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r'MIE ROGTS AND THE LKAVES WILL Ipb tor the Healii g of the Nations. BibU. Prof. X. O". XiYOKTS, THE GRliAT AND riCLKIJKATK!) PHYSÍCÍAN of the ! Ï'IIKOAT.UJXUS, HKAKT, I.IVKU AXK TUK BL0O1), Kuuwu allovei th o coii nt y n the ('KIKHK HU) IIsTXDIA.lSr HBBB DOCTOR 1 Of 28'iSuperior Street, Clevelaaáf, Ohio. Will visit the following ilacis, z AProlVÏMKNTi'OUlStia, 1868nd 1S64. Prof. 11. J. L.voos can be cousulted at the fvillowing placeweveiy raontli, viz: Detroit, Hussel Hjuse, each montl), 1811. and 19th. Aun Arbor, Mouitor House, each monlb, 20ih. Jaekson, H bbard licmse, i-acli raonth, 21. Adrián, Bracket House. eacH timnth ïüd andSSd. Toledo, Ohio, Colhns House, each montli 24th,2Mh aud26th. . Hillsdale, Mioli., HMIsrtale Houso, each month, 27tli. Coldwater, Micii.. Suuthern Michigan Iliiuse, t-n.h ! month, 28th. Elkhait, H kluut House, each month. 29til. South beu I, ad., s;. ,Io. II. nel, eaoli rauutli, 30. Laporte, In!., Tee Gai'leu House, each uiouth 31L. Wooster, üjiü, CramU'll Iichauge, each UioiUh, Ttb and8th. Man.sübld, Onio, Wilei1 House, each mrnth Oth and lOth. Mt. Vera in, lCenvon House, each month, llth and 12th. Newark. Ohio. dalton House, each month, 13th an.l Uth, Fainesville, Ohio, Cow le Hnuse. each niouth 4th UL''A"1:LAN), 0111(1. RKSIDENCk AND ' OFFIOii, 282 SUPERIOR STREKT. I East of Uto public square, ojipusitc the HontötBce. Office days each muutli, lsr. o,t. 4ih, 5tli, 6th 15 li - ' , üfflee hou fruna Ü A. M. to VA M. and irom 2 1'. M. to 4 l. M. autiuoday rrom 9 ta XÚA. M.,aiil 1 10 2 i'. M. flMiMuih-stncïly udhëred t- I tfíve sucb halm is have no strife, Witl) nature or the Ia'". of üfe, With blimd m y hands 1 nevtr stn in , Norpoïsoti men ttieast theirpuin. He is a physician indeed, ivhn Cures. Tho I ïiian Her.' Doctor, 1Í. -I . I,YOVS, UU rog ttto followioi; c iiupifttótá in tlie most obstiimte siatü of tliir existence, viz: Dinea i&R of the Th roa t , Luntts, Heart, I,ivcr, Stoniach, Dr tpsy in tho Cbcst. ííiium:itim, Neura.lía , Fits. orFalli iif SicktH'.ss,anilalKthtr nerv"ii.s'lraiiKeiut'nrt. Also all liiseaseit of tUe blood , such ah Scrofula, Erysipelas, Cac(;r, Fever áoroí I.eproMy, audall other cotnplicatod clirooic complaioU All f irms of remate 'ïifficulties ationded to with the banpie-t reeiits. It ia hAped ihat nn one will 'lespair of a eire anti] tbey Uavö tfiveñ the Ta din n Herb iinctor's Medicinen a ' faira ui fuithfnl trial. tif%-!Hn'ing the . eln ia Gurppe, Wet Indien, Soutb America, and hv Cnitei Staifs, lie bas béën ihp insirumeni in God' band, to to bculth Wld vipor tliousands wbo were j vpu up anl pronounced incnrablf by .he most ' eminc H ilñ schooi physieiaiis; na,y, mors, tho amanda ' whowTiMüi tlie t'riif of tin1 grave, are now living raor.u i"nts to lije )j)4in Herb'w Doctor'fi kil1 nw 8 ucee fultreaJ mcit .and are daily exclainjing; " BVsaedb-th dar wln-n (irst e sa-.v and pirtook of the India i itírh iinct'.i" iaediefo." ' Patf-ifjic.tíívy riVrf ncoof o ares wíli be gladly and ; cheerf'iliv ven n liiM:vir L-equired, The 'ocir peA ui hifi frord and liormr, tlmt will ■ ín no iVie,'lirf'cili n indircctly ■ imUict or canse anj invali'l tn take his !'ie!icinj itímu'. tUettrüngtí'1 prob. ability f n ,-.irc. j %L T ,-!.■,, .vamination, whieh U i-ntm-VvlitTVrem 'rom the faonlty !r. I.yon prwfeseefi t diflceïO i eases hv tlw ey !!■ ttwrefovp aRl'' Díqnetions, nor ; oeshe !-(-■) n paiii'i.tsto Mplaiö -ympti-p... Cali onc id all, ti! i:-t-c t he iymptnniH w Iwüfttiojfl of your seaso Lplaintd rf ruartr. ï"" 'hp Doorhl1 tHlDieraDy ionsiderd. iög" 2flïï. , R. .1. I.YONS. M I'. Cl ptoñilí o],;r,. Knv. ft. lifi'? lyPO CLOTHING AT M üU;tiM_iCÖ'S! Iïiviiiir ii' retuvurd fritm Eftht "vvith i large stock of SP-.