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Passenger trains now leave Detroit and tlie aeveral stations in tliis County as follQWS; ooixa west. Mail Day Dextcr Evrn. Nii'ht Train Ex. Ace. El. Ex Detroit, 7 .15 a.mIO 30A.M 4-35 P.M 5.8.ÍP.M 11 .00 p S) Yusilanti, 8.-M " 11.55 ' 6.12 " 0.50 " 12..WU m Ann Albor, 9. OS ' 13.Í5PJT6 35 " 7.10 " 1 00 " llexter, 9.35 " 12.40 " V00" 7.:if ' CbelaM, 9.55 " 12.55 7.50 " GOINQ EAST. Kven. Dexter Nif-ht Day Hall Ex. Ace. Ex. Kx. Train. ;helse, 7.35a. 113-30 p.M.ï DcxtL'r, - 6,05a. ï 7.55 " 3.45 "6.20 " Ann Arbor, 4. '25 A.M 6.35 " 8-20 " 4.05 ' 5 50 " Ypsilanti, 4.5') " 7 0 ' 8.40 " 4.25 6 12 Jetroit, 6.10" 8.25 " 10 00 " 5.45 "7.45 " The Mail Train runs to and from Marshall. kW Toe excellent preparalious of Dr. Cliapin. by the use of which he gained so great a popularity in the treafrnent and euro of Dyspepaia, Liver Coniplaint, Constipation, and Palpita tien of the Ileart, andall diseases arising from Indigestión and Torpid Liver, was none other than what is now put up under the name of Red Jacket Siomach Bitters. npWELVE YEARS AQO lOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS was strugslinfcinto lot ieO agninst the pifjudices vvhich everythïng new, lowever excellent, is doomed to encountsr : TODAY t stands at the head of all the tonio and alterativo reparations in existence. Ha celebrity baaevokeel nany iniítations but no ricals. Physicirm prouoimce t the only ba pk 9TIHDLANT that ban ever been introduced intü the aick chamber. In the Hospitals of the Army and Navyt the surgeona fiad it the very best tnnic fop conralescents, and report it us invaluahlo for suAtaining the vigor of troops on the march, as a einc-dy for scurvy and sllscorbutio Hlfections, and au ba only speciüi: for Mft-f tik neus. CaHforatn and Aun tralia have emphaticnlly indorfied it an the MlNTftg1 Mbdicixk par excellent, and in Spanich America and il! the tropical clira;ites, it Ea eoüaidewd the only reiable antidote to opidemic fevers. Thepe is no myütery ahout rlie cauarS of t, Huccess. [t ia the only fitomachic and alterative in whicli are conibined the grand requisiteá of a mild, pure, nnd unvitiüted vegetable tiroulaíit, WftH the seloc tion of tonic, antibiliuus, auti-seorbutic, apfiient. nnd "epuratire herbs; pluiits, J-oo1h. and bark.i tliat hav ever beeuintermixed iu a medicinal preparación. Tli Bitters have thn distinetlve quality, which is not shared, it ïb believed, by any tonic, tiocture or ei tract In the worldj tney du not excite tho pulse, though tln-y infuso a frondarful degree of vigor into the nervoun syrttem , aïiïi strengthen and sustain the whole phy.sical brganization. It is al.o proper to flÉRte th t the Bittors are sold exclusively in glasfl, and pevct undt-r any circumstaqbces by the gaUon ov the barrel Impostora and imitator are abroad, and the only safeguard tho public have against them is (o Bee tfaat the Bittera they buy bear tbe engrared Iab-1 and note of hand of Mesers. Hostetter JtSmifh, a ml the goverumeot stamp over the cork of the bottlo, lwlOlO AVIIIS!Kl3tts: WIII8KBK8! Doyou want Whiskwsor Moustachos? OurGrecinn Corapfiund will force tliem to grnw on the fmioothest face or chin, liair on baM hf:uis, in.Six Weeks. - Price,$1.00. Rent by mail anywhprp, cin.sply neale'1, on ivi'niptoTprice. AMeis, WAfiNES & CO., Bol, Brooklin, N. Y. lyO99. THE BRIDAL CIIAM8ER, an Epsay" of Waniing and Tnstrnction for Young Men - pnbltshed by the Howard Asflociation, and sant fr. e of charge in ■ftUd i'nvclopc. AiJrs, Dr. J. SKII.I.tS HOÜ6HTON", Howard Aesociatiou, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. Iy996 gC HÜOL RÊPÖÏÏÏS" &"BL ANKs! The BlankK for School Tnsportnrs and School District Officers' Annual Report baVe been recfived at tliis office, and are ready for diatribtition. Also, tlie Annual Report of the SöpoHtit endent of Public Inntruc tion for I8C4. Townfhip CÜerfci are reuested to Feiid in their orders. E. II. POND, County f'lwk. Ann Arbor,. TulylRth, 18f.5. 3wl018. SI 0,000 WANTEi) ON' TII10 Iiontlsof Wa;liteiaw Conty, AT 7 PER CENT. INTEREST, M)av W'ai-rantK drawn on the Volanteer Rpliof Fund . rtit.' invesiinciit k vitfe and the cause a good one. Apply initue liatciv- PIIDIP BUTM,rointy Tr.Msnver. .nn Arbor, 17lh, 1865. 