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RIS DON & HEN DERSOiN Have 111 o 33 XJ O Z5L 3E3 TT 3E3 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfiold, Obio. rplIE VEKY LATKST IMPROVEMENT, ajid bettor than X all otherH; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Onts, Barley aud Grasa .Seed . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. 'Never lunches the Grain 4th. Never breaks the G-min. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. GtJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. ïlh. Has long and wide steel points. %ih. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9t7. It has doublé and single rank drills. 10A, lt has a self 'adj usliug shut off slide. It is neatlj and substantially made. Thereis hardlya Drill oflered n the market but can boast of more or less "FJ12ST PREMIUMS:' Thcy are aboutas niliscrimináVly bestowed a the tille of " Professor," which is sonietimeN applieil to tiie " fiddlcr " or " bootblack." Tbey cease to convev tbc it'ti oí mail. The Uuckt-ye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Palm, and steking l'avor at the hand of any Commitlee, bas received iU Full share of Premiums. TESTIMOMALS : Tye(?ive the following Dames of a few Firmen in tips vicinity wao have bought and usedlie Buckeye Urill : Godfroy Millcr, Sclo. Jacob Iolherau& ' JacobTremper, M ThomM White, Northfield. Jihn Hrnkaw, ' Christian Kapp, " Edwiird BoydeBj Webster. James Tieadvvell, AnnArbor, nanielü'IIara, " JohnO.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmon 's, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We are also Agents for the Ohio Heaper & Mcwer, icknüwledged te be the very best. in use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell clieap. Also a largo assortment o G-rass And the largoat and best selected stock of BENT STUFF FOR CAIÏRIAGESever before offered ia thia market. We aiso keep a large and full NAIL3, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINT, and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortmeut of STOVES, TINWARE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put up at the shortest notice. RISDON & EIENDERSON Ann Arbor, June 2")th,18fi2. 859tf iBElsait.iBiraimminiiiininiinimiumiimi'mKrasinimw-iimümin.miii 3I.ISS WohM tate this method of informing his old frlends and patronsandallothers who niay favor hím with their patriinage.thatliehasgreatlj-eiiiaiged bis Stock anrt Assortment! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYIN6 &SELIING is propared to sell Goods at HeasonabloFriocs, His siock conslstsm part ol the lollowing: ' AMERICAN AND OTIIER Watches ! Mw "N jfe Thc CeIebrated SSB" SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jeweliy getts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËllY ! Pazors, ShMu-a, Scissors and Rrushea KOUERS I'LATED WARE, the best n markot, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAFEU and EXVELOl'ES, Musical Instruments, Strings SfBooks for Instruments, StIPECTA. LES, of Gold, Silvcr, Steel, and Platcd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a aupciior article. Persona htvjng diffloalt vatchos to at with gla canbe accomodated, M tí, tocU is J„gU J oó. P. S. Particular ntlentlon to the of all kiuda uiüne Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pininn, Sioji, md CvUvtUrs Alm CLOCKS, Sc TE-7-ELï?,-r & sbsííSí WWA; at hie '■'" st-ndeasi C. BLISS. Adu ibor, Xov. -$t 18f2 Pöti L=r FAIRBANKS' Irt Standard JLSCALES! K---J$g$:r'.j Also} Warehouac Trueles, Letter Pmmi, f. Fairtoaiiks, Grecnlcaf & Co., 1T2 Lake Street, Chicago. SolU !n Detroit y FARKAAD & SIIELKY. tSTBf carcful to buy the (ri-nuiuc.' 