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Wednesdfiy Evenicg, Dee 28th, 1864. ■ TUK OI.Ü Atr.E(;UAlANÍ, omnizej 17 T„. by Trof. J. M. U.IUUBD, are e.:n.n; lo Ann Arb f tlT"'"8 l" UtL;' "K:l'tu"-'lts'tll CM raiaPM ONE NIGHT ONLY. THE f fiL3 Í Mí aÏ -4lïr;!fi i Lateljr roturaeu Irma a rour jears ir:,, ronojiv. WO SÜCCtSSF 'JL CUXCEBTS in City if ï.1. ork; tliirsysix iu Eustim : ÜiirtMn iu Balt', siten in Washiiiglon ; also. visited manv ,f principal cilios of the Western Ptates. i, ,nf rt,,' their Compartí have teen attmiltd by tbt Uimr most f:!si!!.le,and .k-Kghteí andirncts that ,' reotei] musicaJ artiat, wmilri now resimctfuI]T. ÏAIN-MKN}, afi.ftbpve. Iheir Rt-petoiie i-mlracfes r choice collection of T cal Qaartette, arraiijwl n their own peculiar itri, also, ai-arkty of the weetest Engüsh. Irifh, fogM1 iettnan and 2lpanjb bailada iwtnni; llnmoromSniiB Duettn, te , Ariud, CaTatmr.sam Aceñas, from l f the ust popular lUUan auü French Masten k addition to their usual choiie selec tioñs oí TocÍK sic, thpy will phy, eacli erening, stvtial i.ifces Mtvi eletwtd PWiBS BïIAS -tln ïhe AU.EGmxlAX.s bcg :w1ïo to state to their moious tritMJ ntl pairons of Cormer vtan tt about four yeais ago tl ey addvd SWISS Bülisi heir a-'j uporior Cncerts ; and thó I'r,.,, „ ', as all oomiietcnt ïuutical critica, have nron'onr ever Ueard [o ttiiüdiootry, not excepta Ó,u iïï :.,v!s, ru-ll Rhigers uho appcartd j"hfc tedStiteÜ stout fiftecn years ago. "' Admissiou SO cents- Lhildreu '2b ceoti CoirniT, it - ; . ,rc!uck. nc Duriug their snjourn in foroign lanis, tlu CWtn. ii the AIXEGHANIaKS irf bnnorcd by the itt(11j ince of hundre'i.-i of tbuuBairis of dclihtö liMtimf - Kmj.s, (ucens, Xr.l'li's. n;i.l the most diatinnaW nou ot the age patroniïerl' their PKtertainmenti „I arishcd ii pon them the icost fiattet inf detaoniitfiiioni .f a}'v roval. J. M. BOÜI.ARO, M.n D U. WAL' Kü.N.AgtB.' OTATE (1F MK'UICAN, FOÜRTH JUIUClit DB O TRICT. - ín Ciscuit i'our! for lit'County ofWiA tetiaw.- In ( barcery. At fhainbpr, in IhiHt.rf Ann Arboria saiil County of Vahhtenw, od Fridn the L16tb) aixUmtli ''ay of Decesnbtr. in the jtiioi' tboui-Tid eight Hnnaredand sixty-four. Present . Hon f)dwin I.:iwrPnrc. 1 irt'uit Jiulje In the'cause wherein f'liristpf Walti tst'cmpithu aad Lamuul ingemoll is Dflendant. It apprnring by QieaSd&Til of John W. .1. f.Cullm rq . :M.lci?or lor the above iianiüO Coniljlainunt, nof' in file in sjiiü cautv tïiat the abovf namvd HefiniliBt Samti! IngorsoH, hanot v,t eep serTed withtbtSil' ptena issueii insaid cause, ana ihat bu Oom Dot -eiid in Vr.t State of Michigan but thai bis last knmotaldence -was in the City of N"ev ïork, in the Coultrui State olNew Yorh . Qumo-ion of John TT. A. '.Cuilin. isq , Soïertitf tho Cmplainant, itisonleied thxl tliesid Beltndint Samuel Iiigor8oll.causlii:ipíara3i-e to be eDtijiüo the above entuse, -wilbin thre' monllis ft(..ihis order, ::fii in case of bis x pearani e ttiit U ciuh hin aiiswir tu the Coni[.i::ui,:ti;:,'s biil 1" te flej, ,ui, coy t ; ereof to be served or, C nij!H';iant!H Sylititfr withiu tweuty d:ij-3 afttr perrice nf a i opy a'.mi VU. and in default tlu-reof, th!.t tíie Bill of Cnini filied in tjai cause inay be taken ad coulesstci djuü : . : ■ Qel [BgMsell. AnJif is l'ii r.hí-r ofrdereí, tbat saíd CmplainsaUs nithip twfuty dys fr.,m Uu! lUtï hertof, taue ítúf; of of thi(t oraer to b pv b'.i.-kei1. al least „ncy in tw: kCoiux fcuccat&ive eek in tl. e H V !dy AiiK( Arguê, a pu!lic nMTdpasar ivinte'S ami psibüshsi % theCity of Ano .'-.r'jo,-. ti sart CHuntj of Wishttmi, or tbat Cirmplaiiian: canse a uopy t.f tliis oidertoi pcrS'-naiir serve-1 upon tt)e fli-.fu D.efendaat at leut ya b' ion the time prefleribed by tiiii ori for his appearanee, [A true coyy ] E. I AVv'RE CE, TKACV W. KOOT, Circuit in. ( k.k. HÏSÏORY OF ÏHE WOBLD. BY PHIBIF SMITH, B. A. One. of kt principa.