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WAR MOST ENDED ! CHARIESTON1TAKEN ! ! GÜITERMAN & CO., Being conru'cted vrith ono of tbe largesi huusgs iu N'ew Vork, vrhlcb haa btttex1 Ikcilitie for Sellitig Cheaper tUan uní otLer huuc Aro bousd to ba úc. b n; oitubUiliiuxat that uow uxlüU. direct from NEW YOBK OTT, wbo has had loog ciperienco lu the buaineas, we guaruntee tu gire the best SATISFACTiON to dj: Dumcroua OUSTOMERS & STUDENTS of the Universlty. Keeping on band the largeát stock of CLOTI1S, CASS1MËRËS, VESTIN6S, together with the largest stock of ïleady-Made Clothing, OriESJSTTtst' FURNISHING GOODSÜ &o., &c, &c, which we will isell cheaper tlian any oiir ostabli-ihment in the city. All we ask U that our fr.eiids and Students will give us a cali and satiafy themselves. M. GUITERMN. fc Co., MR. SONDHEIM is about to sUrt for Nw York lm a now stock of Spring and Summer Gouda. 9J7tf HISTORY OFnHËWÖËLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of the principal Contributors to the DietionarièM of Grttk and Roman Aniiqiiitus, Biograpky, and Geog raphy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Rince Êir V alter Raleigh solaced hia imprisuument in the Tovrer bthe, compotiition of nis " Historj of the World," the Litera turo of Tínjjlanrt hu s nevcr achieved the work which he left uofioished. There liare been " Universal Histories," from the bulk of au encycIopaïdU to the most nicngre outline, in which the annaW of cach sa,tion are ► epurntely record yd ; but without an atterapt to trace the story of Divine Providence md human progress in one fvmnected aarrativf. It sproDosed to supplythis want by a work, condensed enough to keep it within a reasonable xize, but yet softiü as to be free f rom the dry balrnes of ui epitome. Tho Literature of Gcrmany abonada in bistory, - suchas those of Muller, Schlowser, Karl ron Rottock, l)uncker,anl others, - which at prove thede mand for sucha book.and furnish models, in tomftde gree, for its execution. But even those ereat works are soiaewhat deficiënt in that. organic unity whirh is thechiel aim of thU "Hist ry of theWorld.' Th story of our whole race, like that oí ach separ ate natiun, has n a beginning, a midüle,and an euil.'' That story we propose to foliow, from itsbginöing in the sacred records, and from the dawu of civilization in the East, - throuh Uwaoecssslve Oriental Fmpireí, -the rise of Hberty and the perfection of heathen polity, a.rts, and literature in Greecè and Rome, - the ckaniie which passed over the face of the worlii hcn the light of christianïty sprang up, - tlie orfgin and first appearance t(f those barbarían races which overthrew both división of the Roman Empire, - the an Hals of the States which rose on tne Empire' B ruïns including the picturesquc details of medieval history, and thesteady propress of modern Hberty and civilizatioii, - and the extensión oí these ïnlluences, by discovery., colonization, and Chiistian migsions, to the remo test regióme of the earth In a worJ, as separate histories ïvflect the detaehed scènes of tiumao a-ction and sufferiug, ouraini is to bring iuio one view the several parta which assurciiy forni oso great whole, moviDgonward., under the guidaDOO of Divine Providttnce, to the unknownendordaiaed in the purposes. Nu painK wiilbe spared to make this hitory scholarlikein ubfitance and