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Infamous Military Proscription

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Trom the N m York ArgBfl. The special order No 119, wliieh we copied fi om a New llampsliire paper, and the authunticiry of wliieh (monstrous as it ippesrs) is eorroborated by evideuoe on all sides, was in these words: AN ORDER. War Department. } Adjotant Gkneral's Office, Washington, MarcU 13, 1863. ) Special Orders No. 19. (Extract.) 34. By direction of the President, the following officers aru hereby disniissed ! from the sorvioo of the United States : Lieut A. J Edgerly, 4th New Ilump' shire Volunteers, íor circulating " Copperhead Tickets," and doing all in hia power to promote the sucoess of the rebel cause in his State. 15y order of the Secretary of War, L. THOMAS, Adjt. General. To the Governor of New Hampshire. It is conceded that this is a genuino order from the War Departmnnt, issued " by direction of the President," and I that the original is at the Slate House at jConcord; and the Independent Democrat, the Black Republican oi'gan of the State, reiterates the insult and approves it in these gross terms : A IIowL. - The Patriot and other Treason sympathizing newspapers in our State, are in a howl over the recent order from the War Department dismissing from the service an officer of the 4th Regiment, who was at home in this State, actively engaged in attempting to procure a victory for Treason in New Hampshire- a victory over which the rebels, whom he was commissioned to fight and not to aid, would havo rejoiced as they did over the result of the elee tions in New York and soine of the Western States. Let them howl. Ad officer who wül aid and abet the olection of men to places of trust and power, who have, from the outset opposed the " coerción " of rebels, who have declarcd and aeted out the declaration, that they would oever do " aiiything that can be interpreteo as in any way supporting this war," i.s not fit to hold a conimission on the Union side. His place is with the rebels or in Copperhead retiraov at home, amid the scorn and contempt of all loval men. We do not think it necessary to dweil npon the characteristics ot this atroeious act of power. It is an insult to every soldier in the anny and to every Democrat in the loyal States. The President should be made publicly to retract t, and to dismiss the subordinates guiltv of any responsible connection with it! - We copy, however, a letter of Lieut. Edgerly, upon the subject, to the editiL of the Boston Post. It is, it will be seen, moderate, though firm in its tone, and clear in its statements Manchester, N. H , Mareh 28, '63. Editors of thk Post : I saw in your issue of tn day the order dismis8ng Lieut. A. J. Edgerly, of the 4th New Hampshire Vohin teers, from the service of the United States, for ' circulatiug Oopperhead tickets," i gether with your comments thereon, in ■ whieh you say you cannot believe it true that the President of the United States would stoop so low as to dismiss an offieer for voting the Democratis ticket, or ' even eirculating tickets, when it is a notorious faet that the Adininistiation had their offieers and men brought from all aarts of the country, not only to vote for . he Repubücan party, but use all their nfluenee to have others do the same, and 'or the same party. Why I write this is to show to you that the order is germine, althuugh I havo not been offieially noti fied of it, but have seen the original copy in the State Department at Concord, and shall probably get a copy when the printed one is issued. I do not wonder that you are loth to believe it true, for many of the leading Kcpublicans here, those who believe the diüinissal merited if the charge s true, do not believe they would stoop to the low party slang phragos at the War Department in thoir "Orders;" but sueh ire the words used in the order, word for word, as pubhshed in the Democrat, at Concord. I shall send you a eopy of a certifícate given me by the Moderator of the ward in which I voted, (Ward Six, and lie is one of the most influential men of the Republican party, and one of tbe editors of the American, in this city, which goes to show the first part of the charge is false, and as for the other, I am at a loss to know what is ineant by ''the rebel cause "in his State," uuless it is the Abolition cause, and every man who ever knew me or ever heard me express my political opinions, knows I never did anything to belp that, but have votüd the Democratie ticket since 1850, with the exceptiou of last March, when I was in Florida with mv regiment. The facts are those : I simply went to the polls and doposited my ballot, as I ennsidered I bad a perfect right to do, not thinking that when I took a commission in the United States arm}' I forfeited the dearest right of an American freeman, the right to exereise the electivo franchise aecording to tbe dictates of his own judgment and conseience, and I do not regret the act, and shou'.d do so again to-morrow should the opportunity occur You will pardoD me for the freedom I have taken in writina this to you, not for publication, only to show that the "order" is not " bogus." Yours most trui 7, A. J. ÉDGERLY, Late Lieut. 4th N. II. Vols. [COP] Manchester, N. H., March 28, '63 This shows that I aru Moderator in Ward Six ia this city. That on the day of our annual election, March lOth, Lieut. A. J. Edgerly came into thu Ward room, presented his vote and iinmediately retired. He did not remáis in the room over five minutes. I did not see hiin distribute votes in the room, and [ was so gituated that I could havo seen jim bad he buen engaged in circulating ;hem in the Ward room. JAMES O ADAMS, Moderator of Ward f, City of Manchester, N. H. jgg The Iliclunond Examinar snvs Captain Webster, commanding an indeiciulent oompiny unrlor Pierpont, Governor of Western Virginia, has been executcd for alloged violation of paroio.


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