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V-I - o CO 8 . . fl S LH -S P i í8Jií i Ken . el [ W o M o g2 Dj u 5 I g' 8 1 L i s I H - ö m i _ , THE REBELÏ.ION t ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHIXG. I1AS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & KELIABLE C LOTH I n Q EMPOBIUM ! No. 3 PIKENIX BLOCS, MAIN St. TIiobo in want of a superior article of Cloths, Cassimerea. or Keady-Made Olothjng, -wil! cal! oWM. WAGNER, who has just returned frora the East, with a large assortmcpt of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS w!ch hvQbeen puj"clia?ed at tjie late LOY PRIOES! and can offer thera at a lover figure thaa ever before. Among my Assortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, ÜASSIMERE8, DQESKTNS, VESTINQS of alHoscripl'ons, tn;ethpr with sijperlor assortment uf Ready-SIudp Clothlng, fiBESi}]) UMBRELLAS, and EHBíjentlefflen's FuniUhiug GrOOIDB, with numeious othor articles usually found in similar ] establUhnients. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHIOH, ■ the subsrriber ñattershteself, h! long ejperience and general success, will snabla hira to ïivc the greatest satisfaction to all trust him in the waï ol , Manufacti+ring Garments to order. WM.WAGNER. Apn Arbor , A pi il 9th 1S02. iit Eïews from "Dixieï" The Rebeliion about Crushed ! A. ti C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CL0THINQ HOUSE Ketaru their sincere thanks to their numeroui FRIENDS AND PATROiS, for the liberal manner in wbich they have heroiotofure patroiiized thexn, and beg leave to anuounce thai tltey aio AGAIN ON HAND With a Large and well selected Stock of SPRING &, SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS, fíats, Caps & Trunks, whicb they ivill soll at Astonisliing Low Prices ! - For fuvther particular Oall aud SOo for fasrmhrS anij you wili uot goawoy diaaatisiicd. A. & C. LOEB, Hurón SlrWt, a frw Hoors west of Cuok's Hotel, Aun Arbor. Mny, 1862. 3m83 150 BUSHELS OK TIMOTHY SEED IPor ale toy BA.CH&PIERSON. Anti ArborOotobnr 1,1362. FARM FOR SA3LÏ3. Tlie undersigno1:! willsell, or ten j'ears timo if r] om red 80 Acres of Land In Webster, A'ljoining thofche farm ot L. Boyden, The farm is well )encc1, io a finn state of cult vtition, has a írampd housen, y oug and tlirifty orchnrd, and is convenient tomarket Term given on application. D HEXNLS'G. Ann Arbor, Scpt. I8tb, 1862. 8V0m3 XJ s 3E3 S Jtt .A-T O j&EMPIRE WATER FOR Intl5C;;tinD or riyspepsia, ConftipDtioo, Nerrou lebility, Los of ApjM-tite, Comroon Colils, 'listases of tlie Liingh. Heariacbe, aod Ftverish Ktato oí the pystem. SoM hy MATMAPP. STEBBIN3 i WITÍOJJ ,ri CBEBBAClt k "?., Ar.nArtor, l.lS:?.


Old News
Michigan Argus