popular iu style. It will be tounded ou the best authorities,anci?nt and modern, origiual and econdary. The vast progresa recently made in hltburfojkl and critica.] iiivt'stijiations, the results obtained from the modern science of comparativo philology, and the discoveries which have laid open new sourees of infofmation concerning the Eaut, ftfford Buch facilitieft as to make the present a fit epoch tor ovr undertakmg. Tho worR will be divided into [three Periods, each complete in it se lf, and will forin Eigkt Volumes in Demy Octavo. I. - Awciext Histoby, Pacred and Secnlar: frora the Creation to the Fallof the Westero Empire, in A. I. 476. Two vo'umes. II.- Medieval Uistory, Civil and Ëcclesiastical ; from the Fall of the Western Km pire to the biklngof ConhtHntinople by the Turks, in A. L. 1453. Two Volurnen. IIÏ.-Modern HiriTORT ; from tho Fall of the Byzantine Empire to our own Times. Four Volumes. It will lie published in 8 vols. 8 vo. Price in aloth, $3.50 per volume. Sheep, 4.5O. Half Morocco, $5Volume X "ow ready . Agents Wanted in all parts of the Country. Applications should be made at once to the Publish D. APPLETON & CO., 2amtf988 443 k 441 Broadway. N. Y A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Prlce ! ! VOS-E'Snew and improved PIANO uvpasises anything now made for GREAT DUEÍABIL1TY! Surprising richness and brilliaucy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attention of the people of Ann Arbor ts rospectfnMy invited toanexammatlou of this beautiful instrument. J. HENRY WHIÏTKMORK, General Agent for tliO Stats, 179JeíForson Vvenue Detroit. Mina E. C. Fotor ie xny authorizM ageat for Ann Arbor. The VOSE riANO may be seen at her rooms in tbc Exchange ölock. WANTED-Married Ladies, Prof. Von Verae's Diamond Uropf, a never failing and harmlesuremedy for all obstruotions and írrciularíties. A] married ladies wil l ünd this a üovmt f ijlng pre vent i ve, for whioh itih win-iauWfl in evorv inNtance, and areinvifed togend a red stamp f,fr $ÉJ,26 for - boïtJe, to l'liLDLKU'K tTLAlLS, wholcaie druggist. s-eDeral ag-at for Michigan Ljf iho Diamoud Drops, V. O. Dragar íf;letjoit IVal'ís EuppJieáat propr'etor'Fpricfífl . Ö9CmC ]?. B JLCJEI hut j. ue w and complet STOCK OP SPRING GOODSJ i bought büfurö ibe recent , GIIEAT H1SE LM GOLD 'ï Whlch wiU be ÊoidJ FOR CA.SFI OISTLY, -iT THE LOWEST MARKET PB1CES ! Cali and See ! Anu Arbor, April, 1864. WIZARD O1L! THIS "gPLENDID REMEDY CORES Sí TflOTlIACBE Ö N'EI.-RAI.OIA B In Tliree M-inute. In Ten Minuten. MJRu:ili ■ KAKAOHI Iu FiwB Miuutes. Ilt Tt-n M.i CBi-MC CÜ-I.1C DIl'THKRIA la Tea Minutes. In a Few llours. SORE TI1ROAT ' MIECMATISM. I : Ftir Hur ]n a F.w [)ayJá L.UIKBACK. SPIUI.NS. _CUTSANDERriSES. UUItNS .vu SOA LUS. COK.NS. _ CHILÜL.AINS. Thii invüln-iM? pi-i'pïjratlon onlj' neeils !l triai to reeomurml itsrir to ttvtn honwhoM ín th land. Ust: one bottle and yon will uhvaya keep It uu hand ftgaiiiüt the tiuic of neei. Pricc 86coiita and 75 cents per bottle. The larg houfr conríuñ neaiiv Uirve tlmei as rauch as the mail onn. Kaimfúclur.d by J. A. ITAS1UN BHO., IOS W'Hshiiitítoii street, Chicago, and for ial by drugglti generally. &s ,„, , , . ,, J Fnlltr. Finch 4 Fuller I . Wholesale Af'ts: ■{ ,,„.,, t Smlrtl_ } OluoagO. PRURIuO LOTIOi The great Itch and Humor Killer of the 19 tli Century ! Th! mw prtparation posetses moet wmderfvl