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GREAï.C-REATEÏt GREATEST BAEGA1KS EVER OFFJCREÜ 1859. WnlH59In tliïsCityt are uow being offer cd at the CIIEACLOCK.WATCH, & F o "7í7 elry LL t oxorpiïK Subflcrlbcr wouldsny to thnoitiansof Ann Ar 1 bor, f ii particulnr, oitri the rest ot WnihtAiiaw Couotv in genWAl, iliat hohnsjust ÏMPOHTED f)IRECTLY from KUROPE.B Tremendous Stock of Watclics ! Ah ofwhlch bfl biiniflhimii'ino p : OH B A.P EB than eau bc boupht wttst of New York City. Open Faoe Cyllndor Wntehes froia 66 to $]0 dn do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Case Ho do do 11 to 35 do do Cyllnder do do i to 28 Gold Watehes from . 20 (O 150 I have also tne CELE Bil ATE I) AMERÏCAN WAT CUES, wblcfi I wlll on Itr $35. Fvery Waich warrantud to pcrlbrm wcll, or the money refunded. Clccks, Jowclry, Piated Wart, Foncy Gooda, Gold Pfins, Miuicii] Instruments aud Suinge, OutJery, &c, nnd i fartavariety of everythini! uaually kept by Jew elerscan be boughtforthc next ninety days ut ■ i;r OWN I' RICES! PereouB buying aiiything at this wr] known eta' lUbme titean rely upon getting goodfl oxaotly as re resentd, orthemoney refunded. CallpHrly nd 81 euro tlio best bargaina evrr ofVtïrtïd in thii City. One word in regard to Repairing : We arfi prppared tomakesny ropnirfl onfine or common Wnti:lica,evcn tonukintroer the entfre watch, f nocespnry. Rèpalrlng of Clocks and Jewelry as usual. Aleo the nianutacturine of KINGS, RROOCHS, or dos red, (rum California Gold onahortnotice. Enpravii'C in alliU branehesejteented withneatneds anddispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jnn. 2Pthl859. 7f-lw Imporcant National Works, Published by D. AITLKTON .V fd., 346 AND 343 BROADWáT NEW YORK The folio wing works are sc-nt to Subscribers in any part t thu coutiiry, (upon receipt of retiiil piici1,) by mail ir expresa, propala: THE KKW ADIR UI AN CYCLOPEDÏA; A 'opular Dtctionary of Qener&l Ki dited b !bo. K)['i.i:v ;hh1 Charles a., eidi ■! by a aumerouF lelect corps of irriters in all branclies it' 8cKnces Ari n I.iU-riiture. Thia work 8 beiog publisbedln aboul 15 largc octave volumefl,each coofaining 760 1 wo-column agcs VnN. I,, II. ( III., IV, V.f VI., 'Vil., VIII., k IX. in1 Huw readj, eaoli opotÁtnUlg oear 2.&00origiaal :irti cles. An additional volume wül be publislied once in ibout three monlhs, Prici', in Chith, .$;;; Shet'ir, So.50; Half Ilussia, $4.50 each. The Nw Ameriian Cyeloptedla la popular without be;iü soperfletol, learned tritboui beiuL pedairtie, compre i-nsivt bul Buffloiently detbUed, treettom pfr.sonal plqae n,l itu-Iv prejudiee, treab fcndyat accurate. It isa complete statement of all tliat is kiunvn upon evorj lm Hrtant topte withio the boom of human tntelligeuce. - Zvmy important articte In ft bas beeu specially vntteci Or its p&ffd8 by lii-'ii v,:n ;i n1 :iu!l:nri'i'S CtpOD tbfi topic ui v.liich t'iicy speak Tlu-y are requirei) to bruii; tinuD.ioei up to the present moment; to statajüst how t tands no. All tlie statistlcal information fu firova the atesi reporto j the geograpbical accounts koop pttoe witli lie latent oxplorations; historica] mattere Enolude. tinVeshest just viows; the biograplrtoal QQtlcea sds -.ik aoi onlv of thedead but iláooí' il. e livii.g. Il 'm a hbrary uf tötlf AülïiDGEMEST OF THE DECATES OF COIVGRESS Bcing a Política] Ilistory of the United States, from the organizatioa of the Bwi PeAwai Con; V-i" to 1866. i'''!irc!:inl compiled by Hun. Tno Ia in BfiWTON,froin the OtJi. I Roo eñs $ Congrei. TJu'wrií w:.!l he combtetèd 'm Lñ roya! octavo volumes ■' 70O pages each, 11 01 whfch are qow rea litlona) volume wilï be publltfhd once in Uutt mom hs Cloth,' $:!; Law Sheep, Iliilf Mor., $4; Halt 'iilf. $4.50 ea l i.WAYOFPKOCUItTNGTflECYCLOPiilCDIAORDEBATK? !'■ : ;.. :i (lub :t lonr, anl remit the pvice pf f uur books, ind tivi' copiofl will be sent at tberemittcr's expense for or for teo èubscriborn eieren copien will b ent at our exjjeuse for carriage. To Ag4itt. No otlier work wül sto Ubenity rawardtbe exertroae of v&eu'-s' As Ackm v;.it:.u iv tuis ('oi'.vty ïernis sadffcnovo on appUcatioo to the PnbJUbbdrs. Ann Avbor, Muren. 1SÖ9. l902a.iit BS Bev. Tuos. Wriuïit, agent at Kinne & Smithfl 3ouk BtorO) Ypsilutti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE Briiish Reviews. 