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The Military Weakness Of England

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.htigland, es iho Louclon Timos speaka for her, is disposod to wam Canada of the possibiliiies and dangère oí a future war with the Unitod States. Her arguuient ia that if tho Unitod States sbaH bu irrit:ited by Etiglish insoleiiec and injury past all enduranoe, alie msy, byiuidby, when the procent war is do-e witb, strike out ia a new oie. and strike at that provinee ; and the province ia accoriiiiifily toid on all occasions that in sucli il caao it muit tunaaao its own defence. Canada tnust fiht bcr way through the trouble th:it Éugland uiay bring apon her, and England cin giv.i bcr assistance. Alas ! for the good old duys v hen Louis Quintze haid that Eitfftand ' paid for all and loughf for all." 'J'hoso dsys are gone by, aud that England is dead and buried undor tbe tases-, E'nglamj no longor rigbts for all,, and acknowlcdgi's that sbo eau not evoD figbt for berown depondeueios. Canada is referred to tbe Criruean eatapain as tbe mensure of Eogland's resources - a campaign in which EngKdiid"s weakaess was disgraeefully proveu - and the Times rounds the whole story by tbe (fealaration tbat England cannot supply men for the wuar and tear of a single great battle condueted on Gen. Grant'g principies. England has givera even later evideuoe of her impotence as a military power tban the campaigu in the Crimea She has sbown us how absurdly little would be hor power for war on this ide of tbe Atlantic. Her game was all blutjr when trouble was threatened over tbe affair of the Tront, and Uien, by way of a seasonable show of whafc might come if nt'gotiatioDS would not do, Efjgland reinforced her troops to Canada. At great expense, and by great effort, síje managed ; to geud out a forcé of 10,000 men. 8he sent 10,000 to hold her frontier against a power that loses twioe that many men in a single battle, and hardly feela it. But England was also to be defended by volunteers. Great efforts were made to excite tho English on this subject; to get those oold John Bul!s enthusiastio, aud to have the whole mass of the male population fait into Kaft as the lloyal Kiries. But it wouldo't do. England uouldn't be brought out tö any snob tune, and the whole euioluient amountcd only to 140,000 men. England only bad thut many men willmg to say thattbey would fight, and whetber even that numher would oome to the scrateh for actual Bor viee is a very doubtful inatteri Let England and Canada comparo the force thus sbown with the force that we now have in actual service, or with tbe force tbat it is now proven that these States vpos8es8. Fancy England'i little pipe olayed bagatelle of ten thousand men face to face wlth the army undor Sherman, fougbt on Grant's principies, or Sherman's either, Remember, also, tbat these armies would bu reinforced by a column from tbe Sbenandoah Val'ey - by tbe foree that besieges Charkston, and tbe force that besiegea Mobile - by the garrisou at Hilton Head - by tho force ihat holds New Orleans - by the troopg in Missouri, and the numberless gmall forees Koattered up and down tbe Mi?sisHtppi River - and tbat the power thus arrayed would be a power of seasoued veteran troops. As for Englaud's ons buudred an ) f'orty tbouiand volunteers, aud Canada's eutire fighting population, tbey wiuld perhps be a good efficiënt foree after half of them had died in camp or killed in battle; but let them be oounted at their full numbeis, wbat does that amount to ? New York State alone h.vs aotuslly Bent into the field threo hundred thousaud men, aod Pennsylania nearly hs many. We need go no furthsr to nhow how utterly contemptible is the military power of Englaud and her provinoes as compared witb ours; and as Ênglaud continually poiuts thiu leason,for Canada, we ni8y duggest the propriety of her takiug it more directly to herself. We may extend the adrantages of oar iustitutioo to Cuuada gome day.


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