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1W SPRING GOODS I Choice New Styles of DELAINES, PRINTS AAW O TH EB 1118$ tilt FOPv SPHiMa TRAdE.I Just Received by C. II. MTLLEN. Am, Atbor,Mreb 3, 1S64. Im949 MM(iraffiHH!l OLOTHING AT - i.GÜITÍlM[HO'S! Having justretufnedfrom Eaet vrith a large stock of SPRING AND SOMMERGQQDSÍ wp invite M üur oll frleSdfl aud cuatomera to come and examine our stock uf CLOTUS GASS1HERES & VESTIKGS. Disp-alc íLe tact if you can, It takes the AI-LOR after all to give appearance to the onter man. lf you wish to appear vvell You raust acccydingly Dresi Well. Go to M. Guiteraian U Co's,, Thero you will finí tbings è:;autly SO. SONBHE IM always roady to íako vour raeaaure, GUIT.ERMAN will scll you Goods witb graat pleásure, At figures L0WER than you will find in ihe State, rJ'ake hèed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The indocements are iiow greater than ever, Our CleeeS you will find obliging and clever. We will show you goud CLOTIÍING of our own oktting i-p, Filling our Store from Büítom xo vos. STÜpEKTS fPPllj! Will find iï to THKIR AÜVANTAOK, ■ For t takea b'ut LITXLE MONEY to repleriish. CPAT8 of Cloth aod Caswmure of our OWIl JMPOitTATÏON', Fonvarded tlirough our New York relatiope, From Éngland, Belgium, Germany nnd France, Such as you can siand üp in, or wear, at the dance. P4pits Pauta!! Pantsü! Wnncy CASSIMERE3 and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We eèll them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOIIÏ. VEPT8, &C, of every deseription, You will tínd it eo without fiction, Furnishinar appark From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all vj-e say r.ow, Therefore v?9 mako our bow. Tours trulv, ever bo, M. GÜ1TERMAN. & Co.. P? B AC H 4aa reet'iveJ A. Li'LliaE STOOK -OFFALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCI.UIHNG LATBST STYLUS -OKSiiawL?, IDres Goods, fiiid evcrything for liadics 8l Gents Wc ar. 60IKG FAST FOR CASH! Call and See ! Acp Arbor, Oct. 1863. HOWARD ASSOCIAXIOJi, ï'illLADI'XI'HlA, ! i. Disensos of iïie Veavfms, Sfuiliiitl, Ui'lüRrj' and Sexual Sy?1: m-in n'i '. n lialA'treatmCDt- iu Rjpurts of t!ii ÜOWARI) ASSOCUTION- Sent by roiii in e ileJ letter envelo] os, froe '.f chnrire. A.Mraiw.Dr.J.SK.UXI.M UOUUHTON, Uavari A:;.-. !-j tioa, 5To. ! Suuth .Vinlb itrett, n-.iU.. f. 16; I TIKCE BEST - is - ■3?2ÍB CHEAPEST Ixiitire -xritXi. t2a.o 1. FTRK AND IXI.VN'H NV1;aTI0V KIRIES iicceptefl, i . . .; 1 Uu rutes uii'i liberal ctnditions, 2. BUSINESS COXDCCTED v.ih constant diapawb aiid accuriicj-, 3. LOSSKS aUvftvg mt-t wlib promplneSH and c. mpleto justice ftiet Acts, tlanuniy lbG4, L 3,002y566.39 ƒ 4.THEi'LAX AND 0RGANI2ATHM of the JETS A t 1 e ■ ■■" ycar -■ :. i.'