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The End Of The Conspirators

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hen tbe sentences were riBcially proirulghted, the frieuds aud relativea of tho cops-pirators began to tlock to tho White House to plead for a respiti'. - .Tho ocuusol ior 5r3. Surratt, the spiritual advisers of tha condemned, and a number of otliei, wero aniong tbe plade8 for cleuiency. Tho Fresideut decidcd that the only reason fir a reirieva which culd prol erly he considoitd, must reí-t in purely legal grounds, HUetl as tbe production of important n üd hitheito unknnwu evidoDoe if tbat wërè pousihle, uud thorefore rgferred the v holu matter to ihe judguient of Judge Advocate General Holt. MISS Sl'KRATT. Mies Surratt, who had viiited tho extciitivc mansión last eveninp, and endeavored to ibia:n an iuterviow with the Precident, g-Mn repaired thither, accompli nied by lady friend, between eight and ninc o'oluck tbis Hioriiillg. - Tho President baving givcn orders that he vrould réVoita no one to day, she was stopped ut tbe foot of tbe stairs luadinsr to t!io Prosidont'n office. Findii?g that niie oóuid not get further, ,she a.'ked to seo Gen. Muzzy, the President's Aíílilftry Sfccretary. He at once carne dowu hen M'sa Surratt, with eireaining eye3 aud agoniziug sobs, throw herseü'upou her knets and seiaed. ))im by the coat, and bíp-td lnm to aid her in obtaiuing au interviöW with tho Fret-idönt. As teuderly aa poasibie ehe was told that as tbe orders to adrait no ene wcre imperativo, it was imposaible to fjrant her reuest. Gen. Muzzy tban Itft ht-r, when fhe t'art'W herself upon tnö fstairoasc step?, whera sbo remained ":m time, sobbing biiterly, asaerting the 'mnoceiicc of her motlicr. and impioring evory oue vvhr pnscied to interüudo fqr her. Sbo declared tlüt her niothvr ivas too gpocl and kind to bu gi'.üty of tlip grfntt criir.o f whicb sho had been convlcted, and suid if her inotaer must diecbo vrlshed to dio siso. Many who wei e prefiant at this affeotinï; suena, iiiciudiiifí h:irdy soldiers, wero u'nable to restmui thuir töarS. Miss S. fihally btícftiuo more compoged, siud was iiiduced tv laki! a seat o tho East room, vvhurs Bh stayoJ suverai hours weeping eileatly iind ppr'nging up cach time the iroot dgor of tho mansión was heard to opon, bo;iíg to pee eorao one who could aid ber in eeing the Presideot. HAROLD'S BISTKRS. Harold'a two sisters, dreisod in deep mournicg and heavily vcil?d, also carne to the White House soon after the arri val of Msa S., to intercede for their brother. Uuable to seo iba President, thay addresseti a note to Mrs. Johnson, but she being siuk it was not Ihought proper to deliver it. Faüiug in this tbey asked ptrp.iisítion to forward a note to Mrs. Putterson. the Prejident's hiughter, ho, being also indisposed, the requost was not granted. The Misse Harold showed much eelf-control, and restrained most of tho outward laanifestations of sorrow, THE OüiHDi. Early in the morning guards were ptationcd along Pennsylvania avenue cnuth, aud around the arsenal ground. - The Fotirtb and First regicnnts of Hancock's corpp, and a large detacbraent ol tho 6O'th Ohio were marehcd to the prison. The lst Genertl Hancook staiioned in the louth yard, tba ! 4th opon tho walls and at the doors, and the 6Oth Obio arouud tho outeide. THE 9ALL0WS. The gaüows, which were erected by workineu froca the arsenal, was completad al 11 o'olock thia morning. ïhere are nina uprights holding tho floor above, whicn faces on tbe xvesf sidc. - The uprights supporting tho buara, from which hung iour ropes, each being of. itrong hetap, are twenty fot long ae! ten feet high. The drops, of wbicb thare are two, each four feet by ix, are diroctly benenth the beam, and are held in tbeir place by an upright, whioh is knocked from under by two pieoes oL