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THE OLD CORNER RENEWED! with I ÜXTIE-W STOCK, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CiSfl STORE (At the old stand of Tbompson & Millen.) I ara uow opening a carefullj SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS CONS1STING OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN fe BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &o. aad every thing that is kept in a Domestio, also a fine assortment of BOOTS SHOES! AND Yankee lotions, A full stock of iïROCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PRODUCE ! Bought and Sold. Thankfiil to old fiiends and custouiers foi past favors, I hope to merit a aliare of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with 0. II. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oot. 1, 1862. 872tf G REAT. GREATER GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. 1-1859 In tlii 3 City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & J e-x?v elry JStoxeTHEStibscriber wouldsny to the citizensol Aun Ar bor, in particular, and the rest ot Wnshtenaw Cnuntv in seneral, that hehasiust lMPORTFn nr RECTLY from KUKOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All ofwhichho binde himself to sel! CHEAPKR than can be bought west of' New York City OpenFacc. Oylinder VVatches trom $6 'to $10 dn do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Wiitehes from go to jq í bave aleo trie " CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCHES, which I wlll aeil ttr $35. Every Watch warrantbd to perform well, or the monoy refnnded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, FancyGoods. Gold Pena, Musicallnstruments and Btrings Cutlery, &c, ' tnd in factavarlety of everythinir uminlly kept by Jewelfira can be boughtfortbe next ñinety days at vour OWN PB, ICES! Persons buKg ai.ything at this well known establistiino ut can rely upon getting goods exact'y as representad, or the money refunded. CalJearly and secure the best bargains ever offered in tbif City One word in regard to Repairing : Wc are prepared tomakoany repairs onfine or common Watches, even to mrtkinfí o er the entire watch if neccesary. Repairinc of Clocks and Jewelry as' usual. Aisothe inanufacturing oí RINGS, BROOCHS or anything desired, from California Gold onshortnoHce. Knjrravlpe in allits branchesexeented withneat. neea and dispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. B8thl859. 7L-lw Rifle F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [Successors to A. J Sulherlaiid,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns.Pistols, Aminunition Fas&s, Pomhes Game Bags, and Everyother artiele n tbat Line. AU kinds of UEFA III I KT 3r dono at the shortest notice, and in the best raanner. a full aasortment always kept onhand and made order. Shopon 11 uron Street. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, I?6J. ST3tf Trnsses ! RÜPTIJ1ÏE CAN BE CURED BY A TRÜSS of the ngh1, r proparly Bvted anl duly attemlcd to. Ilns bfts bien abumlantly demonstnilcrl in innumi-ra ble nstances by the une of the SInltipednl Trusa of Dr. Klggs, ilunng tlie last few fears. Tliis Trusa l)i-i ng c'ivii (id With Hard Ribber, i pprlVc.Üy waterproof, inay be used n bathing, and is ahvavs oleanlj as n-p'l :1s indestructible by oniinarv usage. If not sátisfactory afterafiiir trial of ixty days, ït may benturned. lt challcnges oomparison wltB any truss known. Pr. RIGGS' uffi..-, No. 2 BARCLAV Street. Ven"rk. 'ÍSÍtf i Chancery Notice. STATU OF MICHIGAX. The Circuit Court lor (1„ County onVuhtenaw, in Chaneery. I beiore Hou. h. l.awnnce. Circuit Juiigc, at Ihe Court ' WarTl" D AlOor cn tuc twe"ty-scvinlli day „t Alunzu Ci-akr, -, vs l Laban A. Saiigka.vt, audothers f It appearüy by affidavit to the satisfaction nf („, court tliat Sttbpoena aud respondendum ha been luuti in thw case, directed 1o the dlferidcnta hérein.and ihat the same could not be serVcd upon tVe sniil La ban A bargeant, by reason of bis continued absence fr. n the' btate of Michigan, or concealment thtrcin and tlie court being satisfied thntsaid Laban A Sargéant In (lot now a resident of the State, and that h.s pres, i,t i K ""III MlfcHOWBi On mution of E.B. ffoni. ;v 1i,-iï,,r for oomplainaat, it is ordered ihut Bi e raid A : Sareaol hi appeararice to be en;erei in ILli cause, and noticc ti.ereof to be sorvcd on cimi.laii.-u t "l'tor, withm thiee monihfl lr„ni tl„ date hi-,,-..f nul that in caseofhis appcarance tliat Se caust li.' '""■ t0 complainaat's bilí to be íilcd and a -r,f thereof tobsservedon complainant'i sclicitor witliin twintï dájn aft.