, and short settlemtnts, lam competled to folio v suit. It ytiu can't pay the money down, yoi must pas your note wilh interest on shoit tinie, as I i;ive todo." Nn man is so poor tliat hc can't settle any tin:e. lïurinif tlie seaon, I m:ide tno time for p yrqents :)liimt the fn-st of October, tliat time has gnne by, and but few have responded. Now, in conclusión I say to all deliuiuentsat, theexplritinn of thoabo-, o poeifled time, you must expecta visit from a proper oilicerto tender the laat calt. M. ROGEHS. Ann Arbor, October 13, 1S02, 2m874. Auctioncers Notice. BYRON' GREEN, havinfc applied for a license, now holde himsflf in readiness to attepd to all calK - Ha%Mrjghadej,peii?nce, heis posttive he cin give good satlífíCtíon. All cal.R promptly' attendod to. Chaiges Apply at the Fratjkiin ÏIouRe. DYRON fiREEN. Ann Arbor, Oot, 24, TSfi;. $75tf Money to Lcnd. rrAN FURNI5II MONEY rt, rpaaonaWc terms mi lrpj time on irood Farm geenrft? ' i: MfBOAJ?. Aun Arlmr, .'uly Í9, ISi. g-iti


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