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. ntMlÊKOOTSANDTHELEAVEB X Wll.Lt fox tholletilÍLguf ih Jfutions. Bêtèf, II. T_ IjYONS, ■ TUK (ilttiAT AN'D CfcLEBÏtATBi) ï'ÏIMSlClAK of th I . ÏUUüAf.LUXUS, HKART.UVKR AND THE iiLOOl I Kbowb all over thecountry as tlie CKI.KtHtJTtn XNIDZAX? KERB DOCTOB Ui 2i Öupetrt' Street, Clvi-1, ültio. WiHvisil thu fofftwïng plaeA, via A?!OIV1'MKNT;SJ.OIU862, lf6Kud H04 l'rof R. J. I,vms can be conaulti-d .i lhw rÚawÍa pUlQovry tauntli, viz: Detiait, UudHellitiUHe, cach mtffii 18thand linfa. Aun Arbur, Monitor House, men inontli. 2iJ.h Jack son, nibbard House, -acJi m-n li , _!, Adrián, iiracket House, each i montli zíl útiddüd, Tult-do, Oüio,Cuilin(i HuLirte,(!acU month, Mth th and Stltu . ■ " ' HillHdatr.Miuh., flilUdule IÍouimí, each month Lf7th CoWwatnr, Mich-, tíouthern Úlotilgan House' eah moDth, 3Süi. Klkliart, ullkhart Hous.eacli munt]i,29th. South lieiidj lud., 8t. J. lío'el, each numth, 30. Laptirtfl, hul., 'iVe üarden Ut ite, etich montb 31 t WüOMterjUlni), CranUeU IC.xchange. euch moniU Tth HiidSth. . ' Hansiii-ld, Ohio, Wller IIousi oach month 9ih una 10 th. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon Houso, ach month, llth itit'l Í9th. NVrfftrk, Ohio, Holton Houve.eáeh montb, tSth and Hth, ruint-viUp.O'uio, CowIpí. House, i'ftch month -tth OLKVKLANÜ, Ollio. RR8IDENCK AUtD OFFICE, 282 BUPEBIOJJ STREET, KttBt of thu public square, opposite the Postaffica Oificü daH euch month, Ut. 3tl, 4Ui, 5th, Cth, lüth - Sílice hóuni frmn i A. -I. to 12 M. ud from a' 1' M 'tü Í l'. Si. Onöunüay from 9 to 1U A. M.,and 1 to U I'.'m VárMximstrictlv adhered to-I ivo auc'; balm ah have no strífe( VVUli imtuie or tholaws ti !ifej With blooiimy bands I tieverstain, Nor uotson mén toease tlieirpain. c ij a pkyxivian indeed, whn Cares. The indijiuUerü J'octorili. J. LYONS, cur th Tolluwing èoéapminta in the most obstinate stages of llielr existence, viz: piwftBen of the Tfaroat , F.ungH, Heari, I.iver, Stomacli , Dr u pi y i ti Llie Cli;st , Kfieumatiisni , Neuralgia FHë. or FatÜüíí SickiH'-SH .and all other iierToiiHlerangemcntn! AUo alllHtBrí'sof the blOod, suofa a ricrofula, lüysipelas, CftniierR, FeVer SoréB, Ueprbky] and all other complica tnd chrotiic cnitipluin t.s. AU forros of feraale üillicultics attended to with tbe happiest re.sults. H i hopet! thnt no onr wfll piipair of a ctire untiJ thej have tfiven tbe Indian Hrb Doctor'H Meditines h f.tir and T;iit hful trial. t3_U uring the Doctor' travelf in Emope, West Indie, South America, and the United Htale.s, he luis bwen the instrument (o (iod'n hand, to reutoro to health and vigor thousandN wlio wert' s[ivii up and pronounced incurable by the most eminent o ld school physicians; Dy, more, thousandft itho wera on the verge of the grave, are no living mor.uni'-iits to the lüdian lierb'H DÓctor'b skill and -uiectMfïfiil treatmi;nt,andare daiïy exclaiming: "Ilien.Hfiii bc tht-d:-y wheii iirnt we saw and partuok of the ludían H;rb Doctor's medicine." Hatisfactory referenccHüf dires will b gladlj and cliporfully given Itenever required, TheHocior plvdgMhlt word and honor, that he wUl in no wise,'lirHi:tly tr indirectly, induce or cause any i a valid to tak e hin raer] i cine without tbe strongest probabllltv of n cure. Mode ofoxamination, wbleb tl ontïreïy different frnm thefaculty. Dr. I-yon professes tí discern diteases by th eye. Híj thereforc aakn noque.itions, nor doeshe rnqulr patieutsto explain symptoms. ('a)lone and all, ind have thesyraptnmp and location of your diflonP'xplainedfree of charge. $TThe pooi nbali be liberally coosidered. 