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Address To Michigan Soldiers

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To the Officers and Soïdiers of Michigan Kegiments now in tho licld : By an act of the Legislatura you are to voto at the next clcotion (Nov. 8) for Prosidential electors, mcmbers of Congrcss, and the various officors of the State. Thu right to vote is 'valuable only as it is freo. It has been claimed by republicana that j'our votes will be a unit for their candidates. This is au insult to intell gent freemon. Obedience in military mattcrs is iudispensable, but a freo ball t ia your rioht. Tho Commissioners wlio will go toyou will be sent by repnblican authority.- Perhapsyour sources of kuowledge will iioo se unaer tne same dietation. Seek ligbt from democratie sources. Believe not the slanders aitered aguinst democrafs and the democratie party. The term " traitor " aud other opprobrious epitheta do not belong to thom. Cali to miüd the personal aud peeuoiary saerifice of democrats in raising troops, in furnishing meaus for the war, in sustaiuing your families at home, in sonding sanitary supplies to you in the field, and in volunteering to fill your rauks. Thoy still continuo to sustaiti you and provide for your families at home. ïhcy are with you aud for you in every emergenYou are about to expresa by the ballot your opinious as to tha poücy which sliould goveru in our present national diffieulties. Yi.ui, with tho voters at home, are to decide whether peace o.nd a unión of all the States are preferable to the poliey now announccd of unending war for negro frecdom and negro equali ïhis was not tho policy under wuich the veterana enlisted. No ; that polioy was to put dowu the rebellion and restore the Union undcr the Constitution. But the President has ehanged, Gongrcss has changed, the Eepublican leaders have chauged. They are now ultra abolitionists. But many conservativo Republicana will vote wifh us for a restoration of the old order of things. If you thiuk they are right, unite with these conservativo men and with us for this object. Let us Lava a chango of administration. Would you have the war carried on, provided it be necessary, solely for the Union and the restoratien of pcaco, then vote for a change. The present administration policy can ouly uuite the South, divide public sentiment at the North, prolong the war indcfiiutoly, and end firi.illv in dissolution. Change to a Democratie Administration and you tnay hopo soon to sec a restorcd Union, an early return of pcace. and that blessed re-uniou with friends at homo, who are watchingyour every pcril, rojoiciug in your every success, and waiting jout return from the daugers and sutterings of war. öeeu tor con-ect political informaron, and follow uot blind political guidcs and speculating shoddjites, who for personal gaia, would pluuge the country nto finaucial ruin, leave your families dcstitute, and destroy our armies in pursuiag thèir cliimerieal phautonis- of abolitiouism. ïbus much wc havo boen constrainod to say, that the position of the Democratie party may not bc misunderstood. Wfl are now and ever for the Union, the Constitution and tho supremacy of the laws. All eyes are now upou you. Your votes may decide the fatc of "future generations and tho existcnce of our timehonored republie. Still furthor illustrate, by yoxxr free vote, the glorious name and fa ui e you havo achieved for yourselves aud the State, in your gallaut mil itary deeds and unparalleled heroism. Gofor the the democratie conservativo policy : for war, so far only as war may be necossary, and always tomaiutaiu the Union, the supremacy of tho laws, and to secure an early and an honorable peace. üated, August lOtli, 18C4. LEVI BISHOP, Cliainnan H. N. WALKER, W. A. RICIIMOND STEPIIUNO. CLARK ADAM L. ROOF N. A. BALÜU, AUSTIN WALES U. A. LAYliROOK, II. II. IIARMON ' O. M. BARNES, WM. M. MILLER LIMAN D. KORUIS, JOS. OOULTKR ' Democratie State Central Com'mittêe.


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