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tew iwtitemttá&. DWJELJ.IJVG PUR sGGlÏTi F YÜU wish to buy a good two-story brick dweïlinfc, . convenient to the business part of the City, with roundí and yards well Btocked b th cboice Fruit of all inds, pples. l'ears, Peachos Plums, Raspberriea, Oramcotal troes, Shrubbcr, írc.,&c., inquire ftttha Nov. W, 1S62. ARGUS OFFICE. JVotiee. 3WING to tlie wbt and fear of the coming draft I have Bold nut all my Kea. Estáte and personal property, nd all those iiidebted to mo, to save expense, will neape cal and settle before the first of Juje. as after hat they wilibe lelt ia the hands of a Justico of ie Pe;tce. JOBN ROSE. = Ann Arbor, May 7, I4S3. 903 Chancery Sale. ití PTTRSÜANCE and by virtus of a doeree of the Cir. cuit Cour for the C. unty of Washtenaw in Cbanery, nvidc d the second dny of February, A. D. 1863 a cause therein pending, wherein Alfred B. Wond in omplaiDanfc, and John W. ALiyaard. Marv J. Mayn.ird, Wifliara S. Maynard, Luther Dana, Abijah V Farrar, George Ilyde, Alonzo Farrar, Heary W. Chandlpr Waslnnton V;irrcn, Edward Lnmbert, WiJJiam H. Major. Henry -"tone. Wilíiam W. Wrigbt, Dn-ight SI. I aboock. John Nitfcolsoo, James J. Pcrry, Anirew Ketcham, J hn R. JafTray, Arthur W. JafTray, Edward S. Jaffray, and Richard V. Jaffray are defendanto. Notie 3 hereby given, tbat I shaü'pellat public auctionto the hïghest bidder, at twelve o'clock, noonr od Saturday, the SOth day of Juno next, A. 1). 183, attho front door of the Washtenaw County Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, tbose certain pareéis of land known and describedas follows, to-witï iiusta ir. the city of Ann Arbor, County uf Was tenaw, com mttnclog oro huudred sixteen and a balf feet north f rom tho corner of block number one north in range tbree east; thence west one hundied and two feet; tlimice nortb fiftíen &r.d a half feet to the Eouth line of lot number eighteen in eaid block; thfnee west thirty feet (o the west line of Raid lot; tbence north niae and a half feet; thence east along the eouth lino af Charlea Tbayer's land and along the south line of Charles Th oer's store, on Mundy's Biock-, to Main st.; thence Rouih to the place of bpinnicg; xcppíing so raucb of paid land as is covered by James T. AMen'i ítore, being a strip about two feet four inches wide, Lhe length of said AHen's store; Ui o premises herein 'ntendeil to be described being ihe samo conveyed by R. Parsons and wifc to H. W. Hyatt, by said Hyatt to Föhn Lockwood,aafi by eaid Lockwood to John W. Maylard. GEORGE DANFORTH, Cir. Court Cara. Wash. Co., Micb. D. Hawkjn'S, Complainant'R Solicitor. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1S6Ü. 903td NEW COODS ! NEW GOOÜSÜ DRESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, TL AID SHAWLS, GLOVES, IIOSIERY, SKIUTS, PAEASOLS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERE?, Domestics & Qx oceries ! Thone fjoo'ff T6repurcbasöi at rauch refluced Tatea, and will be eold far below the prioes thej have been HENION & GOTT.


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Michigan Argus