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W fe: 1 ": - OUR CHINABAN STILL UVES. An'lciitimiL-s tu furuinli i híU mriv:ilt;d quulity gf TEA kIwiiv Mum! nt the PeipteV Store. LuviTS f nood Te will plens tiy " irll OP OUR N?:W TEA. DïTOKEST iSTI-WART. amoojRiBs Of all kinds, Fruitn. Extracto, tfpiourt, ['iqfelei, Oil, fírrujnír te. FurtLiuors aud Wlnes for MoiHcioal PUrPU'ÍüalíDKFOREST & KWART. Sugar I Sugar I A uraall lut uf LOW PKIOED SUGAR DeFOUEí-T ir I'kVr AKT. L3C" FI8U.- CodfisU, VvhitofisL, Trout, Mnakorol, U-rring, kc. ükFOREíT a CTEtTABf. s yp üFi i ykFpT" A fu parióla, cttra quahtv. lilFOEEST S 8TEWABT. 1 OIL AND LAMP mJ idepot i Mx KIBOEEE OIL! fe ïht bet qulU F ONE DOLLAR d Per Gallon. HO! YE1 Purcbasersof CROCKKUY. GLASSWARE. LAMP8, PLATED GOODS, TA BLE CUTLEUY, &c. Fvrakla at ! tluiu Xow Vork w'iMleeale prieta. 'bj DïFORKST S ÉrrEWAttT. A Good Clothes Wringer. Savei lime.' Savtê money! Savet üotking! Satsei ttrtngth! ,Son health! Save hiriny help! Í Satti weak writtt ! Saveê burning hand l Woolen clutli ca b wrang out of boiling wtr to I prrnt lirink-ug, without ioiiuy to t!ic raaciiin. DïFOREST STEWART. john brown'sTnapsack Wat tlrapped upen hit back, and tchrn opened wat fi'Knd to contain a Pot of Dr. Billlugtori'8 Fis Klectnnry irhtch wai LiB inseparabls compaaion, anl thii aceountl fur U'.irobust and vijrorom coiiBtItut')n. liis indiffureucf to faViguo aud )ii lle and heaity old ag. It II warruntoá tq cure ALL KINDS OP PILES, It not only treati directly for tho I'ile but a eertain eur 'or Oytpopi'a and Mvor CorapUiuta, Jaundice. Salï Rhfum, V. I puruly vegtbl aod nerl,. „FORtST STEWART, AgeDtKfor Miciiijau. HO TO THE CHEAP STORE! And sea the Netr Gtaods. t A ÍPLSR01D STOCK Ut t DEESS GOODS,!; Ctezita' FÜRN1SHINQ GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinets, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS i CAPS, Crocliery, ; GROOEEIES, &c, i r Are to bfe solti witnout rfgart -to present Eaftern Prices. N. B.--Tht larj;rt Stock of Calleo and BrownCotton I ín the City ;t les than ír)ufactlCi 'h (tricca. ïht hallest pricc psi'l in Trude or cihii for all kintls of Prtwhice. ? MACK & SCfïMID, ■ _ - i ■! ■ i - i - . 1 sv FA I ft BANKS' lpí STANI3AIID , Jj&g83Bi SCALES, ■ iJrSt W& OF AI.T. KINI'S. AI,PO, i FAIRBAIKS, GREEKLEAF & CO., 8 17 LnU Strekt, CHICAGO. FAREAND, SHELBY A 00.


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Michigan Argus