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BTJY YOTJR HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT THE OF John F. Müler jk Co. TLey huve WWJ iliïng in the ir lino, ENGKAVINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, FBAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! filBtffiS, PETER BOOKS, WOTNG DESKS, GOLÖ PENS, BEAVT1FUL GIFT BOOKS, STEREOSCOPES k VIEWS, BACK-GAMMO UOARDS, CHESS MEN, PAPER WEIGHTS S TOILET ARTICLES, Cali and See Them. THE WORLD FOR 1865. PEPSPKCTUS. The Presidential contest jun closed consigned the pulitical destinies of the people of the United States, during another term o! years, to the control of Presfdent Lincoln at the North, and Jeffeison Davis at the South. The Democratie party, always icentifled wilh the prospenty, growth. and glory of the ropublic, may point with henest pride to its record in txiis great cuntest. Against an administraron wielding the most cnormous power of patronage and the most unlimUd comm:ind of treasure ever possessed byanygovernmtnt, audreinforced aliko by the unfounded feaisof many patriots and the-sympathies of all traitors, the Democratie party fought the battle of lSü-1 ürmly and foarlessly to the end. Defeate.d in the electoral college, the „„,,„ majority of popular rotes by which ,t has been so defeated is demonstrably lees th number of persons oponly and oftcially dependent upon the administraron as officeholders or contralor in the various departnynts ot the public service, But theresult is agaiust us. The law continue to beadministered by men who not only viólate its express provisión but invade alpo those personal uní civil rights so high and sacied tbat constitution can. not confer, but only guarantec them, aiul wbich laws ure made to vindícate and guard. The pirse is still borne by mol who, in tour years, have heaped upon us, and the unbiirn generatioiisof our children, a bebt almostas huge sa that of England. acquired through centuries, and vhose policy of a 1 loated paper curreucy doubles upon us tfce present burtien cf this giganic indebtedness. The awosD is still wielded by thoae wlio see treasen in an olive branch, aud who roako victories oü by our galtant armies and fleets fruHleta, slnce they op on no path to the triuinphs of peace. Demócrata must await events. They can do only wateh tor the public safety, and exert all the power of a great minority to prevent Mr. I.incoln'n administration froin dnfting, lor the sake of abolition, into a disunion peace. "They also serve who only stand and wait.'1 The principios of the Democratie party are just and willys-t prevail.for they are the laws of the progress of tho human lace. They are the principies w&h have emerged from evtr.v revolution of tlie Auglo ) Saxonrace, with increased guaríintecsanu strength. ! By these It must stunt! sti'adfast, imraovable,. compact J harmonious, orxAnised. The coming four veavs are to I be yoars uf ealamity. But non, they who aowed he wjpds are to be the reapers of the whirlninns. The Democratie party is sfaorn of power ; but it is divested ol allrcHponsibüity. Whcn the hour of uur distress comes, the people, inste. .d of cur-iiiig tlic Democratie party, will turn f it for relief, and cling to t for deliverance. So far, then.from beiny relieved ofduly for the immediate futur. by our late defeat, a duf v mor" iniperutive dcvolves upon the Democratie Tusas. Sentí, neis upon the watch towerf-, now more tlian ever must tliey be loepless and vigi ant. O ten.durirg the past year. Tun Worui has been made to teel the hraiy hand of arbitiary power. Bsndering all lawful support to the cons'tilutid nuthonties - to Caju Cteiar's due- avoiding the extreraes of partisan liosf ility . and guiltlesso! any crime save untlinching advocacy of a free press, free speech! free hallot, or an ardent deyotion to the Uniou.and support of the war for tne Union's salce, it h asnever.theleB. lieen repeatedly excluded fromm-litary dipurtmenta by partisan generáis, and for severaï days its issues -were suspended by the order of President Ub coln himself, aud its offices closn.l aud occupied bv armed soldiers at liis comninnd. The fldcliry and the fearlessnesa in the past, whici' these blom struck at us avonch,oui readers are juBtilied in uxpecling from us for the future. The Woiii.t. forlS05 will be a better nevmpaper than t has ever been. lts columns, freed from theexacliug demandnof apolitical canvas, wül aFTord m re room for the news of 1he day, of all kinds, fror.1 all narts of the world. We shall not be contentad to give to our readers the earliest news. Ws shall labor also 10 have it the most trustworthy Thet'ieest use of the telegraph, which is the right arm of the press, snd ecu. petent correspondents with all ur armies and fletts, not the national and state capitals, and at all tha commercial centers of Eutope and America, :uul whatever else skill can devise or interpriseac.C"ini.lish, will contributo to make Tuk WoEU the best neTsp:,[ipr of the day. Tl,eSmi-",KKKi.v ÍVoRU) will exactly suit tliose who want the newsoltener tnan weekty,yetdo nnt feel able topay $10 lor the Daily. It cnutains all thereading mattei , news and editorials of the Daily, excopting only its advertisemeuts. The Wkkki.y World ($2) ha-s nov thelargest oirculat on of any weekly journal published , save one. lts extraordinary success tince lts uniou with the New York r-ushasjustined usin very liberal expenditures for the year to comei such as wül make itwithouta rival in interest and value to the farmers f our country, lts Agricultural Department will be as good and complete as any of the agricultural papers, aud its reports of the atfle, Produce and Mony Markets wül excel thf m all A page or more will be reserved to entertaining flresiile reading, and the type will be large and clear enough for old eves. All the editions of iWwomn are now printed on new type. Several new folding machines, just set up in our vaults, will enablc us to work olT and mail uil editions with the utmost apeed and regularity. While the war coctinues, and tlie currency L of sich short as it is, we can hope for littie jor no troiit. üur terms havi been increased, but not in proportion to the inercased costof everything usedin making a newspaper. lndeod, to day tliere is nothing equally v .luablo so cheap as a newspapsr. TE RMS: Daily World. One copy , one year, by mail $;o Scml-Weclily World. Onecopy,one year......... , __. 4 Th ree copios, one year ...'. Í0 Fíve copies, one year 15 Wcekly World. One copy, one ytar '2 Four copies, one 1 ear ..'.'. 7 Ten onpie, nni1 year ....... ...17 Twenty copies, one year ....34 Ten cents extra chargcd in all cases for separate aa' dress. An extra copy furnished to elubs of ten or more lor clubs of fifty the i-Ymi Weekl.i , and for c ubs of one hundred the Daily, wHl bc sent togetter up olclub. Changes from club lists can only be made by rcqms' of tho pereon ceoeivang lbo club packnges. All sucli reqU'ests must name the pQboffiue and state to which it haspreviously been sent, and inclose twenty-üve cents to pay f r changing to separate address . Orders f ir any of the editiona of The VoKl.n may be sent by mail, and should inclosp PoKtuffiee Muney Or der or Bank dra t for. amnur.t (loss ihe discount) _ Monsys sint by mail will be at the r!i of the vendor Orders and letters should be addressed to TUK VKRI,D, 987tf 35 ParK Row, Nev-York. BEAUTILUL i BEAUTIFUL ! I "HEOWllOlKiH." An ENURAVINU on JOHsT 8ARTAIN, FK011 A PA1NTIXG. BT SCHUSSELE. PIÍICE 0NLT $2.50 PER COPY. Every home should contain one. VV. il. r)WELL, Agent. Ann Arbor, Dec. 6th, 1864. 3w9H6 Holiday Groods. A largo atpek. DeFOREST & STEWART'S.


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