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DO YOU WANT wniSKERSt DO y OU WA TA MOVSTACUB t If SO] purcUase ono toitle of E. Z. Cliamj.ion' ESCELSIOP INVIGORATOR The world reowned toilet,- the oclr artlcls of the Ua4 everoflered tui ptoule of the Umted Stitea. Ti btT articlc u the nal? oíd uaerl by to Freach ; tó I.otUoa and Paris it is ia universal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIGQLATOR I I Is a Beautiful, Kuonomical, t'oothins, jet Stim uiting Compound, actins; as if by mngïr upon the ?ojtstcanft inga beautilui growihot Luxurlant BeifJ, If npHd to the ScaH, it will cure Baldnkss, and if appHtd aocordicgtj will caue to spring up taM spots a fino gruwth of soft fresh hair ' The Celebrated EXCELSIOR IJS VIGOR TOB Ia an indispensable Articlc in evtry Gentleman' Toíle, ■ and after onc wcok's uae they wouM-not, ior any cmii4Kration, bc wtthnut it. Tbe ft.bove aticle will, in frwm Four to fcight Vekf , briug out a thick set of WnisKEms or Mocstacjte, The lubvcriberB are the only Agents for the abov tt ticle in tho Cuited iat&tet . They vould also announce to tfc,a publio thut lb are agcütsfur Napoleones Hair Toilet! I The only Bit'icle over offered to theFiench people tiiR would ci'ml straight üaih I the atove Toilet beirig mtaufactured for the aole bcneüt o Louis N.ipol whifh I article is ny? indispea.iable in his Toilet rorm. The subscribers leeiing conflientthat thiü Toilet tnuÉt necesKiirily tke ihe place of all othera c-vi-r offtxed t the public, they tike pleasure in expressing their conL dence m the article, gaining itfrom practical use. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET WiHCciiL thaigutHaibíii Soft, Silken , Flowing Curk, ihat vfiU rr-rnnin ih sliipe for ene day or nne week Ifde' frired, or %py longtir petiod, if the türections are atrictly folio wá,whioh arevery simple and easy . T'uis H;iir ToiUt does not in any iaanDerinterfere 1U the Natural Sofíntss of the Huir. It neither scorebo nor dyea it ; butgivcs ihe hair a Eoft, tiirifty appcar anee, ft also provecta the hair frem fiilDg oQ tuA tuvninggray. TliE NAPOLEON HATR TOILET Has been bnforethe pubVc butft sh. rttime, and hus alrflafly been testcd by over onc thousand persons 1 a&d thcy tetify Ihat tbe Napoleon Hair Toilet is tiie gvea-t Mt Be;iu;ifier everoffered to the American peoplft. To preveuttliio Toilet Irom being counttrfeitcd or lmitated by unprir.ciled persons, we do not ufferït forsaU at sny liruggits in the Unitc &-tatt-. Ihereforo any Lady or Gentleman vhq Öesires Soit, T.uxuriant Hiir and ("uila, and Long, Soft WhUkers or Moustache, can procure the Invisioralor or Toilet, eitber one,for ene dollnr enclosed ia a letter, wUU, thur ddress. Addresa, G.F. SPEXV&CO., Box ltí3,CollínsTiUí, Hartford Co. , Cona _ And !t will be carefully sent by return mail. BR. JIQOFLAND'S BALSAMIG CORDIAL For tho speody cure of 'oughs, Colds, Influenza, Cronp, Hoarsenettt Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Distases of the Boioels, arixiny from Cold, Jlncipient Con9umptwntaiidfor the relief and (if at all posxible) cure of Haiients in gdvanccd stages of tks latter disease. IUÏEBalsamic Cordial is ectirely a Vegetable prodo. . tion, combming the heallng piopertie oí the Bal?m, with theinvigorating qunüties of a Cordial, proucing a combmaton üo weli ad;ij;Ud to the purposes ntèaded, that íhore aiebuttcw casca of disfaae which rill noÈ, at nn earlj penod, succuuib tp %$ healingaad le giving prpiji i Forage3,bas the tren'.mept of pulrrfnary dïseftiei ccupied the grt-uter portion of the ttettpp of tb cientiHc of the medical world, but none acquired mor minence in hia troatment hof these diseases, than th oltïbrated Prussiau. J'r. Hoofliind, the orignatm ot tbs iülsamic