íííG ADSÜMMERGOGOS! wo inviic ;',!! our 1'1 rria3s aiul custonifrs to comn and examioÉ i-J" uci of CL3TUSCASS1SEBES& VESTISfiS. Diijiulc fact if yon can, It t;tk-'s tlie TA IL' K all to give ippfaianc; to .tlie tutter iiuti). If yon wish to apear well Ymi imist iiecorrtiüsly Dretn Wcjl. Go to üi. GuUerman & Go's., Thuru you will find thitigs exautly SO. SOyDnEIIfj]:.yñ veady to tiike yiur riieusüro, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goodü willi t;re:it pk'iisnrc, At figures LOWER lian you will find itï he Suite, Take lieed - oall early, else you are too LATE. The i.NDucE.MKNTs ;irc uow greuter than Our ülksks }'oti svill find ubliging and clever. i We will tiow you ffood CLOTHING oí uur ovvn obttino vy, FiJing our Stoie fVoin Bottöm to rop. STUDENTS especial will find it to TH KIK ADV'ASTAK. For it lakm hut LITTLE MONEY H, ivplonish. CO ATS of Cloüi nnd Cuswimere of our OUD IMPORTAT1ON. Porw arded Lhroojtfc our New York rel.ltlOrtS. Frityii Enjihind, Btilgiimi, Germany and Flanee, Su'.h as yon ciiri stand up in. or wkar, at the dance. Pants ! Pa nis ! ! Pauts ! ! ! Fancy (HSSIMERES and DOE.SK1N oí every jirnde, Wè sfll il,cm iiom ONE DOLLAR up lO KIG11T. VS?TS, &C., nL every desuription, You vvill tind t su without üction, Furnifhing appakkls F,..m SHIRTS to ÜMBRELLA8. Thia is all vre say ncw, Tfr efore vo make our bo7. Yours truly. ever bo, M 6ÜITKRMAN. di Co., Fcr tuit, Mic.f, fíMH-Jest Ants, Bed B'-tgs, Èio'is in Fut, ÏVooten, fc., Intects on Plunlty f''wls, Animáis, ifc. V t uj) ia 2.V; óüu. nl tl. 00 linxp, Rottles. Rnd F -tk. m'J au.l SS ffor Hotei.s( 1'uüuc JH8T1TOTI ir, Vfc. '■Only infnlh)l(l remediefi known.;ï "Krfflrdna l'wiiftdiiMi.0 ' 11 i!t ctwoO'f'UF' ol' LWii )iot to die " fíLf i'ld Wholesale in aTÏ iarccitics. Sitl i ■ - ;ili Dni'jiiisis aun üoiiiilciF everjwhere. '!! Hii-.vAlcjc !!! uf alt w(írtli! iniitutions. ïi . l h r' '('n(ii aük" iiaiHi i n pn':h Box, Dottle, uil, befove you bv. ##■ v .. lIKVnvn.WSTAR. ". ! i '■ ",' ; 1-! I1::.'..(1.W.1V. TBW Ti.,;. 'hu!ciato and Ketail DrnirtF in Aa . SUdbtgMa . Crïi'i)54. THJE! ALL SUFFICIEjSTT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Knöwn as "Hclmbnld's" GENUINE FREPARA1I0NS. VI Z ■ ! HEI MFiOI.D'S EXTRACT " BUCHÜ " .' "'OuLLA, ' IHPJiOVEC ROSE WAS1I. H ELMBOLU'S GEN INE PPEPARATION, "HIGHI.Y CONCÉNTRATE D" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positiva and Specifio Remecly, For Disensee of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GUAVEL AND DKOPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Mwlitfftlf inereascs the power of Dk'cstiun and excito. Jhe a i„,„ hnltíiy aotïiTw wl.lh KELMBOLD'SFXTRACT BUCHÜ FOR WEAKNESSKS Arising froni Excosscs, Habitaof Diesipution, i Early Iruiitcretion, or Abuee, ATTEWDED WITH THE FOLLOWIJÍ0 SYMTOMS : IndUpnsHioij toExertion, Loss of ï". iver, Iwou of Memory, Pifliculty :f Broathing, we-kKeni, Tremblinfr, gnrror of Disesse, Wakefulnesi, Viaam of V,3iou. iai„ „ the Back, Cmversal L&ssitude of the Plushtaf of the Body. Muscular Sjtom, Emptions on the Face, Hot Hand, PuUidflonntenam I'r.VneR nf the Skin. The.-e symptimis, if allowed to go on, which thia medicine invariably removes, sodn follow [MP0TENCY,F4TÜITYEPILEPTI0FITS leunt of whichthe patiënt inay exphe. Whu cun suy tbat theyaie uJt fnjquently followed by those "direful liseues," Insanity and Consumption, lianv areware of the cau.-e of their suBfering, hut vin conf,ws. The records of the nsaói iïyiunis ir..i the melancbolydeaths by Consumición, btui ample tncsi to the u-uth of the assevtiuu. THE roN-STlfUTION, ON-CE AFFECTED WIT11 OK GAVIO VfEAKN'ES, Rêiüre the aid of medicine to ntrengthen mul in vÍL")T:itcthi'yíln:i,-.vliid. HELM I.OLh' S EXTRJC I BU' ffLmvanat)ly does. A trial will conïince tfau mot sliöptioali Fcmales, Femal6s, Females, OLD OR YOCNG, SINGLE, MABBIED, OR CON TliMI'LAÏIN'G MÁREIAQE, In ranny airection peculiar to Kemales the Extract Buchu is unequftlled by any otlier remedy, as in OlüorosiB or Kftention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Supprf ssion of the Cuslomary Kvacuations Ulcerated ir ScliirrouD talE of the Uterus, Leucorrhea, oi Vhites.S1friliy,:uid Tor all eoraplaintB incident to the wx. whethdrajrlfiing from indiscretioü, Habits üf Diesipation, or in the Decline or Chango of Lite. WEE SYMITOMK ARoVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam , Mercury, or l'npleasant Medicine for L'ni'lea.Siint and Oangerous Itisases. ÍÍELiiBOLD'S EXTRACT BLCUÜ Cl HES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; iMittle expense; littleor no ch .ige in dit ; ao iuconvenienee. AND NO EXPOSTTÜE. Tt causes frequent desire. and jrives utrenxth to Urinidc. therebyrcinovinjjobBtructionii, preventin anfl cunngStrictures of the lTre!hra , allaying pain and inIliininiation, mi frequent in this clafs of diceaws, anr ot'm?LíO'VOLs' diseasbd and r?" Tlwu.sandfi upon Thousan.