.lI, realizad gratest ■ ■ e rarioofl pystems óf Rre Eai itraoce in tho üost-ry. Is uow bettér tL evei preparad í'or i i 6. If5.'"'1 f"1 Lo ( ■ ■ mi-i pald. - SIXXEEN 1U) i.'TffECOJÏSÜMPTrpM 0FP3ÓPEHTT PT riRR, in tlie Uüitt-U . . ■ ■ r. U0O,OCO duiiy. la y.ur i r ipi ' ■}" -■-■ po) ■- i ; '■■ unpi o ■ 7. AEYOl . ' why not? ïhc eoist U triüint1; tbi aaníftst: th rënult taaay bo _ oój pi ■ . ;: ■ 'i i eglpel in:iy ïnYoivö you in bankrupcy, poyertj or cruel EtiüappoïntmêDt. 8. PARTICULAR ATTKKTI02Í id rettawl in gtQ to .-üitlj ?: ;,-■■-■.,. ■ ■ Vble Mt-ijunly :md superior rcial aÖat.ags altored Policies iseued without delay. BníFalo Testinsoujc. i;i? CURE LïïlJ "Iwtroubled ■ ,., ■ ■ ,. two v(, ;'l!Jr-'n". 1 havo taken two bottlesottlie-Kj.p:Ls Uk,' and have not liad nny pain Pince Ilettfto more than four "weeks aeo I elfaíentiiel t-ri, arri t})(, mM1(.ÍM llilsm!i"'- d-jut lite a "Jiy.wife.hns boen ivMTring frem ÍKroinütifm of Winaamm ■■■■ j cborattei fr.i ijo',,t . .. ,., .,.,,.,, ,. .rJ somotime very aentely. Aboutthefirr.J of Jane last fibecon-" She 'PcopIeVire; „,„,. ■ (keil sonie thrée weeks In tadar ;ift-.she eonJtíencea, the STrelUng añd -ifw „n 'i jointa ■■ lessoaed, aad i,: three weck h:. dieappi [her. .■BUlm1,;;31:K-(H.c„JI,,., ;L$$ CURE r,í;rSrfS. a bad Fever Sore. the olljer tviih Eheumatism- hviwr en (be rfdTertisement or thé 'Pcojile's Cure' in this oajier, purchased tl.e Medicine, aud flowj ador having tijy Wied it, report te uk.c mmending i! most liearlil.v na thiroujh renic-ly In their oase- Editora CLri.stian .Advócate prlíl, CUEE c;n,?Sr 'My fkc has for more ttitti ten yeara beecgreatured by aruptions and bunches, wbkh at time extended ovet my whífl body, and uncefor tl ree days ■ ■■' ■ ' '■''■'■:■■ '"'■ ■ "■ haring taken two bottleí of the tPeqDle'li Cure,' mj ai . hardly ree ognize me-SIndeea i i. ,..■■■ :( I am now a uel] man. Let all whi :. , ■■ alik [.licti.l try thfe 'I'eople's Cure,- flie Medicine prepared t]e Sanitary Society- and I tliinkthev wül not begrudge thir dollar. "JO3EPH SOUR, Turner, Meclianie St 'Batfalo, Nov. 15,1502." THE rTTDT? Scrofula & "IafeHídtlie'People's Caí-e' in my fnniily ivith i'fit, i! ca-es di .-i rofula and. Salt Rheuip,ani1 cavé recommended-tt i ■ myfïends, all of whoni I bellet e have been iMaieSttëd, and most of tbem gntirely cured by it. C5JS. SCUÍRFF, 2T3 Main 8t.,np-stirS." riTTTT'1 Cures remkle "I háve i ' i 'si '■■■'■ tin birtli of my boy, wha la tío'fl twetve years oli. I ba had -. .'ii'i Iliis time, nnlittiDg me, fur evory kinJ of :. ' , : ; fort, Lust nastmei I eorai [Im ']'.'