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A Virtue Needed In America

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We Americana are the most wastefüï and extravagant people in the world. - We waste fuarfully n food, in clothing, uud in extras. We waste on every secular day of Üie week, aud waste a dou1ble amount oh Wiindays. Men waste stiamefully, women shockingly ; boys and girls, toó, are pcrinitted to wasle wofully. Wastefúlueás i'S onó of oür worst uational vicés ; for f econoray be a virtue tlien extravagancé rónst be a vice. The Knglish don't waste half as niuch as we do ; the l(ïench not a íiuartcr ; and the Gerraaus (while iu Oeriüauy) dou't waste ut all. Hundreds of leading hotels here and throughout the country prepare daily frónl twenty to fifty different dishes for dinuer, and out of these from a half to two-thirds are vulgarly ttaSted. Thus not otily is fo'od; watfted but also labor at the sanie time. In ofdinary families uuwholeaome menls of huif a dozen dishea are gótton up, wliere a plain meal would at once be more Cconomieal and wholesome. We gói"ge oürsêlvos with great nuoibers of articlos, which are neither nutrieioiis uor delicious, but siinply costy. Meo buy four hats a yení, Vhero oue ought to last them fouryears. They hrow away coats and pauts when thcy are but little the worse for wear ; and nstead of haviii their shirts münded and their stockings darned, they purchaso new ones, and fling away the old. Wouien wear very expensive artioles of dress without wcariug them out; and, we have heard, are inclined to spend and waste money and matertal without Stint.


Old News
Michigan Argus