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Keep Your Eye On Your Neighbor

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Take care of tl.era. Du not let thera stir without walching, They may do sowething wrong, if you do. To bu sure, you oever knew thein to do anyihing very bad, but it may be on vour account they have uot. Perhaps if it ■ had not been for your kind cure, they might have disgraeed tbeiaselves and fainil9s a Ion" tima ago. Thereforo do not relax any effort to keopthain where they ought to be ; never mind your own business that will take care of itself. There is a man passing along - be is lookuig over the fence - be suspicious of him ; perhaps he -couteuiplates stealing sorae of these dark nights ; tuere is no knowiug what quoer fancies he may have got into hia bead.. If jou-find aoy symptoms of noy one passing out of the puth of duty, teil every one else that you soe, and be particular to aee a great many. It is a good way to circuíate auch things, though it m;ty 1 not benefit yowself or any one else partioulaily. Do keep somelhing going - silence is a droadful thing; though it is said was silence in tieaven tor the space of halt au hour, do not let any sucb tliing occur on eártli it would be too ïuuch like heavcn for t.his mundaue splieie. [f ai'r all your va chi'ul care you c;uinot see auytliini' oat of the way in any oue, you uo-üy be,sure it is not be cause they have not done anything bad ; perhaps in an unguarded moment you lost sight of them - throw out hints that they are uo better thau thoy should be - that you should uot wonder if the peor ple found out what they were after itwbtle, theu they may not carry their heads so high. Keep it going, and soine oue may take the hint and begin to help you after a while - then thero will be musio, and everything will work to a chanu. jiTiSf" We are dependent on otbers moro tbati we think, for even our own jood opinión. Wc tliink best of ourselves wliun othera aliare our favorable improsfcions. LïST Tbose men have the worst opinión nf wonion, wiio are conseious tbat todk'i) ought to have the worst of them.


Old News
Michigan Argus