ÏR A'HO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And irho h.;ve paid HEAVY FEES tobe cureiiina horttimè'i hnvef.nnidthey vviTetleceiveil. and thu ' the "Potoon" has. by the use of "Powerful Asti-inent " been dried np in the System, to break out in nairora vated [arm, ana ïi:llAP!! Afler UAfSUl iV. USE Helmbold's Kxtract Buchu Tol all AJfectfo&s aad Disensos of Tlie XJrinai'y Orga,ns' WJictÏKr e-Mïhig in MALE OR FEMALES, from whiitevei" caue )rigiitting. and 00 ïiiatter OF HOW l.OXG STANDING. DiHeaees of tliese Organp requive the aid of a DintETic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS TUK GKEAÏ DUUiliTIC, Ati.'l it is ct.'1-tuin to have tlio desii-t-d ellcct iu a.11 Ui easès, wliicb it is reoino:)?iulcJ IÍLÍXH) ! IïlTTÖD ! ULOOi)! IJt'lmboM'h llilily Cncenl raled Cumpound Fluid Extract Sarsapariila SYPHILIS. I Tliis m au ÍPt'Ct:in of the Bloot), and atiacJttii SuKuil (Myiiiis, I.iti nsrn oi' the Xost, Kars . Thrat W mi! pipi' , mm uthiT Mueife f ui lace, ímikmg its appoür;imjf in tbe foim of tHcera Himbold Ext.act Ha!i!.ril! purihes the lUooil, una n-iiiovc all -caly Kni) ti'Mi ot Tin' SUiu. gnincr t" the Coniplcxiiiu a Cki an ilfaliiiv Ofcloi. It beinp prepared expreHsH frtliií ilfsfj nl critmplaints, its Hioofl-I'urilvin l'npertiefl aie prft-rfil to a tírt-ater e.tent t+amM&è ntb'M preparation of ar.-aptiril!u. He!mbold'sHose Wash. Au excellent I.otiun v !N.soa.scs of a ynliMtc, ; n ' ï as an iiijfctin in l líneas s of the Upinarv Organs, an'?.ing from hitbits uf rlisfíipatioi used in connection wji'h thé liStractP iíuclm and táarsaparllla, ín ftuch tiKríis-'n,rí ree'iinioen'lt'd . F.videncc öf tlu'inost rvsponsihle and chacacter Will accomnany thu medicines. CKRTIFICATli.H OF CUKES, Prora eiglit to iwenty voars standing, vvith nanu known to SC1EFCE AM) FAME, For Medical I'ropt'riisoí BUCHU, e UisueuHatorv of tbe Vnited Stafcu. Sec Mrofrssor hEWEKS' valuable worUa on the l'i-;'cUcc cf I'li)ic See romarks ninde l'V the celebrated Dr PF.Y8ICJ, rhiht.l..-liihi:i. Le itiiiatkh inadti by Dr. EPHRAIM Mc.DOWELL, celebra ted Physic'un, and Meniber of the 6ïjal C! lege of Suvceona. Irela mi , and pqblttned in the TranSiiptionft of the KinjriiHd Qut'en'ti Jourunl. Sec Mcdieo-C'irnrgiral Review, puhlisbed by 1ÍENJAMJX TRAVERS, Fellow of the RbyaJ College of Öurptíob. Sre inoNt of the late Ptandard VVorks on Medicine. Kxtract iïrciir, $1 ('0 n:n hottik, uj: six fok $5 00 " Sarsapahíila 1 CO i; ' 5 ÖO lÓltióVtW lïosr: WasÍI, 50 " " nj Or half a dozen of each íor H1SQ& wliit-h wil] be Rufflc!eni ío ur: t".C .;:"1 "bstinate caaes, i'dtrecttcns are adheivd to T C ')ellvered bo any Wdhrtsr, socurely pached fromobgorvation . tïT D(yrlbe smjitonia in all conimunication?!.- Cure.sguarnnteed. Advine gratis. A F IDA VIT. PemónaTly appekred Vef ore mean AííWrtnnn of the city of 1'hiIiidelphiaH. T. Hei.mrou), who, being dnly sworn, tJoth say, bis preparationa contain no narcotic, no mercury, or otherinjuriouti drugö, but are purely vegetable. H. T. IÏELMTtOU). Sworn and subscribed bef ore me, tliis 2üd lay oí Nürcmbfr,lP54. WM P. IUBB.A1ÏD. Al'ferinan, Ninth-sti'eet, above lïace, Pliila. Addrosfi Letters for Information in Cnnfl3pBie T. RELMBQLD, Cnemi.-'t Depot 104 South Tentli-stieet,below Cheatnni, Phila. BEVVAKE OF roUNTIiRfCITS AND UNPRÏXCIPLEI) DEALERS, Who endeavr.r to dispose " OF THEIR 0WK " and "otbör" art iele." on the i epiiintion nttaíjaed by Ulmboldr Gnttlm PrejwnvtlODi, " " Iixtract ü.iciiu, " " u Sareajiarllla, " i( IflaproflTíwlitose'Kaífo. Soll by all Pt-uggiBtR everywhere. ASK FOR HELMIïOLfl'S-TJKE NO 0THKR. Cut out the advevtiKomcu't, and ird for it 47VT) AVOW IMPOêTIvN AiWÜXPOSOnM. 1ym Woulil tako tliis Biïtjl.uj nf infnrminy lui old friendn and pairons and all othera who muy favor him with their patronage, U.ut lie luis greatl eula.rged hia Stock inrt Assortmeut ! CASH SYSTEM BOT!! IN BÜYFNG &SRUINH s prepared t Kil Goods at V)lo Frioea, HM tulf coiialst iu uur ! oí che rollowia: r-j. AMERICAN' AND 0T1IKR rHI Watches! CUM'KS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOU) CHAINS, TAI5LE AND POCKET CUTLfiïlY ! Ba2ors,Hheara,.Sc1sorBand Bruabea, ' IMiiKliS I'LATKI WA [K, the beBtlnmarket, Gold Pens. Steel Pens, Pencils, l'Al'KR ana KNVKLOl'KS, IMLusical Instruments, Strings Sf Botks fnr Instruments, S I 33 O T .OIjH3, of Oold, Silver, Sterf, and Plated, xith PERISCOPIO GLA.SS, a superior irticle Persons having difficuli wutches tofitwitli glasses san be aöcomodated, au my stock ís largo umi (.om plete. P S, Partk'ulai' attenlion t.o the ofalt kin-is of fine Watches, uch as Makmg and Setting ncw Jewele, Piiiions Stnjfs, and Cylinder. Alsn CLOCKS, Sc TE"SrELTï,"' upritly rpaiie and war-Jinicd, at his uli staudea; jide of .