} Ccmtribnttn-xio te Düticmontlf (ie k and Ruinan Anitjt:i:iíL, Bi(jgTixphy, end Gmjraphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Since Sir WltVter Raleign solaced hia iniprioDiwal in the Towftr by the compositïon of his ' tíistorj of the World the liierature of Ki fiand has ehc achiercd the work which he left uufiniihed. Tkti hiive beeu " Univeratl Historien," fxoai tlie bulkii an encyclopEedia to tbe mo.-t meiigreoutline. ia whid tlie aiiualfl of each Dat ion ar teparateiy recijrdif but without aa to tra,ce the Ktury of DBOi l'rovidenu and huma prpgrass ín one c(ini)teJEif' rattre. It is pToposed to supji ly t'is want by pk„ eoöfied eaougü to keppitwitfain a reasoaiWflW but vet sofull a i to be Cree rom tbe iirj b&lMMÍl tpivume. The Ltterature of Germaay abemfeliM ii.rv.- urh a-s tn.ütí ff Muilei-. cVUosner. L Rottcck,lDoktr,aod ötbers, - wbieb t proteA4tmand for MiCn boot. and funrJisb inooeTn, in noioedfr greó, r'or ïts excution. ííut even Ihose reat iW ar; snmewïutt ilcficient in that orgonic unit y wbíoli 'th cbitt aim of' this wHit r.v ui thoWorlé.r' The story of or whole race," like that of eacb se ate nation, has '' a beginoing, a midiiU'.aiu an eni' ThaÉ story we propose to Eolio w, from its bcginniag a_ thesaervd recurcla, and from tho dawn of civilintln in tlio K".-t, - throogh the auccessive Oriental EmpiWi - the of liberty and ibe perfMtion of hfitke polity, ArU, &uú literatura iu Greece and Rome,-" chiintre which passed over the face of the wirld ba tbe light of christianity f-prang up,- the origin 'K firt nppearDCo of tbose barbarían races whietiW1 threw both öivÏHÏotie ol' tlie Kooien Fmpire,- tbf ' nalsof thePtates wbich rose on tne EropirtVHH including the picturesque details of mt-dieval hiitotfi aud the steañv yropress of ïmuiera Ubcity jmdeifü tion, - and Ibe exienaion ol these inÜueccepT eovery, couquest, colonization, and Cbristiau oí-" to the rem(tet reguíos oí tbe eartb In % wo" separate histories rellect the dftichetl scènes of bn1 action und sofferine, our aim is to bring into on the feveral$ viieh. asKurf'iy tVrm odc g1 wbole, moviïjg imwardr:, under tbe yuiJauce ot&ffl Frovi'leüce, to tlie uuknowu end ordnineQ m tbeDfr purpospB. Xo pains tviilbe spared to mal-: e thi.i hirtorj ttw"1' l'ke in eubstance Knd popular in style. It willbitwf' ded on the bast nutborities,ancient and modern, W and Becondary. The v.i..-t progress recentlj B in hifltoricaland'crïtiealinvestigfttinnB, tbe result f taioed from the modern science of eompanitivepl111' ogy, and tbe diseoveries whicn liave laid Pellfj sources of infofmation concerning tb E!t( such facilities natomtike present a fit tpocb ovr undei tak mg, The wom will be divided iOto ifaree Periodi,' cwmplete iaitielf, and will ferm Kigkt Volumes in BW Octavo. I.- Ancient Htstopt, Sacred and Secnlarí ÍWjT Creatiuii to the Fallof the Western Empire, in ■ l' 470, Two vo.umes. II. - Medieval History, Civil nnO Ecclehiani'c!: ff the Fall of tbe Westtrn Empire to the takingJ fctentinople by the Turks, iu A, D. 1453. I '" umed. III.- M.'Hürs IIi-sTonT ; from the F;ill of the J& Kiuplru tu our own I unes. Four Volumes. It viÜ hf published in 8 vols. 8 to. Price in iloj S.5Oper volume. Sbeep, 4-6u. Half Morocc,1 noïï ready. Agents Wanted in all parts of tbe Couut Application a ehould be made at once to tlie 1 ' D. APPLETON & CO, 2amtf988 4ö .4-14 BruadiïiJ."'" MILLES, DAVIS & WEBSTff Agonts for the sa'le of 10-40 U. S. BONPS, 7 3-lOTreasuryNote altHi, Tor sak1, Inteiest 6 Ter Cent Compou LEGAL TENDKU NOTES, j líighfsl ratos p.iid fi.r OOI.P, l'KK.MIl'M FlW1" LAM) WAKK ÍNTS. j Anc arlior,(lit.S0th,18'!4. - 2 HolidayGk)ods. 'A luí-ge stock. DeFOREST & STEWART'STafem Up. ON T3F. lSUi of October, n P.rown a mi Wtl"u. I aboMtW fvüLTt ol. y' dij. Il" 0,'í!íff qiu'steti to prove t-rojieity, pav (hLrf!Ö. :i'" L-ry-J auy.. .lolUL"-'1', Jeu.) Noitlifuid, :-.o.2i.ltti. !W HCLibÁYGOODS A large stook. DkFOREST & STEWART'S'


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