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A Card. Mrs. E..K. DuBois wishes to open a class foi' iustruction in Hislory, English Lilerature, and Compositiou. Those who wish to commence the study oí French and Qeruian cau also be aceommodated. The design is to aíford opportunity for contirraetl mental disciplino, to young ladies who liave completed the usual conrse of school iastruction ; and who, amiiM the duties of home liíb, and the attractiona of society, may be in (langer of falliug into habits of carelesa and desultory redding, and of losing their earnestness in the pursuit oí' iutellectual culture. Slionld this plan meet with sufflcient en couragement, its provisión will be gradually expanded to meet all tho wants of Ihe class of persons for whose improvement it isintended. Applications will be recei ved until the sec oud week in January. míoaFcot'bal railroad. Trains u.ow leave the station in tliia city as follows : WEST. Matl, 9.40 a.m. Day Express, 12.20 p. m. Dextcr Accommodation, 6.50 " Eveniug Express, 7.10 t( Night Express, 1.15 a. ai. eaöt. Evening Express, 4.30 a, m. Dexter Accommodation, G.40 " Night Express, 8.15 " Day Express, 4.05 p. m. Mail, 8.10 " ("1ÏIEROKEE EEMEDY & INJECJ TION. t'HEROKEE REMEDY - The caption of this para graph is the name of a vegetable medicine in the farm of asyrup which is now admitted, wlieu used with Cubrökrk InjIsction, ta bèthesafeei añil spri-dieel cure for Gonorrlicea, and Fluor Albus, (White in temples). k we'consíder the amoúnt of Buflsring anï frequency of these diaeasea, we can not but admit the Cherokee Reraedy aud Injection to be aniong the blensings of science. They replaco siuknens by heaith, and loathsomenessby clöaülfriPaS. It ídGs not merely arrest, but cures these ills raüically andthoroughly, and, being purely vegetable, (i swett, pleasant syrup, notdisagr';eable to faate ortnch, it leavcs no poisonin the Byètfcm, the eradication of which is often more difficult and dangexous ihtuaihe treatment uf Ihe ongiual disewt. SoM by all,')ruggibts. 4w986 INFORMATION FREE ! TO NERVOÜS ÍUFFERER3, A GENTLKMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency, Pivmature Pecay. and Yontbful Error, actuated by a dfsire to benefit othere, will be happy to furnisb toali wlio need t, (free of charge,) the recipe and direotions for niaking the simple remedy used in hls case. Buffer.öl wishing to profit by the ad vertí ser's bad exper:ence,and pssées a sure and valuable reme dy. cando so by addrt'ssinp: him ,it once at hÍ8 place of business. The Recipe anÜ full information - of vital importauce - will be cheei'fully sent by retnrn mail. Address JOHN fi. OGDKX, Ko.60 Nassau Sireet, New York. P. S. - NervouR Sufferers of both eexes will find this information in valuable. 3in985. ,8= PROF. R. J. I.YOXá' Patients apd all others interresíed will picase take uotice that he will cootin lié hls visita at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1S04 and '65 and at the expiration of which he Wip dia continue his visita and open an Infirmary at Cleveland; Ohio, for the treatraent ot Lung aDd Cheat diaeafiea. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN B' ITtf FRUIT. Öo Í8 a good Pliysician by his Successful Works . PROFESSOR H. J, LYONS, TUE GREAT ANl) CEBEBRATED PHYSIC1AN OF" Tlit THROAT, LtrtÍGS AND CHKST, Known all over the countrt as the Olebrated INDIA N HERB DOCTOR! rom trouth America, will be at hia rooras, KL'SSKLl, HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th iust-.on the .same dale of and every subsequeut mouth during 1862 and 1863. A NKAT PAMfHLKT Of the lite, study and extensive travels of f)r. Lyoiu can be procured by allwhodesireone, free of eb ara e . Dr. L will viait Ann Arbor, Jackdon.aud Adrián, Mtch. ,a follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson. HibUard Ho#so,2l8t Adrián, fïrackett He use.23d acd 23d. Mom OF EXAVnUTTOw. - The Doctor diicerns diseanep bytheeyes. He,therefore,asks no questions nor req'iires patieuts to expláin symptoms. Afilicted, come andbave your symptoms and the tocation of your diseaseexpl-ained frf-e of charge Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBURYS New Seale Pianos In the Ascendnnt ! ! ! Seven first premiums awarded in four weeks over every competitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianist, says : They are the best anc most perfect piano now made, for thorough workmanship, power, purity, richaets, and equalíty , of tone tliey exce.1. J. HENRY WHTTTEMORE, Gen. Affent for the State, 179 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit. Miss E. C. Foster is my authorized Agent for Aun Arbur. Rooms m Kxchange Block. A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSE'S new and improved l'ÏANO surpasses anything now made for GREAT DURABIL1TY! SurprÏHÏng richness and brilliancy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attention of_.the people of Ann Arbor is respectfuJly inritedAirau examinatlon of this bcaulifnl instrumont. SBíC J. HENRY WHITTEM0RE5 General Agent for the Pta?, 1V9 Jeffereon Vvenue Detroit. Miss E. C. Folter ia my authorized agent for Ann Arbor. The VOöK PIANO may be seen at her rooms in the Exchange Block. NEW FEUFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. p m alo m $ i A Iflost Exqniilk, flclicikfr an:! Finici'ii ni Perfume, Bïïi i 1 !í! l'i'om i!i; ISnrc miei Sten til i ful Flovrer froin ■r!i Ir' it tüUri its im cue. Maimfactaredoulyby PIIAIvO. & SO. 13T Beware of Counterfeits. Ank for Vlmlon's - Tilhe nn nthet: Sold by drngpistB generally. Oysters I Oysters ! ! TMiE liKSTCJCAIITY direct froni üaltimnre, in any quaiility deflired, ;m] wurraniü-l fre.h and mee avery time ainl at the Itneatjigurte. Ry l6ï983) THOMPSON fcSOX. HOIDAY GOODsT A larpe stock. DkFOREST & STEWART'S.


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