2fifi3. R.J. LYONS, M. I'. Cleveland,Ohio,N()v.C5,1862 lyS80 fTB-im í i i 'I i " ii nu i'iTn O. BIiIS & Would take this method of informing hin oíd friend and patrón and all othera who niay favor him ith the ir patronage , tb at he has greatly inilarged hifi Síoí'k and Assorttnent ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTII IN BUYING & 8ELUÜÍG in prepared to sell Good at iFtcaOOUA" IdIo JrVÍOOÍW$ Í'8 stock consista n par oí che followlng: tjj AMERICAN AND OTHER V%Jt W"at ches ! Üfefc " )M Th. Colsbrated S SETHTHOMAS CLOCK8! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CUAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLÉRY ! PazorSjShears, HciHaors!nd Brnplios, ROGKRS PLATED WAKE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENYEI.OPES, Blusical Instruments, String Sf Bookt for Instruments, SPECTAOIjBS, of Galdt Silver, Steel, and Plated,wilk PERISCOPIO GLASS, ft superior irticle. Persona having diflicult watchea to flt with platinen san be accoinodated, as my stock íb largo anti compióte. P. S. I'articular attention tothe HEPAIRIKT Gr o al I fclndi of fine Watcbes, such a Makiiig and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stajfs, and Cylinderê. Alto olocks, se nETWEiLiRrsr noatlj ropaired and Var-anted, at hi oíd atandeast sïde of Main Street. C. BLISS. Aun rbor,VoT.25,1862. 826tl "WÏZARD OIl7 THIS IPLENDm REMEDY CURES 9 TOOTIUCITE C NEÜRALSIA In Thrce Miuutel. In Ten Minutes. a-iJtwnv. éakáohe .■'. Ib Fiv.e Minutrs. ín Ton Minutes. CBiMIf COi.10 DIETHEMA Ín Ten Minutes. ., - In a Few Hours. SORB THROAT RIIKCMATISM. hl K Few Hourl. in a pew Dttys. LAMK BACK. SPRAINS. CI.-TS AND MiriEHS. BURNS il) SOALDg. COKNS. ' CHILHLAINS. Thii ÍFiviUuable prepararon onlyneedsa trial to reronma-nd itself to every bousehüld ín thfl land. Vk one boHle and yon wlll abTaya keep it OD hand against the time of ned. Prlce 3Srnt nd "5 cents per bottle. The Urge bottlr conlain neai ly three times as much as the imall on.-. Msnufactured by J. A. HAMLIN BKO., 1W Wtlhlnfton Street, Chicago, and íor sal by ílrnpgtBts generally. ,._ , , . .. I f ulier, Finch t Fuller I nvi..-. Wholenale Ag'ts: - , ().j Smlthi OtÜOiJfO. Dissolution Notíce. T1IEFIKM OKCHAl'lN, WtlOD í; CO., ai disMlred Janti&ry ltí', IBTO, by mutual oopupt. C. A. Chapín nd A. B.' Waí will settle the accounts of the firni. C A. Ckai'IX, A. R. Wood, V Chaví.v, E. Wttll, Ann Arbor, June 24, 188. Copartnershlp. rTK IIKnKRMNED entcrod Into partnership Jan. l(i,lS53, by the firni naine of Chapín íí Co.,and will continue tho buRinesH of manufactuiing printing and wrapiunp: pxper. C. A. ClMHK, N. ClIAPIK, V. Cmnl. Ann ArSc,r.ílne24,la S10W Taken Up. Come iútti th en:lonurfof the tib.tcribor aboat lhe 'trnt uf Srptemlicr, mit BRIN'IJUE lili. I., potted be nim1, alxiut n year and a half cid. Tlie owntr l r ÁutHtii to prov propt'rty, pjiychargew, nd take aaid . l,I,awny. V(1T iWKB JMo, NT. ÜÏIk. Hl. St-.ISK


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Michigan Argus