cantlir.g boing swung against it. TUi QHATKS. A few feet south of the soaffold, noar tha cast ivall, the four graves, each Boren foet long by thrêa wide and four deep, are dug, it being tho intention that tbey (the condemned) ehould bo buried there in casa their frienck do not claim them. PAT. During tho night Payne stept for several hours, aud spant most of the time in conversation with Rev. Dr. Gillett. - He paid close atteotion to what was said, but did not show much emotion. - None of bis iriends had beea to seo him. ATZBBOTT. Ateerott was unable to e!eepf olthough ho made etvcral attempts. His brotl'.er was with him yesterday and agaio this inornmg. His aged ruother, who arrived duriug tLe night alao came to Me him. Her meeting witb her doomed child wu8 very touchiug, and brought tears from tli eyes of somo of the prisoii officers, who had bocome accustomed to such scène. Hov. Dr, Butler, of tho Lutboran c!imc4i, who had boen sent for, wus witb Atzerott during the nigbt. IIARUOI.U. Hnrruld slept considerably durjng the night. Rev. Dr. Olds, of Chriat's Episcopal Ghuicli, aud five of his sisters, visitcd hidl last night. He convc rsed freely wiih ihem, and aid he was ready to die. This morning the minister and the whols family o( nuveu bister were with hito, ilHS, titRRATT. Mrs. Snrratt alept liltle if any, and BuSvred much. Her daughter was with eome hours, and also Rev. Fathors Waker and Wigol. Tiiü bi-üakfast which was sent to tho prifouars this morning, v.aR eaten of by aone except Payne, who ate heartily. BKKOUK ïiir. KXIiCl'TION. Tho.uö who Lai pawies began to gatbtr in tliupenitontiary yard soon after 10 o'i ock. Through the grated window a , l'nir viuw of tbo corridor aud cells of.j tha condemned openiug upou it could be i ; ol ,:aiae.d, and Atzcrott could bo soen thi.iiis;u thu opan door of tiis cell, 1 ' ïnijr)y onliiiL'U. in au upper W9f& Thu , ' con-pirators tenteneed to ienth liad beeii removed to Iho ground door. TUK MI1.ITAKY, The military fonned t.wo eidi a of a hollow pquare, facing the soaffold, and Boon ai'tiT lliü all'ivul of M j ir General Hancock and staff, who took their places in fiort aod rear i ecaffold, they ware urdered to a shoulder armsi and jeruained in tlat pisition utitil the reading of llie ordeis snnouucing and confiraiiug ttio seutence of the Court, by Genei al Hurtraupt, had bcon completod. FAYNe's AFPKARANCB. Payne had eonversed freely wuh Dr. Gillette and Striktr on religious tupies during tbe moruiug. It appears that he was ïaised religionsly, and at one timo bulouged to the Baptist Church. Ho wept fri'iily and seenied sinccrely repout ant. Afier gi"ing hi sp. ritual advisers some coinuiissions of a private diameter, he i'sprifsed liis willinguess to meet his Gd, hoping fur fi'ig v Coloncl D ster, liis counsel, ïook luave ef hun in tbo morning, as with Atzerott MRS. SUKRATT AND HER DAUGIITEK. The final inteiview betweon Mrs. Surratt and lier daughter was very affecting, bi inging teais to the pycs of hardy Bol'iieih utandinjj b_y. Arrangeuieuts as to private affuirs wcre hore 111.1de, both with M 8 S. and a male frieud present with her spiritual counsel She evineed greal 'reedom and protssted ber innoceucu and Tvilliugness to moet her Maker. ATZKUOTT A.D HIS SISTER. An. intorriüsv betweon Atierott and hs sister occurred at a cjuarter past 12 The sister showed great omotton, wliilo Aizorott ranintaiiu'd a dogged silence. Agonizing sobs 1io:d Mrs. SuiTatt's culi told of the part tig bctwoen her and her I ohild, thula'ter bcing eoon carried oui I insjtjsiblo. Soon uñer a blief interview between A'zorott and Lis counsel, the i-hsins weie removed trom tho ptisoucis. Vague minors of a ruprieve for hoiik' o' the prisonor wei o atioat, hut as tliB ssíjuel show, díath cama instead. TO TUK GALLOWS. At ñftfpn minutos p ist one, General Ilartraupt. with nis aSMl'stants, c.ane out of the priso'i, followod by the mi urnfu' procession. Mrs. Sirrratt came first, supported by two offioers, and atteuded by her spin'us! friends. Kathera Wigel and Walter.