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The Seven-thirties--what Are They?

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We trust Ihut u largo portiofl of omre. .dors havo poniiered the Appeul of Mr. Festonden, iur new SeoreUry of the Treasury. The purport of it is thal the People of the United State?, actir. as a body through their agent the Government, winh individúala to lend (hcin Iwo hundred millioris of dollars for threu years, at seven and thieetenths ïn-rcont. animal interest, pajablo eveiy six mouths. í'or thia t:ev olïer Treasnry Notes - that is, in reality, notes diawn and endorsed by every man in thu country. The loan is viuted for a great national pnrpose, to eifec;t whioh evei y man, iiüless he be a a traitor u heart if not in act, s solcrrnly pledijed. The Áppeal is acldressed not merely to a few great capitalists, but also to the manv vvhose agreL5ate means eon stituie the mass of the weallb. f the land. The notes upon whith this loan is nsked are fiom $50 upward. Every mnn whn has 6fty dollars can take part in this luán. Apart from patriotism and.lhe diity whiuh all oye to their uouutrv, no investment is so desirable as 'bis. It i? secure. Every dollar of every raan's property is pledged for ttie punctual payment of tho interest, and of the debt vvhen due. Tho security is increaskig in valuó. For sume years boforo the war wo were earning 1000 milions a year rucre than wo ppent. During the three years of the war, ouing to the high prioos and constant dernaiid for labor, wc have earned more than ever befure. No man who could or would work has been idle; and, ezcept for the war, we have spent less than beiore. The total valuation of the proporty of the United States, aecording to the census of 1860, was $16,159,000,000, (f which 10,057,448,926 was in the Loyal States. Ttíiá valuation, uccording to the usual rulo of asBessment, was not more than two thirds of tho ac!ual cash va!ue of the proporty. The iocrease of property ín the Loyal States during the laut ten yeurtj was over 126 per cent., or an average of 12 G-10 per cei,t. per annum. Jn three yeara of the war we of the United States have certainly earned 8000 millions more thari we haveepett apait from the war. The oost oí the war rnoy be set down at 2000 millions. - Dedticting this from our net earnings, the People vvho are security for this loan are 1000 millions richer to day thau tboy were whea the war broke out. No other investment can be so easi'y convertible. The man who lias a Troasury note for 50, or $100, or $1000, can turn it iuto money more readily, and upon bet'.er ternif, than if it were invested upon bond and rnortgago, or in railroad stocks. The interest offered is higher than can be realized írom any other safo and convertible investment. It is, moreover, readily collectable when due. To eaeh note are affixed five "coupons," or interest tickets, duo at tho expiration oí eaeh suocessive half-year. Tho holder of u note has simply to cut off one of these coupons, present it at the nearest bank or Govornmeot Agency, and reoeive his interest ; the note itself need nnt be presented at all. Or a coupon thus payable will cverywhere be equivalent, when due, to ïaoney. Tlius, while this loan prosents great advantages to large capitalists, it offers special indueements to those who wish to make a safe and proütablo investment of small savings. It is in every way the best Savings' Bauk ; for every institution of this kind must somehow ïnvetjt its deposita profitably in order to' pay interest and expenses. They will invest largely in this loan, as the bost investment. But from the gross interest which ttey reecive they must duduct largely ior the expenses oí the Bank. Their lysual ra te of interest allowed to depositors is 5 per cent. only. Thus the man who deposita $1000 in a private Savinga' Bank receives 50 dollars a year interest; if he deposite the same sutn in this JNational Savings' Bank he receivc-s 73 dollars. For those who wish to find a safe, convement and profitable means of investing the surplus earnings which they have reserved for their oíd age or lor the benefit of their cbildren, thcre is nothing which presonts so many advantoges as this National Loan. It is convertible into a six per cent. gold-bearing bond. At the expiration of threo years a holder of the notes of the 7.30 lona has the option ol aecepting paym-ent in full or of fundiug his noies in a six per cent. gold interest bond, the principal payable in not less than five nor more than twenty years from its date as tho Government may eleet. For x months past, these bouds have ranged at an average pre miiun of about eight per cent. in the New York market, and nave sold at 109 to-diiy (Aug. 12th), thus rnaking tho real rate of interest over te per cent. ; and besides, to make tho nduceinent even greater, Congress by speeiul act exeinpts its Treusury notes from tule "and municipal taxatiou. Could ShjHjk a'sk rnoru ? Wms paliiotiem


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