[ain Ptveet, C. BLISS. Ann Arhoi.N'ov. 25, 18P2 BW tl . ;.. ■ - "? 6s5n NOBLE & RIDER, are Rilling thfir large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPER TH AN EVER ! ! i LOW PRICES TOR CASH. ! Gooá Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Peggefl, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 ' i Womiui's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 ' Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Yuuth's aud Childreo's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOO TS and S HOES are rapiJy adeancing in Eastvrn Markets. TilEY ALSO MAKE WAMMTED Lísr WORK TO ORDER. S5 A NI) REPAIR. Remomber vïo can not and will not be undersóld. Please cal] and e anaína their stock LAWRJSNCK NOBLK, CHARLES RIDER. Anu Arbor, Fcb. lgtb,l6t. t44. Terrible Slaughter! TUK VÍCTOKY IS ÜUR8! Wliirn bax ien r&giag fr Ihfl pa.-i fcur s■H:Ks;t MACK & SCHMIDS STORE Has proved a grand saeceas, althoogh the slaugtitcr of DRY CxOOÜS ïIms In-en terrible. We now njibe tlie annott&eemQi that we hall eootlnns "For Manv erü" to mafed warwilh lililí rices, being detfiniiiiet,! to give tb; biin'ïrcl who linl! v ihrong oür stovi', full y;ii;jo IV.r Uicir innney, I.H'üps can finil with üi all desirable BbadM muí Btylosof DRESSGOODS, UIBBOAB, riUMMiVGS, EMB1ÍOIDEU1ES, WHITE GOODS, HOS1ERY, GLOVES; &c, UTith a, very large aud iillractive Ktocü uf CLOAKS AND SFIAWLS Wc liear it Bafd t-very d4y tliat w ï are rulolng t Ue bufin69B in tliïa city hy süliinii .so cbeap but we cunnot keii'itïfN tv ja TyiTTJrr.f tt The . Cüoocls Must le sO!d. 1000 N'ew SfyU-iiu.l boi -lU.ility 11 H)' SKIRTS vrry cBkaj) , HtHÏ for the tíeiitlt'uii'ii we havo a verj nrge assor raontof Fieuch Twilled CIoth.Beaver Overcoatings, Dosekiiis, Faxicy Cassür.-res, Vestiugs, &c, Of all lU'sci'ioli'JUs. uní! can urnisli a Whole Ruit n hort Doticemuch ebeeáper than it can Ite boughi elsö where. Au ex-araiiutoq o i tjia tir.üu'h ui uur bul rM wiil cünvince aTi that thia is the place to buy tht-ir Punta, Cual-; a ml Ves's, We have rIbo ü. complete HATS AND CAPS, Aud in fací everything thnt mao or woinan eau desjijfe to ffear-(i Lead or firtit, Grocerie, Crockery:Olassware &c, At astonifihlng !nv priodfu "d Ín hort out ntire stock must sli are the sanie late for w; are determine! to Bell, ao matter wha1 old croakera maj eay. AH are invited to fqgpagt uur stock is it is uo trüuble to sbo' O'arüüds, and we are bound to meet the d mandsot t il. 932tr Rack BCHun). FORNITÜRE ROOMS; One door Noith of Risdon aud Ileuderson's Hardware Store. Tliu underaigned haring purchased the entire Btock of W. I). iroitb & Co., and added krgcly to the same, b preparen to furmsh hls frierïdëi and patrons a good iwsortmentof well made furniture, cousisting of ÊOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS, if all kinds, and in fact ot everything pertaining to the juöiütjas. L V JY ES. MATRASSES, S:c, &c.,m;ule to order by good and experienced workmin, atad warran cd to givc satislhotion. He also keepa ;i ïoud aunrtluqnt of Cheurry uil WalnutLumber for sala at rea.-onable prices And ill also pav the hishi'st markct pric for Cherir Walnut, and White WoodXumber. P. S. lie lias also purchafied the new and E L EGAN T HEARS K ! af ömith 5: Co,, and isprepared to furnisb all kinds of Wod Coffins, Mefalie Cases, AISTD CASKETS, Dn the sbnrteftt notice. Also Httends to lajing oui Uceus d persona da y a mi nijfht, without charge. All "urnit ure delivered iu tlie ity fret of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January , 1863. 94Otf SREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BIiGá.IKS EVEí: OFFEREÜ 1859. ..1859 In tliisOity.iireiiow being offered at tlie OHEAP.CLOOK.WATOH, & jewtilry iStoxOTHKrinbscriber wouldaay to thecitizeneol Ann Arbor.i" particular, and the rest of Wnhl-nau Jnuntv insoncr!, that hehnsjugt l.MPOKl'ED I. IECTLY from KUROpK.e Tremendous Stock of Watches! LU of wtaich he binds himself to iell ("HE Al'KK than can bebought west of Now York City. I bavc alsu tne CELE KR AT KI) MEll?CAN WATCHES, chichi wlll sei"i ttr S35. Evsry Watcb warrantbd to lorform well.orthe money retunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Gooda. Gold Pens, ilujicallnatruments and Strlngi, Cutlery, &c, nd infactavariety of everythinü usually kept jy Jawel 6rs can be boughtfor the uext nlnety dayB at vnur OWN PRICES! 