Cordial. Hislilewas devoted to the producion of remedies tb at wonld stand unrivalled. How re!l l.e has succeeded, the American pcopleare able to udgo: anJ we posiiively assert, that no preparationa hut h;ive tver been placod bííore them, have conferred bosüiTi'1 nmount (jf beneüts on suffeiing huroaDttv, or ïave élicited so many cornmendations irom all classes if society, as iieremedbs of Dr, Huofland, preparei by )r. C. tt-JactSon Co., of fliiladt-lphia. The Cordial i. doülgned fbr a class of diseasea more peseta) nnd gaore fata', tba aiy otl}er to wtüch t J)P peopiè of tïiis country are subject- Uw se spiingíng 'rori a lislight cold." That emiuent authority. Dr. Öell,saya: "J wül notsay that Colas are to our inbabtaots what the Plaque snd Ycllow Fevsr ere to thoae Di other ctmntries; but Ican aver co'nfidently that tbey usher in dineape of greater compUcity and morUlity tban thtbe latter." Eniirely Vegetable. No Alcoholw Prepaxdtion. DR. H)OFLAND'S CEI-EBRATED GERMÁN BITTERS rreparea oy PR. C. M. JACL8O7 Íl CO., EWUflrtpW, Va.. Wül effectually cure LIVEií COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSÏA, JAt'HDICEjChfonic or NeLVons Debility, Diseasesof th Kidneys, aijtf all diseasoa arising from a disordred Liver or Stoma ch. Sucb as Con-stipation,Inward Piles. Fulncas or Blood to the Heac, Ac;dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hgftfthurn, Disgust for Food, Fulacss or weigtt in the Stomach, Scur üructation , Zinking or Fiattering at Ihe Pit of the Stomacb, Swimmiog of the Had. Hurried and Difficult BrnathiDg Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or sutfbcatmg senhations when in a lying posture, Dimnets oí Vision. Dots of webs beforethe sigïit, Ft ver aud Dtuï Pain in the Upad, Deftciency of Perspirntion, YelIownes3 of the Skin and Kyes; Pain in the tíile, Back, Chest. Líinbs, &c. Suddes Flashes of Heat, Burning ia tlie F'lc-ih. C'"nst;uit ïmaginings of evil, tirA great Ocpréts'iocs of Spirits, aofl wjll positively prevent YLL LOW FiiVKR, BILLIOÖ3 FKVkR,&c. The Proprieior ín calling the at'.ention of the public to ttlfl preparatiqn, oe$ 50 vvith a cf the utraoat confidenoe in 1X5 v;vue? in1 adaDtation o the diseases lor which it is recormenclefl Itisnonew and untried article, tut one ihat hai stood the testof a twelve years' trial before tbo Amor ioan poople,and ts reputation iind saté are unrivalied by any airailar prepüratioas extant. Tbo testimony in its fitvorgiven by the most prominent and well-known Pavüicians and individuáis in all partsof the country is miníense, i'.jid a car ful pertigal of the Almanac, published annuálly by the Proprietors, nud to be had gratis of ïtiy of tht'ir Agent, cnnot out satisfy the moat pkeptioal thetth.:8 remedy is deserving the great celebrity it hasobtaiued Read the Kvldenre ƒ rom J. Newton Brmcn V. D. , Editor of the Encyclopcdt of ReligiouB Knowl&lge. Althongh notdisposed to favcr or recommend Patent Medicines ín general, through distrust of their injrredipts ai;d efli"Ctfl,I yet know oí no sufficientreason v-hy a rcau rnaynot tG.itiiyto the benefit lie believes hiraself to have received trom any simple preparaticn. in th hope íhat h may thuE contriste to the teuefit of otherg. Ido tuis the more readily in regard i "IlGflftna's Germán Bitters," prepared by Dr C. M. Jackson, ol 1 city, bccause I waf prejudiced against them for yeara, nnder the impression that they werc chiefly an alcoholie mixture. 1 ara indebted to myfriend Robert Shoemaker,I-Kq..for theremoval of thia prpjudice by proper tests, and for cucoiH"agcip?nt tp try them, when sulfering from great and long continuad debiljty. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the bdjjinning of the present ye;tr, was followea by evident rclipf, apd restoration tua díjíreei.f bodily and mental vigor which I had not feit forsixmonths bofove, and hadahnot despnired of resivining. I thereforethapk (3od and ifiy frieml for dirtGtingmeto the ue of them. J. XEWÏOX BKOWíf. Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturar, JOHN H WHITAIX, says of the BALSAMÏC CORDIAL. Da. C.M. Jxchsov - Reapected Friend: Having for % long time been acqtunted with the virtuos of thy Ï3alsamic Cordial in Cou_lis. Colds, InQammatiou of the Lungs, &c. I thus freely bear testsmony to its eilicacj. ForRCveralyears I have nerer been without it in my famüv ItalsogWes me pteaaure to state that I havo usetï it withentire succet-s in tho treatraept of liowel Comptaiuts. l'hy friead trulv, JOHNT M. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. 17, 1S5S, Race 'Street, above 4th, Phila. These medicines are for sale by aU respcctable Drurgists and dealers in med-cines in the United States, British Provinecs. and 75 cents por bottlc - Bf sureaudget thegen..ine, with thesignatureoi M. Jackson on the vrpper of each bottle; ií othern an cownerfdt Pi-neipal Office aud Mauafactory, 418 Arch Street, I'hiiadelphia, Pa, 820y1 600n00MAíoEsrEÍfALEAgeuU LLOYD'S IJtW STEEL PLaTE COUHTY COLOBED MAP OF TUK UNITEI) STATES, CAÑADAS: AN'D NEW BBUM8W1CE. Frnm recent survpys, completed Au?. 10, 1S62 cMt $20,00) to ongrare it ad una jert tmii Superior tnanv $'Qniap ever roadebv Col ton or Mito-'11, andsellsatt'helow pnce of fifty cents ; E70.0C0 naines are eograved on this map. Itls notonly a County Map, but it a sImo a COt'NTY ANI1 RAÍLROAD MAP of the Uuited Stat -s and Cañadas combined In ons, givioir F.Y1KY RAILHOAD STiTION and distanees betwei'n. Gnurantee any woman or man 5J3 to $J per dsy, an4 will taUe back all mapa tïat capQot be sold aad refuud tlie money. Send for $1 worth to uy. l'rinte'l lnstru'jtions h(Jv to canvass Trcll , furnishrci all our agcatfl. Wantod Wholesale Agenta for cur M"pin prrjr Hlulii'lifurnu,, Eng'.and. Frnnq lol (.'uba. A Tortntie ni y be uiade ith a t'ew huudred dollar capital. No ('ompc'll i"ti. J. T. L1.0 VD, No. 161 Biodw.iy, New York . The War Department uses our 5Iap of Virginia, Murjr. land, and PennsylTDia, ob.t $100.0(10, 'on wbich marked AntietamC:eek.íl:arpsburt, WilliamsportKerrr, Khorersville, Ne lami'a Tori, and all othfrs onlhelVto:n:ic, BBd evriy ;!aee in Maiyland, Virg-aia, &p l'tn(i' sylvania, or tauuey refundid, LLOÏDS TOPOORArjtlCAL MAP OF KENTUCKY. OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, thconly authority for Gen.nell cd the War Dpaitmeot Mooej rcfunded to auy one tintling an tor ia it. Frica 50 lts. Fiom thoTritltiift Aag. 9. flXOYD'S MAP OF VIK'.IMA.'MAIU'tANn AKP PFK.VVi.VAXIA This Map is vcry la.Re ; itf coüi i but Lö certs. Bnd i( is tlt best tctr (rcM b' ]rchn(d " THE MIF.-Ii-PIITI - CrOM Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wm. Enw(n. :.: .:viupi iiivf - l'iipts of St. tanta Vo., showp ceiy man's plantaiion and owner's ritrm front Hl. louif t tne Galf of Inxleo - 1 S50miles - every eand bar,, towft, landiny, and a!l places 26 müe back flfim tb1 river, colorid incounlies.ind?tates Price.Sl }nslnor. 2, porte-t (ono, anti S2,L0 on linnen, with rollers. Keady Sept. !0, Sm DïF.i!ir5iixT,'WJi.sEi.vnio-cept. 1Y, UfP,1 F. Lloro- Slr i Sf nd ms -Pur Map' of tt 5iiissippi River ith price per huEdr.cI copié. Ftc.r Admiral Charles IJ. lavi, soo)lnadtrj: tb MiMlnlpfl svuadron i autlïonzed to purchase ás mpy ae arertjnircl fortkeom af ilyt jjn4rc. 8T:wS ÜIDIJX 'J-'LLVvi, Secletary of the Xavr. ■fr?.' '-'Jr -'-.:ï:.-i .-. ?:i-iof tï--.t -;.;- ! 'he rwyb.-.i'i'l fj'" ■.iCr-.'-. Pv?i-. ■ ' ' " Vuii " ■ ■■ .: '-i '■ ori :'. '■'. P 1:


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