-r serytce of a copj of said blll ann in ilefault thercof taid bill may be taken as confeaud by liim. Tt is furfher ordered, that itliin twcnly dn vs complainant cause this order to be paWisïed in Ihe Mtr.kwan Argus, a public newspaper pulilished a( An Arbor, in saidCouoty, apd that such nnblicatinn bu contmuerl in sid paper at least once in each wei-k fof eight auccessire weeks, or that lie cause a ciipv ihfmot to be personally served on the said Laban A Sargeint at loast twenty davs helore tlve exoiration of the tim abuve prescribcd for his appearance _ „ ,„ „ E. I.AWP.KXCE, Circuit Judee. Ji. B. Vfoon, ComplaiDant's Solicitor. 8S98 Adniinietrator's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Jackson, ss. U In the matter of the Estab of Johií W. Fishor r. cnased : Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a hcense to me granted by Joseph E Be.bc-, Judpe oflhe frobate Court for the County of Jackson in the State" ot Michigan, I shail tor sale on Saturdar, the .sistj (8) day of June ae.vt,at ten o'clock in the fortnoou, on the premisos in the Countv of Waihttnuw ?' V?wlnS described parcel of and to wit : Du' ■usthalfof the Xorth quarter of the Nurth-we,i tracti.malquarterof section four, Town three South range three Ëast, containing twenty seven acres of land more or less. ALON'Zo FARGO, Administra tor, Dated, Grass Lake, April 18th, 18B3. Real Estáte for Sale. " STATE OF IIICHTOAN, Counly of Washtdnaw -- Instilo matter uf the Estáte of Laura Ida Toda of tlio City.of N'ew Vork in the State of New York, Minor. Notice is hereby givon, That inpusuanco of an order granted to the underajgned, Thomas M. l'ooley, Guardian of the Estáte of said minor, by the Hod. Judge of Pro-' bate for tlie County o! Washtecav, on the Sixih dav of April. A 1) 1863, tuere will be sold at public vendur, to the high-íst bidder, at the south dor of the Court' House in the (ity nf Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, in Baic tate of Michigan, on Saturday the twrntv thirddayof Jiy A. II. 1S63, at one o'clock in the alternoon or thut day. ('subject to all encumbrances Ly mortgage or olht-rwise exi-sting at the time of the sale) the fullowing described Keal Kstate to wit: All thufe Ci-rtaiii pieces or pareéis of iand sitúate iñ th City öf Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and giste of Michigan known and designated as lots number fifteeo an sixli'onin block nllmbep flve south oflluron Street, Range Kight East, according to the recorded plat thereot. THOMAS M. COOLEY, Guardian. Datedat Ann Arbor, April Gth.lffii. GODFREY DITCH SALE. riiHli undersigned wil! offer for sa!e to the lowest bii' X der at the house of .Samuel K, IJoty, Ann Aibor ■ onTuesday, May 12,1863, at 'I Y M, the mak:ng of 150 Rods of Ditch, in accordince with the stipulali. ns surveys, and table of cuts. Said ditch is to De one' footwide on the bottom, and of a depth as marked on. each station stakeset in the line of Baid ditch, and tlie banks to slopeoue foot for every foot in depth. J. B. STARK, -Í. JOSEl'H I'RAf J. )■ l'ARSHAI.L, i'rainacce Commissioners for the County of Washte-na"'- 900i JMortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been marte in the condition of a certain inortgage, executed by Nicholas Doodv nd Bridget Doodj.liswife, of Dexter, Michigan, to Jolic hubbit, of thesame place, dated the thirtielh dajéf June, A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty, aud ncor'ded the third day of July, 1S6U, in the oalce'of the ster of Deeds ot the County of Washtenaw, State uf Jljchi gan,in Liber 27 of Mortgages, on page 93, at two o'ciock m tlie afternoon, which said Mortgiige was du ly asstgned by said John Rabbit to Richard Waish, bT deed of assignment, bcarins date (he Ï2d daj: Janruary, A. li 1888, and recordad in the said tflSw of the Register 01 üeeds for said County of Waehtiuaon the tllth day of .Uarch A.D 1"63, at twn and a Imif o doek in the afternoon, in Líber Ï7 of Moitg6 uu page '-!3 ; upon which mortgage there is claimed tobe due, at the date of this notice, theium of one liunOrvd eightren dollars aud sevntyfour cents ($116.74), aud no suit or proceeding at law haviug been iaitutcd to recover any part thereol : Notice, is (berpfo're lieroby given, that on fiaturdaj-jthelSth day Jïjly neit at 12 o'clock, ndon,I shall sl-11 at public uctfon tú the bighest bidder, at the frontdoor of the fci'-; 1 1 Bouw, is the City of Alm Arbor, County ol Wahtenau-, the premises containeii in said mortgajïe, or o muchthereof asshallbe neceesary to sa