'ereoiie buyinfi anything at tfais wei' known eatab ishme t can rely upon getting goodi exact'y as rep■esented, orthemonpy refunded. fiaHearly and ae:ure the best bargains ever offered in thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : kVe are preparad to make any repairs onfine or comnon Watches, even to mnkineo er the entire watch, f neceeBary. Repairlng ot' Clocks and Jeweiry as isual. Aleo the manufacturine: oí RINGS, CROOCllí?, )r ftuythin?; (iesired. from California Gold on short no;ice. Eoeravire in ftlïitahranchesexeented withneat rie anddisoatch. J C. WATTS. RISDON & HEN DERSOA Et XT O IS. E3 "X" JE3 CRAEIM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfie;d, Ohio. riiHE VEKT l-ATIÏST IMPROVKMKNT, and better tl).in JL all nlh'rs; a'l:i)iteú to Mjwing W'heat, lije, OatB, ïink-y iiml Gteaes Seï I . Ist. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunckes the Grain Ath. Never hrenhs the Gi ain. 5th. Sow.s G?'ass Seed broadca$t iehindthe Drill. 6A. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ilh. Has long and tcide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveior. 9th. lt has doublé and single rank drlls. Qth. lt has a self adjusting shut off'. dide. lt is neatly and substantially made. j Tbere is hanlly a Drill offered in the market but can boaKtof jaoie or F1EST PREMIUMS?' Tiiy are itboutas imlisoriniinnti'lv bentowed n. the tille of ' Proceor," whtcb ia som et i mes applied to tlie 'tfidilltr " or " bootblackS' Tbey cease to convey the : ileii al mcr't. The Drill ha be-o ou Kïbibïtion at quite a aumber of St&te and Coaatj Kairs, And wiíhoat i.king ' Favor at the han-ls if auy Committee, has received ïtb full tillare of I'remiunifi TEïvTIMONIALS : We givethe following Dams of a fewFanntrs in tlng vicinity wao havebought aiidusecl the Uuckeye Drill : Godfre.v Miller, Scio. Jiicob Pollifinut, " Jacob Trenj per, ' ' Thomas White, Northfield. John Hroknw, " Chiistian Kapp, " lidwiird Bovdeo, Webster, Jumes Troadwell, Ann Arboi DnnivlO'Iiara, " " JohnG. Cook, IajAL O. A. Marshall, " L. Kiiinmi 's, Saline. George Crnpsey, (ircen (Jak, I,iv. Co. Wf art-also Asenta for the Ohio Reapcr & M wer, acknowledged tf be the very best in use. We are just ín receipt oí 100 Grain Cradles Which ive will sellclieap. Altio a large aasortment c Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUJ F FOR CARRU-GESever before ofiOcd in tbis raarket We uIüo koep a large and full mm (o? lüöaaa NAIT.S, Gl.APS, rUTTV , PAJJTT, aotl LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWARE, ANIi KAVETROUGUSalways onhajldand put up 3 the shortent notice. KIRDON k HENDF-Kt'ON. JUST "OPENING ? _ - The larMt Stock and best aBsortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to this city, ineluding SOF AS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Ijoote-ing Olasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings MFTALIC CASES. &c, &c, and all other ftoorls kept Ín the best and laigest bouses in t'.e country . Wc Keep n second hand furnitun or Am:tion pfiods. Coffijs kput conntantiy on hand, and made to order My goodd are offerefl ut THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N.B I must lia ve mcney. and rcspectful y rpqnet thope iidebted, to cali and fix up their old matters witlioutdelay. o. m. mabtin. Ann Arbor, Oct.6 lffti QiStf Yl . The peculiar taint or yV. eN infectimi v.hifh we cali ifeft w Scrofula lurks in & V" 'ie constitutions of - 1 éi& multitudes of men. It 2 V"NtíSi0!