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ÓüntTbible society. „cpn,it0RY of Bibies and Testements at the So ])" e,v peces at VV. C. Voorheis'. ' nrVATTSBR O. nULERS n Clocks, Watches, J?welry and Silver 0 Ware No. 22, WBIock.Afm Arbor. " 0. BLISS7 TFllEttin Clocks, Watches, Jewclry and Silvcr ]) ffarcNo. 22, New Block, Anu Afbuf. " :C H., MÏLtBN. nltlXS in Dry Goods, Grocerie, Crockery, &c. te. ) Jlain Street. Arm Albor. . . "XcfT&rïËRSOxN. TVEAIEKS m Dry Good,Groceries Hardware, Boots U Show. c, Main st.. Ann Arbor. oTcC)LLIER. triSÏÏTACTURERand dealer !n Rootsand Shocs, one fflloot north „f the Post Office. N. 15. COLE. DEALER in Bnots N Simes, R&Vböiiii . Frankiin glook, Main Street, Ann Arbor. ' BISDON & HENDE HáO N. DFU.EB3 in Hardware, Stnves, huuse famUWng jo„.i; Tin Ware, te , &c , Sew Bloot, Mam t. "O. G. SPAFFOUD. MANTFACTUREU of all kinds oï Coooper Work, Cit, CéopM Sliop. Cüstom wurk done on iliort I8ti. Detroit Street, Ann Ailor. V,X 7. SÏIÏftEBJL AND, iCENTfor the New York Life Insurance Compariy. A Offlce on Kuroo street Also luis on hand a stücn of the most approve I se-ving machnies. BJ" G-1S0RGE FISCHEH. MEAT MARKKT-Hiiron Street-General dealer in Freh and Sak Men Is, Beef, Mutt.m, I'ork, ÜMDB, foultry, l.ard, ïallow, &c, í;c. SUUOFF & MILLER. DEALERS 'n Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books. Sutioucry.Pai.erlIangingí.üc, Main st, Iranklm Blocfc ' HIHAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY anJ Counsellor t Law. „ml Sohcitor in Cliancery. Office in City Huil Block, over W bster s Book Slore.' WM. LEVVIÏT, M. D. PHVSICUN auJ Surgenn. Office at bis resiilence, north si'ïc of Huron street. anJ second house we of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOI.ESALKandKetailDoalei-s and Man.ifacturors of Beadj-Mails Wotting. Impórtela eí Clutlia, LasiifflCK, Docskios, kc, No. 5, Phoeni.v Block, Main st. wmTwagner. BEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, C&sshoeres, and Vestings, Hatí, Caps, Tcünts, Carpet üags, &c, Plitunii Block, Main f tieet. SLAWSON & GEER. GROCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Water Linie, Laad Piaster, aud Piaster of Pari, onedoor east of Cooli's Hotel. T. B. FREEMAN. BARBERandFashionable Hair Dresser, Main street, Aoa Arbor, Micli. Mr Kronts and Corta fcgt onitntly oa hand. jTmTsöóttT" JMBROTYPEand Photogiaph Artisl , n the rooms A ovtrCampion's Clothing store, Phoenix Block. Perhet iatisfaction givcn. W7WEEKS7 QÜRVEYOR and Civil Engineer, continúes to giye im0 medíate attention to all orders. Office at hta reai íoettlie c.ruerof Catherine and Thayer sts. 8b9;l 0. B. PORTER. SÜRGF.ON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main kndHTon trtets, over liach & Fierson'8 Store. All calis promptlyattcartd to . AprlbW J. R. WEBSTER & CO. DEALERS in I,m and Medical Books School Books, Blaak Books., Miscellancous Book, pens mk, HW 'erj torlety of SUtioncry, Hurmi st., City HallBlock. C. B. THOMPSON. TVEALER in Dry Goods p.nd Groceries .Boots and i Shoes JJ ke. Produce bou-ht and a.ild, at the „ld stand of Thompson & Milieu, Comer Main and ywhtogtoo ty geT& schmid. VitkitBS ín Foreign and Domest.c Dry Gooa CruceIJ rie., H.tand Caps, Boots and oboes, Crockery, tt., Corner of Main & Liberty sts, O. A. KEL'EY, PHOTOGBAl'lIKlt-CornerFouril. & Hn streets 1 Aan Arbor. Cases frames an'l l'hotograph AUrnm." lnstantlyonliaud,andat lower rates tlian can be ioundelsewhere. iJJi ANDREW BELL. DKALF.R in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, P'O"' se, ic„ corner Main and Washington Btree f, "■ Aroor. The hlghestinarket prjcospaiij lorcountij podM. 8t6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lortge. No. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow meet at their Lodge Room, TOTFriaayEvenlng,at7Ko"tlock S. SoxDHem, N. O. ' ■ Boí:E hey KINGSLEY & MORGAN. JTrORVEYS, Counsellor, Solicito", and Notarle A. PubiichaTOBoolm and Pl' howing tltlM oi al l'ndjintheCountv, an.lattenrt t oarayancing na solUctiig demanda, and to payinp; taw .nd school inr!t in any part of the state. Offis MH " tl PaikD. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in I.umti.-, JLafli, Soioglei.Sash, üoor, Blinda, Water Lime, Gïapd "rPl,ier, Piaster Paris, and Kail of all Bi A '11 lod porfect artmat of the íbove, n nd al. othar iioilj o!l)idiog raptaríais oonsUntly 01 hsf' at tlie bM)auiblii rite, on Detroit ht., a few rodtfrnmtlie r-tod Depot. AIo oprating tenewely !n tjie 'f1" Cement Boing.


Old News
Michigan Argus