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National Thanksgiving

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it hns iileased Almighty Oud to prolong our háional lile anutber year, defendía us wilh Siirnardian care agaiust unfriendly designs Lro abroad, and voucliing to us n His mercy Lny and si-nal victories over the enemy who Sof our owñ iLiu.veliold. It bas also pleased ' Heaïenly Fatlier to favor, aswell our own dtUens in their liotae's as our .-oldiers in tlieir ranipaand our sailbrs on the seas, with unu -Hal health. líe has largely augmented our frle ion by emancipfttion and by emiaratlon, while he has openod to us new sources t wealth and lias cro'wnsd Uk labor of our ïrorking men in even' departmest of industry Wii!i abundant revrard. Móiepver, lie lia i,e,.ii pleased úi anímate aud inspire our ininds ml hearts with fortitude, cjurage and resolution sufficient for the great trial of civil war „to which we liavo been brought by our adherence as a natie.) to ai!brl to us reasonable hopen of an ultimate and happy deliverance from all our dangers and atliictions, Now therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of' the United States, do hereby appoint n-l set apart the last Thursday in November nf)Xt as a day whioh I desire to be observed by'aU my feliow-citizens, wherever they may then be. as a day of tbtinkigiving and prayer to Almiglity God, the beneticent Oreator and Rule.r of the Uuiverse ; and 1 do further recoraroend to my feliow-citizens aforesaid, that o-i that occasion they do reverently humble thcjmselves in the dnst, and from thence offer up i)euitent aml fervent prayers and suppllcations to the Great Disposer of events íbr a return of the inestimable blessinws of peace, nnïoc, and harmony througbout the land which il has pleased Him to assign as a dwellint; place f'" ouvselves and our posterity througiatit all onerations. u leitimiiny uhereof. 1 have hereunto set Uiv iianil, Mid caused the seal of the United St&tea t be aíBxed Done at the City of Washington, this 20th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1864, anfl of the Indepeudenco of the United States the eijjlity-niuth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bv the l'resident : Wm. U. SbWabd, Secretary of Stato. L="L"" The Eclectic Magazine for Noteuiber is on our table. It is embellished witli a fine portrait of " Maria, Queen of BaTaria" and has a varied, readable and iastrecti7e table of cnntents, se!ected from some of the leadilig British periodicals. Amongthe papers are : Christian Art, 'Mie Hapless Queen of Denmark, Edmond About on Progress, Tennyson's EjiocIi Arden. Geueva before Caltin, Sir Charles Lyell's Addrtss before the .ritish Association, Russia under Alexander I, Dr. Livingston Last African Expedition. Thedepnrtnimit of miscellany is well fllled. - 5ayear, witli two lieauüiul Parlor-Prints to sac'i Biibfcriber. Address tV. H. Bidwbll, So 5, Beekman Street, New York. p" The November number of the Atlantic Monthly has among other papers the fcUowiug: Leaves froni au Officer's Journal, House and Homo Papers, The New School Bingraphy, Finalices of the Rcvolution, SeaIlnurs with a Öyspeptic, The Twcnlielh Presidsniiai Electiun, and several lesser pper ánd poems. The Atlivtit is now 84 per year 4no copies, L7. Addiess Hessrs. Ticksok & fiiLD, Boston, Ma'ss,


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