í' 1 eitluT produces or s LL sfííi. ' produeetl by nn enirffSrlj _ ieelilcd, viti'ated state fHOlifil! feot' tlic blo''' 'herein fc-'spfite jgftliat fluid bccomes in=E3siSk & oASjSïooml)etünt to sustain MrSaíEKi JjiuMtjTBtlic vital forces in their BjyBiiuSjB MËMg( vijrorous action, and lij1 tca es the system to ÜJgSjjëSr f"ll 'nt0 disorder and ""-.L53533= - decay. Tlie scrofulous contamination wvarionsly caused liy mercurial discase, low UVing, disordered digestión from unhealtliy food, iinpure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressiug vices, and, abovc all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, deseending "from parents to chitaren unto the third and fourth geueratkjn ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit t!ic iniquities of the fathers upon their ehildren." The diseases whioh it oriixinatcs take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the luugs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which 8uppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which ! duce indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptivo and cutaneous aifcctions. These all hating the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purilication and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangcrous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or oorrupted blood, you cannot Iiavo health ; with tbat " üfe of' the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ia compounded from tho most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the euro of the disorders it entaila. That it ís far superior to any other remedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues tmly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complainte, is indisputably proven by the great ïnultitnde of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of tho following diseases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuraígia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphüis and SypMlitic Infectious, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that avise from impnrity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wlierein may be Iearned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures whu-h it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are piirposcly taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to hini of its benefits from personal experienee. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. Tlie vast importante of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, nlthongh it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sursiiarila in alterative power. By its aid you may protect youreelf from the suffering and danger of thesa disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the ! blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar viitues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by i many compounds of SarsaiarUa, that promised , mucïi and did nothing; but they will neither be deeeived nor disappointed ir this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of tlie afflicting diseases it is intónded to reach. Although under the same name, it is a verv different medicine from any other which has been bcfore the peóple, and is far more effectual than any other which bas ever been availablc to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Hemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consuüiption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This bas been so long uscd and so universally known, that we need do no inore than assiire the public that its quality is kept up to ! the best t ever bas been, and that it may be relied on to do all it bas ever done. Prepared by T)r. J. C. Aykr & Co., Practical and Analitical Cftemists, Lowell, Masi. Sold by all druggists everywhere. FÖR SALE ! , MV SKO.VER íc BAjCER SEW1NG .MACHINE. ' i.Uci ii NEW -1NOKR MArUIÍÍK, eitlier F.unilv or ui:innhirturingpattern. Applj ;it 'THE AKUUS OFFICE. A. Farm for sale. - n- QiTCA'CKI) six milos Xurtli of AnnArber. Said fuw v consists of 12'J icrrs. Ou thfl premi sé roóA buiMing'i , .1 Bb'e inelinrd nnd a living stream. ït ia known as tlic Kosoctans (inn. H nÜH be sold cheap. aud teuns oi payment mji'le ta.v. Erciiire of L.C. i;i?I?ON Aon Arbor, Jan. 26, 1S6; (j-lUf HOWARD ASSOOIATTON, PniI.ADKLPIUA, VA. DIsenseg of í lic Vervoiis, Seminal, Urliiry id Stxtinl Systems - new and rpliabletroatnu-.nt- in Reportn of tho HOWARD ASSOCIATfQtf- Öintby mail in -ialcd letttr nm lopos, free ofcharffti. Addrosfl. ïfr.t.ÖKJU.tN Ffori.-ïirov, Hnwurd Jtomri (""i, . -J Sauth V-uifi Vtiy.'t , PUtl , (';t, ÏOvl Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF MLCHIOAX, County of YTapiitk-uw s, Byvirtueofa writ f fieri facies ifsued otitófüü under the aeal of the Circuit Court for tbo Countv . f WashtenaV, in tlie Wate of Michigan, to rarfi rectefiand éehrwe, I Oi.l ,,n tho twenty thi.