6RBAT1SDCCEMEXT-SCBSCBIBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOwS. L.SCOTT 4 CO., NEW YORK, continue to publlsh the fulluwinjr leaUing Perodioal, tíz: 1 THE LÜXDON QUAKTEiïLY (Cünsjrvativo), 2 THE EDINBUnCfl REVIEW (Whig) :i THENOUTII BRITISH RKVIEW (Free Churcb). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 m.ACKVTOOD'S EDBTBU&BH MAfiAZIXE (Ton). ïbe pyeaent rtic;tl stito of SuropeaQ affaire will endet these poblicationfl unusually int crost ing da ring he forthcoming yeap. Tho.v UI occupy a mfddlfl froun'ï betweep the hastily written Bevs-wmS] crude tpeculations, and lïyinc; rumors of the daily Journal, and the pcmlerous Tome of tlie future historian, wtitteo afttT the living interest and excitement of the great )olitic:tl events of the time shall h:ivc (hissí-iI :iwav. It s in these Periodieahi that readers inut look lor the only renlty inieiligible aud reliable htstorr f curren rent, and is sueh in additlonto their well-cstabüshed iterary, Fcie::tific, nnd khoologioal cbaracter, we urge hem upon thecoiHidwrationot tlie reading publicThe receipt of Advauce Sheets froj 1 the Brltlsh uiMi.-luTs givcs additjoual ralue to ( ie e Reprinta, iKismuch as they can uow be phveed In be tuutda of ubsorlberbdut aa soon astbe original edilions. TERMS. (Regular Prices ) Per ann, Foranyoneof the four Reviews, - - $3 CM) uiytvo of t],efour Rerlewfl, - - - 5 00 For any three of the Cooí RtJ0W4, - - 7 00 ForaJJ fourof the Reviews, 8 00 ForBlackwood'i Mng&tlne, . .... 800 Kor lïlackwood and one Review, - - 5 00 For Black wood and two Reviews. - - - 7 00 For Black wootltind three Pevlews, - fl 00 For J]$ckwoodaiid the four Reviews, - - 10 00 Money current in the Staic whcre issucd will be receivcd POSTAGE. The Postagk to any part of the United States will be but Twenf y-ffour Ccitt a yeur for ' lilarkwood," nd but Fourteeii Cents a year for cach of the tevjcïws. Ar tbc above prices the Partodlwlfl will be fuinishcl or lbG2. ANP AS A Premium to New Subscribers, he Nos of the same Perioilicals for 1860 willbefumisbea ora píete, vithout áddtiioitpl chnrge. L'nlike fhe i)ir') ephemeral Maga.ínes oí íhe lay, hi'so Ppj indicáis Ion little by age. Henee, a full year 1' the Nos. fot lfatiü, may be reaiJed nwrlf a valuablt Bfor isñ'. Subsc-riberfl wisliing also the No, for 1861 will be Qpplled atthe lollOWingKXTKÜMELY LoWJíATES. Spleudid Offers for 1860, '01, & '62 Together. For Blackwood's Magazine, the three yoar-s, 5 00 For juiv one fteyfetfj " B t(0 For aiiy tvTo Reviews, M " í 00 For Blaclíwooil and one Review, ' M S 00 'oi-lilack',vood nndtwoRoviewB, " " 12 00 For three Reviews, " (t 3100 For Blackwoodand three Reviews, " " 15 00 Por the Cour Reviewp, - - " 13 00 For Blackwiíod and the tour Reviews, " 17 00 Any of the above works wiü also be furnished to Ncv Subüiribers Tor the y ar 105fi-'í , Ö, and I, At One Half the Regular Subscription Prices. Thus a Ni ir Subsrribcr mny obtaín tlie Reprint s oftht FourReview.s and lïlackwood. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Whieh'ís but little more than the price of the original works Corone year, Aawesball neveragain be likely to oEfcr such inducemeaU istbose hore present-!. Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! 3P Remittiince.s must, In nllcats,be njade direct to the Pubiuhera, for ut these price no couirnissioii can beallowedto agoats. LEOXARD RC0TT k CO. Ko. 54 Gold street New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. ij AS on hand a fine assortiment of American ar.d ITAL1AN MA li B L I ivlnchhois prepared to manufacture nto UONU . -- ' ,$&' f :%: MENTS, H E A I) SÚfepaMMSjK STOSIES r o m i! Lj}]f iCjK TABLiBS TABLE lyS&HH PH- TOPS, nalltheir Tariello,nnl:nft WORKMAN'I.IKK mnnncr - iiaviHfr had coneiderabla experlencc in the busmesi r ,,. Buttera hin.sclf that h will be aWe to pleasí ill who may fjivor me with thcir oreri. His prices g LOW AS THE LO WEST, I 2zSt a"y tliiBginnií..aBí;i:lj I Aqu Arbor. May 20,1801. 801 11 „ T TO 3L.ETÍ THE 11BICK IIOUSE nml B.irn now oectipiod by Olney Hawkins.l'Nq ., on Detntii htroet,Anu Arbor, posc ilonglven lh 1-t pf Anrlh st'iics ini'l riHims in Isuchoz.s Block t i Bteady tenaatí at a vciy lw rcnt.immüdiate (f.seHou given. Inquircof L.BBOCHOZ. ■ Man-h ■.'-■ lí. MStI


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