885yl DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCÖVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION DR. RAIAV.WS PILLS ARE THE BfóJJ PURGATIVO Pilla in Üie World, nul the ouly Wctable Substituto for Ca omul or tfeivnry "ver discovcred. ('omposed ofVegetablc Kxtracts ofGu,n, Plrtüis, HerUs, lïooti nncl Floweis. Tlicy Purgê - CletfftB - t'uriTy - Iloai - Soothe - Calm- SlreDgthcn - lnvigovEtc - and Uegulato the Systom. i„r s un a e. r viTTiViis of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE 150WELS. BILIOUS CHOLIC, BILIOL'S FEVER. ERYSIPELAS, OONGESTIVE FE VER, BilALL I'OX, MBASLES, SCARLET FEVER, SIS TO SSGHÍP niIiJS WW purgo tlio di.sea-e f rom the systum In BIX HOURS. Ifseizel witli eUhcr of tlus a íovo-narued disea=?c3, lot fx or uiulit tif Dr. Radway's PILLS bo taken ut ouco. Th s single dose will carry tlio p iticut out of Aangaf. rh.'ir cunü.iued use, in smaller dösaa, wil! work a care. COATED AVITH GUM, Tliey are pteassni to lakc. They opérate plcasantly, na lürilly, and fJwrowjhly Evcry iIiho Lhak istiken imparlm strenyth to tlio enfooMed systom. Iïeing' perfect purgativos thcy do not leavc the bowels costive, or lUe patiënt wtak. ONE OU TWO OF DS. RADWAY'S PILLS Will secure a goud appeMtc and hcalthy digcatiou. TO TTIOSE WHO TAKE PILLS, 'R. RADWAY'S P1LLS will bcfüuudau improveraentoa iil purftitivo r catbttrtio plUd in use. Ono or two pill-t rf 1 bc fouii'1 Buffictéot t keep the bowcU ; and n r,;iñü-; whoroa bn.-k opiiratiou is düired,SX toEIGHX A'ill in six hours ttiorovghly purge. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, BYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, HKASLES. CONGESTIÓN, MELANCIIOLY, HSËAB.T DISEASES, IIYSTERICS, DliEASES OF KIDNEV AMENORRHCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, BILIÜUSNESS, RUblI OF BLOOD TO TVPIILS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEA'EK, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, nETENTIONOF ÜRINK I.OS3 OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAM5IATION, IIEADACIIE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OF B1LIOU3 FEVER, THE IXTESTINE3, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLAR.GEMENT OF SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNEiB OF S1GIIT, WH00P1NO COÜOH, FITS, WORMS, L0WNE3S OF SPIRITS, BAD DUEAMS, QUJNSEY, PLEURISY, Af nl-n til ('muplnlnts of VVomcii, pneh u Hytt-ria, Xieacarrboea or Wlille-s, Weakenl.ig DUcharges, Chlwrosl, Irrpgulnrltle, Sttpprisloti of Ilic Menscs, Iiillaiimiacloii of tlie VVonib or Bladder, 131Hcult Menstruatlon,nn.l all otllur iJioase or Co.iipluints produced by excedí ve di-chargoi or Kuppresiou ot the ilenses. Uiilies who desiro to avoid tlie BiifTering3 and inconveniiïiicos of theso IrrOTnloritles, or organic tions, sho-iid nut om 't to rehílate their systcms by muii ofo:ieo twoofRAD AY'd IMI.LS,om:ottr twica .1 week, an 1 thm bo freo from the miny and preat iücouvííüicucos to which laJiCj aro geucratly subject. Wlií KACl'tí. DOCTOR RAÏ)W.Y jjvite-s tho attent io i of tho ntcIMgeut re;nler tu the fur.'s here presented, showing the höperiorif f bte PI. K. ai purgative., over ati other pills ur purguive nuvliciucs íj ue. TIIEIR GREA.T COMBIXATIOXS. " Thty are Aprient, Tonic, Iix tive. A t rative, Sthaj laut, (Jouuier Irritant, Sudonlic. AS EVACUANTE, The y are morecertin anl thoröu li thaa V-a Dr.ijtio Pilis of Alje-, or Cio'om au 1 HwlemOM.or ] -.)atenu;n ; and muro sootliing aud bealtog lliuu Souu.i, or lthubarb, or Tamarindo, or Castor üil. -AS AI,TKRATIVF.i=, Thcy" exorcizo a more povra "ful uiii jcuce over t'ie livor an i itá secretioii.-i t!i;m calumet, morcury, blue pil!, hfiico thcir ïinpoitaiice inci-'e-; üïJJTCf Compia'ntd and pleeu Oiüicirtüij, Jaundice, Drtiii, Hiiioua Aiticks; Headache.