-d ,)„„„, May,A D. , 1SÜ4, seiz and e,-y upen all ihe right t,ti. nnri (fatetert of Hugl) [ioim,..-. the defemlantthewl nained. in and toall tiiose certain ci8le., er perceloï landsituated in the tonus of Lodiand Saline. CoüntW Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, taown bouK auddesciïbedasfollows, to-wil: fráng tlie sóutl,.„ quarter of section twenty-five ïlT township threom outh of ranae flve east, containing ono huiidredii ixty acres of land, more or lens, aiso all that irict parcelof landsituated in the viljsgeof Saline duni 01 Washtenaw, and of Michigan, known bounÏÏ and described as follows, to.wit : Keing a part of 1 , nuinher one and two in section four according to the r corded plat of said village, beginning en 1he tiii... road twulve feet west from the nortta-east corner un . numberone,lhnce southcrly sixty feet parallel. tht oast line to the Chicago road, thence westeüy a thesaidChicagoroadtwentv feo.t to tLo place 01 bei 8 AUoallthat certain tract or jaree] of land IS" u.fëa fa the village of Saline, County „f WaMu, State of Michigan, described as ie llows : cormm-aciJT.' the north west corner of lot owned by Andrew Cra" on theeast de of the Ann Arbnr road", runningiliii' norllieny along the line of said road to the soulli . , corner of a lot owned by E L. Bickford. thence Past,, along said Bickford 's south line to land owned bvJo! kanouse, theuee southerly along said Kanouse's lir,.,„ the north east corner of saidCraig's lot, thence we(„ iy along said CraiK's line totlie place of Wgfnini .' taimngaboutfifteon rnds of laud, which I 11 „. forsalnto the highest bidder at public auctton at a outh door of the Conrt House, i. the City of 1 Arbor.insaid County, bems the place of holding rif Circuit Court for aid County, on S.uunlay tile irtií of haVda' A D'' 1S14'at U'l:l0'lk " afte'""t I-HILir U'INEGAS, Sheriff Jortix Fobbes, Deputy Sheriff. Uated, May 24th, 1864. td955 Mortgage Sale. TEFAULT having been made in the pcrforicanc „f V u J",n ofa "twge bearing date on Z flfteenth day of January, A. D.,"ld56, exfmited brs! Lawrence and lamar Uwrence, Lis wile, to JwJ I rown and di. y recorded in the ciSce of the H„j, „ of Deed, of Washtenaw Couniy, Michigan, ie W twtntytwo ot mortgages page toree hundreí 2l r9T4OVn,th7Wentj'-nintl! f fVbrnar, A „ 1856 wherebj the power to nell themortgaged irrofi bas become operative ; and no suitorpiocefrirDffhlrS been instituUd at law to recover the debí ecureí ta sa.d mortgage or any part thereoi . and the "urn of se" hundred and 6fty one dnllars and thirtv tlirec ceM being now claimod to be due th.reon (bendes the coiti and expenses of the pmceedings now bëiog had forti, foreclosure of saitl mortgace including rcasonable n torney lees.) Xotice i therefore herebv giveo w ;,id mortg.-igewill be foreclosed by a sale "of the ort gRged premiïes described as (büoira, viz : Tlie ret. fourth of the north-west quartrr of siction ;eM" eigh, also thenorth eakt olu-cighth of the nortii.,1. one. half quarter of said secticn twruly eiglit (leintwo rods in widlh from the side occupied as a Iane),al! beiiw in township number four s( utli and range nlimberÜTí east, ín the County of , and of Mich. igan, containingin all foity niu aeres of lnnd.moreor less, or (.ome part thereof, at public veniiue at t hf Bouth door of tneCourt llna-c. in the City of .Ann Arbor snid County. (thatbeing the plae óf holiiing thsQ, cuit Court witlin said County,) on Frday. tlie twtDtfsixth day of August next at noou Bkake.-S:Ckaíie, HAVIÜ BROVrx, Attorueys for Mortgagee, MortL'Hf,late'i , Ann Arbor, May 21st, 1864. 95 ínstate of Oharléa Ilyland. QTVTE OP MICHIGAN, of Wa.slnen;. .,_ IJ Al aaessionof the Probate Court lor tlie Conntrof Washtfnaw, hulden a tthj Probate Uilice, iu tlie Citj tí 'nn Arbor, on MonJav the twenty-tliiid iay oflUy fa the year oue thousand eight hunnriMl au;l &iit-fc'uj Present. Thomas Ninde..Uidge ot Probate. In the matter o( the Estáte of Chirrlf Hvhc.l n, of iheCity of Ann Arbor, in said Coiinty. oucraseil Onreadingand flling the petition, ouly TerffleJ .! Xelson B. Nye, praying for the probate of na iistrment now on tile in this -ourt, p;rport:ng lo be tLelai' will and testament ot said deceawii. and letters tests' mentary granted thereon to th? executer named