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OÜR CHiNAMAN STILL UVES, And continúes to furnit-h Iliat unrivaled quality of TEA always found at the PeopWfl Store. Lovers of good Tea wili picase try n sample OP OUll NEW TEA. DüFOHEST &STEWART. Of all kinds. Fruits. Extracts, Spices. PioMea, (Hls, Perfume?, &c. Pure I.iiuorn aud Wine-s fur Medicinul purjjosea only. DïFOREST Sc STEWART. Bug ar ! Sugar'I A sraall lot of LOW PEICED SUGAR. DeFORKST & STEWAHT. L3T FISmi&Codfish, WhitëfiüT, Trout, Itiickerel, Herring, &■. DeFOREST & STEWART. SYBUP! SYRUP! A few barrels, extra quality. DeFORRST k STEWART. I OIL AND LAMP lÜ DEPOT ! JJL KEEOSENE OIL! J.f The best quality 3f ONE DOLLAR t-V Fer Gallon. - DbFOREST & STEWART. HO! YE! Purchasers of CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &o. For Kale at lesa than New York wbolesalo prices, by DbFOREST & STEWAKT. A Good Clothes Wringer. Sanes time! Saves money! Sates clothing! Sa-ces strength! Saces heulth! S 'aves hit ing help.' Saves wealt wrists! Saves burning hands ! Woolen clotlies can be wrung out of boilinp water to pre yen t ,hrink:ng, without iiijuiy to the machine. DkKJHEST & KTKWART. JOHN BROWN'S KNAPSACK Was strapped vpon his back, and when opened was found to contain a Pot of Dr. Biliiiigton's Yïs üleetnary which was his inseparable companinn, and this aer.ounfí for hij robust and viorous constitution, his in(Üffereace to fatigue and Iiíb hale andheaity oíd age. It is warranted to cure ALL KINDS OP PILES, it nut only treats directly for tue Files but ia a certaiu cure '"or Dyfipepsia and Liver Complainta, Jaundice Salt Rheum, v, It is purely vegetable and nevei fails tocure. DrFÓREST k STEWART, Agentsfor Michigan. LDÏËSiFÜR8"! LDIES wishing, can have their FÜRS and MüFFS dressed and REMÜDLKD ín FASH1ONABLE STYLE, by experïenced persons, and it low charges, bycallïag upon the subscriber over I). L. ood's Store, south of l'ublic Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. MRS. E. PARKER THOMPSON. Ana Aibor, Nov. 24th, 1864. 6w984 1865. ECLECTIC HA6AZINE. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, & ART. Beautiful Embellishments, FINE STEEL ENGSAVINGS. New Volume and New Series begin Jannary, 1865. Cotnmence Subscription witb New Vol. The Eclkctic Maazi.vs was comtnenced in 1844, and has been huccessfully condwcted for the last twenty yearg,:from that time to ihe pre nt As many of tlie numbtrs are ( ut of print and it is im poseí ble for the l'ubiislier to supply back volumes from thy commencemcnt, it U propos ed, with the January ñomber, to begin a Itw Series and aNcw VoUime, and ichih; all the essentialfeatures of the v:ork will be re tafaecLySÖr&e new atte will be aiopted iihkh it is believed vtll udd to ihe arlislic and Ut rary value of the book. Nótwithatanding the greatly increased cost of pab lishíng -1HKPRICB WILL -STILL IÏEMAIN THE SAMK. and we trust uur iriends and patrons will afd us in incieasinff oiir circuliition by inducing iheir friends to comn ence sub.scriptious with theNEW Sbsiks. The contents of Tue EcjLECTKiire carcfr.lly selected each month frora t'ie eniire range of Foreign Quarterlies, Slonthli's and Penouicals ft aitns V' givt! the choicest articles from the pens of the most eminent foreign wn'ters on topics of genera.) interest. THE (,REAT QUESTIONS OF TH DAY, touching Lilérature, MeralRISflèbcd, Philosophy, and Art. are thoroughly and ably fiscus sed hy the moBt.diftinguished and brilliant expositor THE REVIEWS O TfíE MOT XOTAHLE ÏTBLICATION6 which frrm time t o time appcar ,:uid jürliich are so extended and comprenenfiive as tn give the reader the finest extracts and a general idea of the whnle wurk, form a noteworthy ieature of the publication. M;my of the arricies in the foreigta periodicals ireat on subject entirely local, and it is theaim of the F.d itor locarefully select only of interest to the American reader. TIIEÜICKIX.-iNY PEPA TMKNT, containing brif ci-iliisins of botli (T.oïetfta iw American publications, seleetioDB ol poetry, scienüfic and art items, ia made wiïh great ca frían xtttasive icacarcli and varied reading, and adiis much U the value ot the worl; Fach uiiinhiT is f mbcllished with ne or more fine aieel engravingf - portrails otf eminent men or illuntalive i iinp' riant liistDücüI eventa. The twelvc in ■jTithly numbers make tbree volumes per year. w.thlndoxes and Tille pages fur binding. TKRMS - S; [torycur, single qujnbera 42 ets. The Trade, dlergyiaöa, Teachers, and Clubs eupplied od reasonablc termfi. Addrt-ss, W. 17. lïirHVELL, 5 Beekman St. N. Y. Ann krbor & Lodi Plank Road Company. rTHEANNUAL MEETING of the SckhoMeiB cf the Ann Arbor and Plank Road Company, for the ojpction of Jirectors for the iisiiing year, aml for bucE (fther business as may proprrly oome bofors tbc mieting, will be l.eld at the Office nt' the Ci.rapany in the City oí nn Arbor, on TUESltAY the 3d day ói Januarv 1805, at 2 ü'clock I'. M. JOHN W. IIUNTjTreasnMr. Ann Arbor, Dec. lst, 1864. 4w985 jOTICEl THE ANXI'AL MF.KTINfi „f (he STOCK UOLDERS of THE FIH8I NATIONAL BANK of ANN AllhOit for tlie KI.l-.lTION of NIMÍ I IKKCTOKs of taicll!.,uk, and twoinspBctörH of Kk-ctioa, will be held at t'iciiBiiuUiag Office, on ÏUl'SDAV, Uth of Juauarj-, ISLj. Foil will bo opon from 1 to 3 o'clock,P. M. By order of Board of Directora. C. II. RICHMO-VP, Castiier. Ann Aibor,I)tc. Pth,l64. L6td


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