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Another Railroad Project

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Dun'bkb, MoNTtoB üo., Mion , ) July 2Gh, 14SG5. BIn. Editor: - Allow the npuco of a liort commnuioation rolutiug to a projecteü Railroad from Ilolly. on tho De troit nud Milwaukee Railrand, tbrougli Milford, O.ikland Oounty, Ann Arhor Salino, and Mooresville, Washtenaw County,andDiiLdee,Monrou County, terminating at Toledo, ühio. Two meetings have alrcady been hald at Dundse, on tho 12th and 25th rcspectively. Thora 8 a determination to put bucIi a road through from Northoru to Southorn Michigan. The quostion now lies with thepeople along tho pi'oposed route, wheihur it shall üomo hero or go souie other route. A meeting has been appoioted a! Duiidee, for the aftcriioun of August 5th, at wliioh tiirw delega tes frona the abo vu named placos aro requeited to bd prcsout, febiongh whom a oonyenlion uay be organizad to meet at soma central place on the route. Tho people of this aecüon are alive to tho projoct, as already the " i-ight of way" has bsoa securad through this t'.'wnship. No better sfotion of country cao be found thau that through which this road vvould pa?s ; rioh iurming lands, well timberod and watered, and for the first tift.y miles north from Toledo, the grading will bo comparatively light. Ohio needs tho salt and timber of Wortheru Miohigan, and over this road it will come ; wo need her pine timbors also ; yec, and her salt. Muoh moro might be said why this road ehould bu built, but it is useleas, sinoe it is evident it will go here. A large attendance ia dosired at Dundue on tha 5th. Como geutloinen from all BOctioQS on the route. BY ONE INTERESïED. K'SC Wo invite the attentiou of our citizens to a communieation in another column in regard to a projected Railroadfrom Toledo, Ohio, through our eity to Holly, at which point the Saginaw aod Holly road forma a junction with the Detroit and Milwaukie. Our capitalista ought to tako hold of this matter, as it, perhaps, offers us the only opportunity for a raüroad loading southward. As the communioation catne to hand just. as our paper was randy for pross, we can nt spcak more at leDgth oa the ■nbject. JL2Sr Emehson Etheridok, of Tonn., having bean arrestad for making inoondiary epeoches - ho is a candidate for Congres - and confinad at Columbia' Ky , has addressqd a letter to President Johnson, which, though it doubtless tells muoh truth, i.s in deoided bad taste. Mr. ETUEKioai-: will help neithcr him9elf nor IL a causo he has zealously espoused by juoh disp'aj's of his p iwera of sarca?m. A eahn and dignified statement of bis viowa and of his claims wuuld ao oom)li?h iiifiíiitcly moro. jGíST Ashüít P().nd, Esq , of Datroit, of tljo íirin o! NiswiuiRiir & Ponü, has boon L'lectod Assi.itant Profesur in the Law Dep'nrtnjeat of t"e Univcrsity, and we undarstaud will enter on duty with tho opening of tho next term, in October. Jlr. Pond graduateil in tho Litcrary Dparlmcnt of the University in 185Í, since which he has boen loeatad in Detroit, where he has nequirod an honorable roputation as a lawyer. The Üjtroit press speak of the appoiutment as a good ono.


Old News
Michigan Argus