thenThereupon it is Ordered. that Moilfly,H tventidk day of Junenexl,at ten oVloci ia thu foienocn. b ■ igned for the heariug of saiti pt-titiou. and thnt'thefc visees, leñatees and heirs at law of said deeeased uj allother persons intere.steii in sajd estáte, aiv refluiré to apusar at a session 'of said Court, toen tobe hoiáeíil the Probate Office, in the City . r.iotiU Couuty , and show pause, itany tlierebe. wiiy thepmtr of thepetitioner should not be granted: And it is further orierd, th:U said petitionir bive notice to tlie persons interesten in saiii estáte, of the pendency oí said pelition, and the hearing ihmof, bycaysinga cojy of this unier ín be ublisbeil in ib Michigan Argtts , a úéwspa'per pi-'nií-.1, ;ni eiVcuíatiní in said County of Washtenaw, tlnee succssie weeks previous to saio day oí hearing. (AtrueCopy.) ' THOMAS MIXPE. 9S8 Ji.,:se of Probíte Estáte of Joseph Kelsey. QTATEOK MICHIGAN, Coui.ty of Washtenjw U.Ï' A.ta session of the Pmbate Court tlie Couníroí Washtenaw. hoden at the l'i-obate Office lo tiiociljií ,lnn Arbor, on Monday, the thirtieth day of Máy i 1 the year one thousandeitrbt hundred atuKfxtv-íoiir. Present, Thomas Ni.nde Judgei ( Fro.baíé. In the matter of the Kstate ofjpseph Kel-c-v. Ur; I of said county, deceased. Ili-nrv :;earick, admíni I tor of said estáte, comes into Court an1 reprefeotí ] that he is now prepared to render his final aecooDti such administrator Thereupon it sOrdered. that. M'edi.elay. the twmtv i ninth day of Ihne noxt. af ten o "Jdck ín the forénom, i gned toi the ],e;rinü of said petiüon. and thai til i lieirs at law of said deceased and . i.' othei interested in said p'.-t.itc á'ppeir'it I í -ssion of said ("ourt, ibfn to be IioUenat { Probate Otiïoe, in Cj ia :i 1 County, añil show ,-. ■ -.- lie, why thf the said aec i . .i'y t I is further n . ,,arjct (in i nutice to 'he persnn tftternXM "in Baid estale, i of the peiMieucy of said ur.d tlie hearing I . by cánaing á c iTii Ordir tí ' ' pii'jüsl.e'í in tie Michigan Atgnê, a neiwpaper printrt i anJ gircnjttling iii si j .. ttw i :cc. -■ive weeks píx-vious -;r(Atruecopy) ÏHOHAS N1NUK, 959td . , .'. .bato. Attacbment Noties. VtüTiCE ÍS HEREfi'y .-; , a tlir tv.entjL sixth ilay ní-lpril, A. T). 1S6J, Jostplí W. tamil anu Frederie VV'urster, Plamtiffs, scednit of tlie fiicuit Court for the County of 1itnn a Mnt ■' attachmeut tluj reciery oí' wim o!' oce hundred an.l tu-mf y llv,. .!,,!;.■.,„ ;i ■ , . gooíls, cliHttles., :■ . ■ .: rt iTcfi ot Lueius F. Mull, defendant ■ 4licfi saúl v.rit i" i turoÜble da Tuesday, t.' of iii'V.A.D., 1SG4 ; and that it appears froni !!;■ return to saiiiwl that .,[' saíd .: '.. :,i :..;.. been altacluí thereon, ar.d 'tliat se i nbt be founl, Pated, Aun Arbor. May 6-h, Isr.l. JílSE H W.I AANí-ON. ERE0EB1I VV-t'RülJEEs Beakes & Cüjmfb. J'l.tintifi. Attys. for PlaintifTs. S66w Cornruissioners' No'.ice. STATE OF MICHIGAN". O ur.ty f f Washtenaw M - The uniiersignetl ]:aviu;r b.-en npi otliU-d bj th Probate Court for said Couíity. ComtniasioDers to ncrive. examine and a al! c ái'ms and tmandiof all persons against theestate o Jósluui iJowner.latf o f the townnhíp o f Lima, in said Countv, deceasen,b(fiby give notice that six months from date, are, byfinlí: of said Probate Cuurt. aliüwed íor credilors toprrfí' their claims agaiñsi sa;d ' : that ther i meet at the o.Tree of A. J. Sawyer, in the Víliaft1 Chelsua, In said County, on Saturday the thirtj" day of kuitust , and Tuesday the ril'tee'nth da.7 "' vniber next, it one o'clock 1'. M.oi eachday,tofr ceive, examine and adju'st sfüd cláiñiR'. EI.ISHA dONGBOJ. ) ., . . ,_ cynfis bei K.v;fa ; (ommf-Mf-:' nated, May 16th, 18Ö4. 957w4 CITY COOPER SHOP. ip- o 8PAFFO1ÏÜ & DODSLET, kucccësois to O. C. SPAFFORD & D HENNIKe, Wouldrespectfully auuounce to the citizens pi " rbor and viciu.ry, that they. are n.ow ïraiiufactun' .md keep constanily on hend a Lurge Assoitüicnt of COOPER WORK! Sucli as Pork aud Cider Barrels, Kegs.Firldus, Churus, Well Bnckots, Flour and Applcs Barrels, atMerchante and Brewers are invïted to exaEiiD" Butter l'irkins aud IÍL-er Kegs. ctjstom "wo:rb:, done to ORDER on SUÜRT NOTICE and wai-ríiteáIdF3 Cash paid for Stiivcs, HeaJN and Hoops. Shops corner ofüetfóií 4: Xortfc Street, and '' of North & Fat Sireets. fcPAï'FOKD & DODSLET; Aeb ishor, re. 3;l',:pM. "f"


Old News
Michigan Argus