properliea, une] ig Jël. SÜRH OTTHrEl For erery species of the ITCH, PRAIEIK OM, BASBER'S ITC1I, WABASH SCRATCHEg, ILLINOIS UASÓs, CCTAÏVEfltS EiiCPTIOXS, PIJiPLtS OS THE FACK, SALT KUKl.n, SCALD 1IEAD, RIXGWOR3IS, itc. The PRURIGO LOTTO 's a ntw nd ctrtain eurt lar all kinds of Itch, and lieln-; a fluid prtparation It la fivc fpiun all tlie Bummy, (iisagreenbk qualitics QÍ the oindniMits in general use. The PRURIGO 1,0 TIO is safe lo use under Al.L CIUCUMSTANCKS : will not Irrítate the most tender skin, and C0NTAIN9 NO MEKUURV. Don't fil to try it. Manufaeturetl by E. T. k W. T. McFARLAXD, Sok Propiletoi-B, Larayette, Iad. PR1CE 60 CENTS. ' LOR & SHITIL Chicago, Who]esale Agent,. SoM at Wholesale in Chloagoby FULLER FINCH tFUIXKR: CHARLES G.SMITH; HUR.NIl VMS & VAN SCIIAACK; W. I). HARRIg & CO SMTTI! i UlVYKli; J. H. KKKD 4 CO., nd Ú! SCO VIL. W Createst Medical Circular J MA Hl EMliblicd! f A VL 1 ■ jfl-Fifteen-ÏE larfco O H ff M letter pages for tfco - &M Mgtf 3 cent fitatnpB. ttstf Ybung Men 's Confldeatial Medical Advistíi iu case of 8piM matorrhea or Seminal Wpaknom caused by Mus turbaron, Genital Tan t : liza tuu , self abue, or secret ha bits indulgid id by youtbs at the age of pu0KS. JiCKBON, HKRBKKT k CO., Proprietorsol the National Üyapansary, e.siablisbed at Cincinnati, Ohio.Jun. 1 ut, 1860. Involiintary Emissions lea cl to Impr.tenc_v, Copsump tion, Insanity and Death. ïhopt; who in the least from this banefu) practrce, should apply the whole L'nerKy of th wul to the attairment of hoalth and consequent content ment and happifUMU very one, eilher sïck ür well, hhould have uur valnablc treatise on thirf Eubject , which íb s-jnt fret! of charge. We guarantee to cure Gon&rrhoca,fiket,yi'liil.ip, Impotency, Nocturnal Kmïsionu er Self-Abuêo, Diurnal Emisiona, Kemale Complaint, in sliort, eTery possibk' foi'in and yarletj of exul-ir i'iseawo. Cures rapid, thoruugh and pennaneutj and feea moderate.- Send for our Circular DS. JACKSON'S FEMALE PII.I.E- $1 peí box - Special written replies, well pealed, sent with the Circular, without charge, 300 pages, ICO engravings. - "The UouDCatn of láght, or Medical Protector and Karriaffe Quid, and an ExpÜcit Key lo Lovp and Kcauty." Jt SATI?FACTOKILY reveáis variouesub jecta never beforefully explained in any popular work intheEnglish lauguuge. Frice 50 cents, or three for Medicine and ïn.structions sent prompt Iv to jiny part of the country. Coae uiting Rooms of tho Dispeusary, No. 107 Sycamure street, V. O. Box, No. 436. DR. JACKON'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT Removes all co!, and rojuvenalee orgnns which have lain dormmit for raany years. Can be mailed with perfect a-ifety. Price S2 per bottle. DR . JACKSON'b FRENCH PATENT MALE PAFE. It is the only euro and safe preventiva agaiuct con tracting disease ever invented, Price $1 each, NpOT half dozen, and $7 per doze,n, stnt by mail. 6m996 Hiñe F actor y! Beutier & Traver, LKuccosEors to A . J. SutherlatüJ,! Munufacturers of and Dealers in Guns.Pistols, Ammunition. Flasks, Povthes Game Baga, and Everjother artiele íl that Line. Allkinrtsof v K.BI'A.IRïKrGdone at the horteKt notice, nd mtuebest moiiDPr. a f uil asortmentalwayr-lept gIjjiuu h.ii(Ï rta.'lö or3er 'Ê, tUiop cor oer Mam ana Vu&hi&ftuKCvtxet'tp. Aaa Arbcr,Oct. 8, 1562. Lli


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