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The Governor and Senate have entered into jconpircy against the " loyal " citiens of ;Ms eounty, and have resolved to levy a conKibution upon theru for the support of the goTerument, and the offioers thereof. Thero!m, evei V man and his nelghbor is being commissioned as Notary Public, and some of (hem are favored with two comruissions. - Commissions have been received at the Clerkii' office for the latest " grist groand " out, as follovf s : 3.H. Bnrleson, Andrew Eobison J. F. Miller, Áraos C. Blodget, 0. Hawkins, D. B. Dodge, S. F. ünderbül, W. W. Preston, Vb. Doty, Chas. R. Patteson, B. Bealian, Wm. A. Hatch, 4. M. Clark, Jas. T. Mount, Jimes T. Honey, D. iiclntyre, Daniel R. Shier, Lorenzo D. Hale, J. W, Turnbull, Traey W. Eoot, Albert M. Clark, J. M.' Chase, Chas. Holmes, Jr.. R. E. Frazer, Peter ïuite. D. 3. Twitchell, A. Conklin, R. S. Smith, Wm. Schuit, Giles T. Brown, A. Felch, Wrn. Hauke, 1. McElcheran, Roswell Curüs, C. T. Wiliiiot. Theparties will do well to file their bond, nd that's where the doüar stamp comes in, ijke the oath of office, and enter into the en joymeut of the high honors aud rery lucrativa nnoluments of Notaries.


Old News
Michigan Argus