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We give enough from Charleston to satisfy our readers that the recent attack on that city was a failure, complete if not disgracolu!. We had hnped a better issue and are sorely disappointed. The next move in that direction is not announced. - The latest advices irom Gen. Fostor assure us that the gunboats have run tho rebel batteries and gone to his reliuf, thnt he has an abundanceof supplies and is safe. Good. - Thore is nothing really new or important from Vicksburg or Port Hudson. Com. Farragut is ïeportêd blook ading the Red River. - There is gome ecattering activity in Virginia - not on tho lïappah-innock, and also in Kentuuky and Tenneesee, and numerous small skirmishes magniled by sensation headings. - We can not see that any general engagement ík imminent. JL58" The persons arreste d for par,'icipating in the lato disgraceful riot in Detroit, are being tried in the Recorier'n Court of that citv, the present week. On f uesday Edward Orosby was convhted, and a jury impannelled o try Wm. Naylor. LL" After a week of calm reflection ho News says of the election of this city : " In this city tho result is ex ceedingly gratifying." As in the same artiole the result in the State is spoken of as only " very gratifying," we may safely take it for grantud that our ccemporary's gratification increasea as republioan victories dimish tozero, and )ulow. If this is so our neighbor need dealing with. At lunst his stock of idjcctives ëhould bo revised ior him. JC2E" We invite n careful reading of ar article in anothcr column headed Infiimous Military Proscription." - Jomment is unnecessary, and we will only asi;, whither aro we drifting ? JG3L" 'I lie Jauktwn Citizen defends the Administrutinn for giving Republicun soldiers furloiivhs to go homo to Connecticut and voto at the reeent elactitin, and refusing furléngha to Derr.ocraU, and trimphantly asks " had t not right 011 ka sido?" One thing s curtain, if such acts aro to be tolerated the electiva franchise ij as great a farce as in France, and the goveroment a despotisn), indeed. J53T the State News eongratiilatt-s itself on tho success of Judge Law kence, and says, " It nectned to us almost an uttor impossibility that oven Judgo Lawrunce oould chango a majority against us of 700 to a majority for us of 400 or over." And it was impossible, no doubt. In the counties cornpoéing this judicial district, ukan oer, Union and Democratie oandidate for UoDgraBi, had a m;ijority of on!y 441, (not quite 700), and Stout a m; jority of only 485 Besidtjfi, Lawrence' majority is sofncthing thort of 400 in etead ol " over," say only about 300. JS3T Wayne County gives Judg Johnson, 1,274 itüijority, Judgö With ekkll 1,517, and an average majorit ' for demoeratio candidate for Regent oí for 1,431. SS" The Supreme Court for tli Northern District of New York has do cided that green backs are a legal teudc for debts contracted either before or afte the passwge of the law for thoir issue. - The four Judges concurred. This de cision ia important. Il II I l Hl _ ■fcjar The State News says of the lat city clection, the Mayor and Eecorde elect, and the uew Council : In this city, the result is exceedingly gratifying. The eandidates for Mavor on botli tickets had warm and arden friends, wlioso voten and efforts were freely given, and resulted in the eleotion of Dr. Wells, the Democratie nominee Dr. Wells is eminently fitted for the po sition and will make a good Mayor, N B. Cole, the Recorder elect is a young man of some business capacity, and wil undoubtedly keep the records in gooc style. Mr. Charles A. Chapin, his competitor, was absent when nomiuated, and all the week fullowing, or he would have left Mr. Co!e far behind ; as it is the suecessful candidate has not much to brag of. He ie a Democrat of unyielding mplacability, and up to the present timo has never been able to see any thing good outside of that torn and broken party. The Aldermen elect are fair men and will unddubtedly do what their judgments díctate to be right.


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