■ iiiK-'m Cure,1 and used ; :, . . uo sloiüst a welï woraah. My diaficultieV iiave'neaïy all df-snp' pemxd, aijd ! fecj cheertui aad happy. i "MRS. C.V1HAKÍNK ITAVALD, Dressm:iker, Goodell Alh . a ij. fui j er n, "FmD'alo, Oct. i'O, 1-Í62." THE i"1!!!")!? C'"''5 n (rthcr PEOPt?S VyUlíí. : ..cines fail ".My wifê hffs feeeri i poor hcíath foï a lortg tim baving frequent ly a phvatcian tu attent erg but sbe waa reently verj rti'uch wörsp. F.-r ñm ■ : i iiiL-íh, and bad. 11 i BveaUj cougheda great dei . durinj - : coTisiider bly duriog theday, an'd n'ealIsBjjpe ed sh was going off witlï the cons rhen h ir'end advis'ed Ler tu inli-'-.ltf l Popk n Oaitaking the RiedJainè s)ie onoa. ün.thétblrd daylie Jiad recoverèd her apielité and was f.:t regainüjg lier strength, until, on tbe eighth 'lay, nat yet haring taken uno bott!-, ■ th0mcd4pine Baving she was as wel! as nybotfy c'oul'i be.V aüa Bhe h:i eou;iiiued bo ever - "PAUL K l KIN"., Gardaer, 8.2 re.ul st. "Búllalo, OeUU-ri . 1862."" Tor Pnle by all brtigKiat. 022yl, i tnera] Agent, No. ;'..r:i Ma n =!., BaBal, N. Y , to whom al! ürdvra - - Sy '.V-v;.-., Cmi.nville i Flllkr, and C. Ebbeeach i Co. WONDERFUL 6UGCE8& jgrjf" The attentinn .: : tbe most dis■ :, r ■( l'l y -i'%.;ii;s inr years ha1 e to ihe production i l ;i reipedy fr)i] ■ ! AT -M. Aft.T long :)ii!! aad ronny cxeriments, a preparation has lieen '■-■ ■ ■;■■!. WAÍSON! Ñ Kipir, an I n ur nal . rli oí cases ' i ür" Lili iitn. r ■ i ■ Cí ■ ■ ■ : ráilccl. Wp aro VNí;,7' relievitíg frr ■ eot ui-ili tii ■ ■ .■ , i u t ís a pqrfett ; : i KI( Qd CURI i S'qosc ipihi i:! di jenseu. The ; -St-r e!" J.ínír .-■ -. ';■:■■ r': a ftll ErfertíAl M ilicliif";, wiiV: ;!t- -i 'i. mi latí I s '.f ! fee su-rl;i. . . ly tempor.1'] v iu tUeir effei □ loubtful virtue The NHTRAIXïIA KINÓ i-paches thesmiTcef ull trouble, and efíeUiallj Uauisbvs tlic QisfiMC froqi tíir(ys1em. Trice - One DelLir pír BttÖ?. Pi1'-1 ■ir1 hv C. K. TCALKEB; 1J922 ■ Bufo.K.Y.j.i ■ ■ i C.W. Fui PaTc I &n briss & Wusou, Gk.viixe& Fuller, Tpl?a eco I Tobacco ! i ,.M SEIügG GOODFINE (JUT CIIEWING TOBACCO Atfrom. riftij cnts to % per pound. SMOTÍING TOBACCO, From 1 1 ffí ío 29 cents per pound. at re'toit. M-. DEVANY. Aun Arbor, Micli., Duo. 17, 1802. 8S3tf Real Estáte For SaleHOUSKS & LOT üvi'ek ST'ii ;.. . r il i subscribir, coüststhig oí GrncpviusttBil Liquor, oa liiyini i Lbltï.tenDa lor Ca.'. i i'Kr roYir;. .Auu lilj.ii-, IVb.lMii, 1,;C4. Swtf45 LA.W SOIÏOOL HARVARD COLLEGE. 1S64. TVVO TKüms cf ;;;w'fin m'.ís eack,am. ciní M; KCiJ "th :■ R .')'.lt. Fur Cairttog ■ ... JDKI, PVRKER, nc! lrf,or. . :■. .- ,rb .o isei -,j ;


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Michigan Argus