&c. In tbo troutmeat of FoveM, eitl-r Biliou, Yellow, TypLmid, aiul tlnr ri'ditci g Fover-, they r superior to qmnjitc. Thuir tiflunce extendí over ths eutiro pystciri, controlliifi, Btrongtbeotoff, and bracm : up the reiaxoü and waal ing cnowies, ;ii t resuliU a all tho secretiim to tho Dfttnra] [WmrmaJl:o of luelr iluiie cleaoalng mid ptitiing tlo id'Ki i iwgiu frfa n the syütem all diduasod deposita :u 1 Uopuro haiu rs. THE CAUSE OS1 PILES. A íarge dfese if tho Drastio Pilla wid, by irntatin th tniK'ons nii-niniu', in luce a viilont t'X;mUi"n of tbo couteiits in tbo bwols, but m so doing secreiiix are su-pendod. In aucii cise, íli, siuoU wid be found tobe ttght-culored und w.itej'3'.auJiittended witli erainM, griplng pains, nati-ca, Bickuess. Uy t is )itcre.-isLd uniriturul ucti ii u( the 1) wt'is. iho wcreüouá f tho kidceys and pancreas aredi:.iini-hed,ful[)vGd by ETooUoqi of tlie kidneys, bl lüder, iirethra, [Htes, ('intiui-, guuöral iH-(jtratiouf coaliveuoa, and iiidig.tiuu. Why Raclway's Pilis Curo Small Pox. laSmatl Pox, Soirtet 1-Vvcr, Rrysrïiela-, VttltmrtT$p-' phoi i and otter red-i-Hnj Ftvers, itiujaiio.y i.s kihljf atert'iql. But to admimster n 'i Drasiio Pii.s tbo ' irriiatioii tliey woutd proiuce a nL the el.ixatiou and depletion tbat woutd f llnw, would bo Hkely ti provo fetal. It' phya oiatis, ín ihöïie enstes, won ld 'g ve KaDWAY'S PÍLLS, tiiey wmld alw.y-; care their paiientd. Iu tbeso diseases a mild, soathing faonUng and Rcutly stimulittiiii; laxlilva iá w.iicli iá eecQrcd by ADWAY'd 1'lLl.S. Wli y Imperfect Pilis Gripe. The canse of g iping, nausea, pickm-.-;-, t.'Mt'simis an 1 deb lity, that is i ;dii'el by a duuo uf ctrodüc pilis, is ow. hiK t" thcir i'nKrfcrt oporatinn lf wth the facees, tht discased humor t, loftclrcultiiig lu Ui-j system, wero ox pellci by these pilis, ilioie wi.uld bo but littlo pain gripmg. It i tho ;ii'sence,of the büe uid Othor hinnnr whlch the imporfect pilla fail 1 1 purge out uf the sytera thfit occ t!io jtiin. By ex niiiiii ig ilie ftools ovaoiiiited afici' sowtc grlpjug they w i U be fouud thiu uud watery. THE T-RU3 PILL3 TO TAKS The on y safa pitia to take tra ür. Radway'd, becane tbey ;ire tho ouly pilla that securu pnriiti n' wtthisit dopletiou, and i-xpt-1 Jlsemed bumord drom t!ie sydUtia. CAS2 07 DY3Pj;P3IA CUiED. For xnwny yara I havo twen alllicted with onr national c-umitlauiij cilio I ÜyspepáU- ruy suffbrhig-j h(n-a S'-eu a coosUnt Buwwasion ot horro, s. 1 havo spoaH Jiousandsof doiiu--; uüh tlo hopo ot realijiur a,;liitla comlortand irmquillky. All raedioation failed toiHli,ovü me, until I commoufjdd t aol nu n Urn Ju lviwi.s iyioof you Ravo in-1 o,i tho 6th of Apnl, 1868. Aftd, uov&, afier i Biim yoqr [u, 1 feej Itke a nowl maa. ;mi hl e you, and uiuy ttils letter i idtico oihcrsuU'1. i'ig viciiiü,. io Uiu ftcOQrscM nvtlftdy, io try tho sumo m lina. Yvtira fervvLiy. V HAnpEXTERi CAftntNTKHvnue, N. J ., April ct'i,ij. Jfmvi. ha-iiuay tí) O?., A'. i'. ij. Letter from Dr. Salmón Sklnner. New Vokiv, Jauuaiy, 1860. iV. Ridway 0 Co. : 1 h ive, diiriiig me pt&l fd'ir yenrs, iwd yonr roTriodies, and h;iyo i eco umoado'l them to otter fur Biijttu DMi'LAixTsv IvpioBsTio.y, te. 1 cpQitJdor Utct Keady Keliof nnd Retiulatl ig l'Üls uncqttaJod 'l'lio Rojjuiatnuí Pilla ure nyll m thoir operatiptiss aud thorouhly effoctive. ' - Tho flrst dosQ phould be largo cnoigh to pnruo, ?ay four or live, and, i ach Mjccesaivo duv bu diüiüiished mie pi'l, untii ceduced to onO, ani tiien i"C[Qiite l cvety üay for a week or leu days. A porm-uioiit t'u c wiU suralv follow. Yourd, &c.T nu. s. s;xn"er. JB lr. ltalT;iys Pllls are sold by Drtig plsls and Stort -ICttípers li getïeral Ilnch Box coutnins 3U Pilis. Pxicc 33 ets. jor lïox For Siile by 8TEBBINÖ& WTLSON DWELUVG FOR SAI.K ï IFYOUwish to buy a gowi wo-fMl0f y brick dwellinpt convenient t" the buiuos mt of the Oiy, with gruund ;ind yardw wfll with choieé l'rti i t of all kinds, pplt's. Peaw, Peches l'liuus, Rspberrios, Ür nameötal Troes, Shrubbcr , &c.,&c, inquirc attlie Nov, 14, 1S6-3. AliGL'S OFKICK. Ayer's Cherry PectoraL


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