toy lüenmount due on aaid moitgage ivith ten per. cent interest and legal costa, together with all rearfjiiable charges asan Attorneyfsu cov-eninted tor thei-eiii, "that is to say, all those certain traers or pareéis of land, situattd in the village of Dexter, Cuiinty and ,t:ite Hforesaid, known, bpunded, and describcd as follows, t. wit: One purcel begjuning at the nrth west curnerof andsoldbj John Waldo,in block 18 of paid 1 contract irom Samuel W Dexler to the said John Vi'aldo.and bearing date the 28th day oljulv, A. I. 1843 . thence south-easterly ou the Ano Arbur road "8 feet; thencesouth 3'Jdegrees est 81 feet to an allev 16feet wide;tbence westerlv on the i:orth line of said alley to the wjst line of said Waido's laml ; theneo northerly on said W klos west line to the place of brgining ; heing the same lot eontiacttü by the saii. Samuel W.Dexter to John Van Fieet, hycontrrfct bëatf ing date the '-lst dav ofMay, A . D. , 1844. Also that olher parcel oí aud, cominencing at a slake in IheAna Arhor ruad, 28 feet aouth easterly from the 001 Th nrest corner ol the tract of land, on block 18, wliieh jifia i-aid l'exter contracted to John Wildo, on the áth ■ i;i v ol .luly 18'o, and running thecce "outh (!4 dfgTU.'t) east 2" IVcl and 7inches on the south line of said Ann Arbur ruad ; tl-.vnce south 39 degrees wesl 61 (1 et to uti alle; 16 feet wide ; thenee along said alley north fï4 dagroes west 28 feet and 7 in ches ; thenee north ;9 degn.-s east M leet to theplace of beginning." Dated, Ann Arbor, April 23d 18C3. RICHARD WAL8H, GEO. 11. 11AXF0RTH, Assignee of MortRUtVf. Attorney. Sültd Chancery Notu e. OTATE (IF MICHIGAN, the Fouith Circuit, il k ' Chancery. taruh M. Eno, Complainanil") vs. l Orville C. Eno, Defendant. ƒ SuJt pending (n the Circuit Court, for the Cnunfy o: W ;;-hIenaw, in Chanceiy, at Aut Arbor, ou theiith d of Apri , a. 1. 1863 It ftatififactorfy appearing to tito nmlersierner1 Circni' Coort Cc imnissiimcr for taid county by nftidavit tha the aböve bamêd ilefcndant in nut a resident of thii tate, but tl, at ha is a resident of the State of N'en York. Onmotionof John N. Gott, Solicitor fur ei ni plainant, it ís ordered that Uu said' dfenciant, (Jrvilli 0. Eno cause bis appearance in Ujis cause to bc entrrti nilhin two moBths trom the dato of this order and thal in case of bis apenraDce lie cause his answer to c in plftinaBts bil to be liled and a copy thereof to be srrvrt] on complalnant 'a solicitor withln twentj Cajs aftei the service of a copy of said bilí and noticc ui t Jiis ordir. and in default thereof, tl. at the said bijl !)e taken as sonfeandby the said c'efoniiant Orville C. hno ; and it is f urther ordered that within 'twenty days after the makin of tbia order, the said cntnuiainant cause n copy of this order to bc published in Jthe Michigan Argus.n newapaper published in eaiil county.aud itiat said pubheation be centinued in said paper, at least once in each eelt, for six weeks in succession, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personaliy se: vt-4 on the said detendant at ]eat twenty days boforc tho time above prescribed for bis appearinc A true copy. GEO. DANFORTH, Cir. Ct. Com JohxN.Gott, Wash.Co Lomplainant's Solicitor. SOltil CITY CQOPER SHOP. 'Vholesaleand Rotai O. C. SPAFFORD Vould respectfully announca to the citizens o( Ana Arbur and vicinity, that he is uow ttanufacturinit andkeepsconstantly ou hünil a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! suoh as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churas, Well Bnckets, &c, Whlch will bo sold clieap for cash. CUSTOM "WOHIC Made to order on short notioe. Ilepairiug doae with neatness and dU-patch, 1 would cali particular attentioa to Merchants iu want of Butter Firkins Iammanufacturing the Sewloik State Plrklit, which ,ts a better Firkin than has evet befare bron itf[red iathia rnarket. I wuuld invite uil who waut Firkins to Cali and exanine for tbemselves t)eforepurchanKelse-hro, and I will convince 50 that jou have callad at the right place. I wouM alao cali the attention of Brewers in want of BEER KEGS, I am uow prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or smal! lots, and of a Better Quality than can bo had in Detroit orelseivhere. -'A11 work warranted to give en tire satis foction. Ihanklulfor pagtfavors and by a strict nitention t Jimniss, I hope to raeril a contmuet'. liberal suimlv of ;hc nublic patronnge. ÍS-1'o notforget to cali at the City Cooper Shcp O. C, SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arlior, Kich. f-a i


Old News
Michigan Argus