-'. Next carne Atzerott, with Kov. Butler, of the I.uthbran Church, ond Uhaplain Winchester. - Harrold folloned in the attendunoe of Rev. Dr. Oids, of Chrisl' Church (Episcopal) vvhile Payne, accoaipanied by 4)r. Gillette, of the First Baptist Church, here, and Dr. Striker, of Baltiiaore, camo last. ON THK SCAFFOLD. Owing to her phygical state nd tho weight of her eliaius, Mrs. Üurratt was aloiost carriüd tO, tbo gailows. She was placed on the north end of the platform, surroutidad by her spiritual frieodc. With downenst looka she ank almoat insensible into her seat. She was sbaded from tho poworful heat of the 8un by an umbrella held by a soldier. Uur dress wa doop black, the same as woni while on trial. Ne.xt to her, and on the same drop, was Psyne, whose faoo and cyes presented an unusuul color and appearanco. üis drees rosembled that of a gailor. On thu other drop wa Harrold, with slouchy dresa and woe-begoue lonks. Atzerott was on the saine drop with Payne, and like bim aud Harrold, was ia stookings. TUE LAST M0MBNT8. Gonernl Hartraupt nowndvgncod and read tha sentence of duath, after which tho dying Btivico of the Catholio Church was administered to Mrs. Surratt by Futhen Wigel -:d Waltor, she holding the cross fervently to hor lipa. A'iorott was seen to tnurmur mme words as if iu prayer. Through Dr. Gillette, Pnyno eipressed his thanks for tha kind treataient ho had rocoived from all witb n hom he had como iu coataot siuoo his arrest. Dr. Gillette offered a fervent prayer, in which Payne eemed to join, Dr. Olds said, in behalf ol Harrold, that he forgavo all, and hoped for forgiveues from ail ; after which the Dr. followed in prayer. In like mauner, Dr. Butler spoke iu behalf of Atzorott, and closed with prayer. - Tho prisoners were uow placed over tfce fatal drop. The anus and ankles of Atzerott, who came ñrst, were tied accurely with strips of white cloth. In the aine manner the other crimínala were bouud, aud the nooso adjusted. - .ï the fatal moment approaobed Mrs. Surratt said : " Pleasu dou't let me f all." Alter a violent eSort wilb hls fovorish lip Atzerott oid : " Gentlemen tako ''ware," ineaning " warning." After the white caps were all put over the prisoners' heade,. Atzerott eaid in distiuct tones : " Good by , geutletnei,. who are bt-fore me; now niay we all moet in tho othar world. God help ma now. Oh ! oh 1 oh !." DBA0. The upright were knoeked ou-t at tho given signal and the bodies were euipended. Alzerott died without any appearance ol while a slight movement iu the limbo of Mrs Surratt wns nll that wns seen of the deatb truggle. Tho bodies of Pa-yrft and Harrold itrugglud ooiiHiderably. After ubout 18 minute of solumn ilenoe.;the bodies wera examined by Surgeon Otir W. S. Yoluntoers, and Assistant öurgeons j ter and Woodward, who all pror.onuced lifj extinct. Oie of the cords being prematurely severed by a goldier, one uf tho bodie feil down with a heavy i-hump. The bodies ol Atzerott, Harrold, Payne, and Mru. Surratt were the.) placed iu strong white pino coffins, ia the ordr namad. It ws not aecertaiiwd. positively wbether the neeks of and Ptiyne were difiloeated or not, but bout tbjse of Ii!ríki and. Mr-. Surratt there i uo douibt. The buriaia. were completad by a dita il of the first corps. One of the lions at Washington ju t uow is a cow w-hieh has marched with She rnan'ti : rmy since November 19, 18C1, nrid bas traveled in all 1,220 niile. Sha-lias eonstantly given feoin a gallonto b. gallon and n ijuarter of iutik daily. Thii vuteran bnvi.i.) bummer lim been grB;Bid: BO-.íbe iVMier' Hotue.


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