3vlO18 DÜTTER WANTED! I want for tbe NEW YORK MARSET! allthe;OOl) BL'TTKR marie iu the County , for wli ch I will pay Cash on üelivery, f'T oither Large or inall Lot. JOHN H. MAYNAIU). Julji 7th, 18!5. ömlOlti vn Strayed or Si o1 en. One New Müch COW, Ked, one horn a littlfl 1opjed, small white star in forebead, alightly pinhrpped o MI sido. An one returniiijí tbe sanio to Mrs. PUTtIAMr&ai veisity Street, "t giving mforpiattoa whcre hhe mny be lound, will bc liberal! y rewaidrd. Ann Arbor, June 24tta,l8(JÍ ;jv'O17 OER MIKliOR MAY Satifilyaiulv th'-it her lrf;s i fanltluss, hut í?-"c invfileil in "Spanish Rouge," for policing PilverwurP "' inrtnUíf .11 fefnd, will cid more to the bright aud che'-rl'ul appeiirüiice of ht'r Uappj home thuu one hundred dolíais expended in Qew wftre, I.APiSfi giV H 11UI' ti'i'l, "'I yM wül joiu v irh up in ha ving tuat ittnapro-e the appwraaee "f your Pat lorft and KitohenK one hundred per cent. Vr furiluT particulars wo Itr jon f nur advrrtitemcut Ín Detroit Pailv PhiiOTB. WALLÁÍK KRT.SO, Wiftrfl Whoksale ALut, Mei r. Il Bluck, corner Wnodwara and .letTer-nn ATiaueft, Detroit, MícImhü. r'TEBBÜW k WIJ : ON, A Oii : Aai Arbor. BmfisOlS TVTOW IS Til E TJMF, For burga i ns ín AND CROCERiES !! C. H. MILLEN, is uovv receiving his stock: o DRY GOODS, CAttPETS, and GROO EKIES, hniifciii atiturecaatgrs&i detiine JnN'ew York,u4 Wlllbeaold atilowfls tlie loVett Uall and e:.aiuiiio geoda umi pricoir beford pttrchaidng. C.B. MILLEN. April, 165. pillJVTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 centa. SHEETINQS, 30 to 40 cents. BLJ5ACHED COTTONS, and all other goods at REDUCED PRICES! At 0. H.IHLUEX'S. TEW OABPETS, O H. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DRESS GOODS of nll kinds, Ludios' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Oruamentp, &o., iU the ne%v nyle just reeeiïod and íor sale cbeap. 1004tf C. H. MILLEN. rpiIE GREAT CRISIS! IST. 13. COLE & CO-, Lavo ustopcneda I.AROE STOCK of BOOTS t: SHOES, QREAT FALL IN GOLD! whlch will bo sold at a GREAT REDUCTiON FROM FORMES I'RICES. - 0 - Theii Stock includus tlie X-iiatest íStyles I anJtbeQUALTTYis the BEST OT MAEKET. - o - G1VE THEM A CALL before purchasingelsewhprc. O - REPAIEINÖ Neatly and Promptly Done, Ptore West le ol Coart Bouae Square, two door Northof the 01(1 Frankün. N. Iï. COLE, . - A. n. SKYI.ER. Ann Arbor, April, 18fi5. lOOfi W ASiTmAiWitT M VJ J cJoiJvusrcH: N 51 13 THE MOST 3K EPTI CAL. .Sg), ( THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED $■ i. J3 VIRTUEIWTHEl "C fVlneyare a. comtinaHoíL ík WL KXRX HERBá s 1 5 Tf ixeparedmtJu! choicest i ylW-b BOURBONWWSKVX G i Thcy strengthen and lnvigorate the 2 P jf ystem. T' f?' They glve ft pood and healthy appetlte. Yg u iO( w They asslst digestión. fñ W They are the best stimulant in exlsteoce Jl . They are a preventiveof fever nndague M5 7 Yj They cure nervous headache. Í7 jp [ï They are perfectly pure and palatable -j The Höd Jacket Bitten nre sold In quart Vï f EtW by 11 druggistu Bad dealen la the tonuUy. : ♦ BENNETT PIETERS 8, COv ö I RIVEfl BT. CHICADO ï Kor sal. bv DkHIKKST k STKWART, .l„bl.or. piANO FOR SALET AAHE CHANOS. F OH SAl-T-:a vrry Nii 7 octiivc nvrr-'-t rurtg PTWO, minufH-rl.nie'l by o'ir of th bit mnkeni in NTw York, nnd in ton, touch, anl finish, one ol tl I c-;l intrumpnti ei er brnugM io tliiff city . l'ersnns wiPÍiing a ro;i i ly gOOd intruinent are invitfii to ea-lt anti pxaminf i'. jjÉü" Inqaiie iit the ARGt'S OFFICK Aun Altor, .Taly Uth, 1S65. TTT HAT KV ER Y BODY SAYS ! PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN UET YOL UI' A 11KÏÏER SUIT OF CLOTHES THAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE. PLÜMEH & JENNINGS can TFTT" y very IVSUCH BETTER thau von can hupu te bo FITTKi) eUewbwe. PLÜMER & JENNINGS eau SKI.I. I,VKi; thannoUet Firm in ünn Aibor, AND T11EY WILL DO IT. PLUMER & JENNINGS have on liaml tito bftt MSul tment of Furnishing Goods, thimii.lBOI Now York-, which tt will teil at prlces vrliicli wi.l nance uil to buy. N. n.- 0-a.y's Patentad llolded Collar. Universal Onl lars, Satin Rnamekd Uyrnn Collars, (tlio lirst Hyron Knanieled Collar ever manufacture.],) Fiench l'rinted Collar, Ward's l'i-inted Collar, I.e lioan Ideal Collar, (Imported] Uarden City Collar, Satin Knameled, patent Button Hole, New York Excelsior Unen Ptpet rollan, F. A. 11. & Co'k Improvedl'aper Colla rs, JlasKasoit Papor Collar, and in fact everv discriptioii of Paper Colla is mauufacured, consta ntly on hand in largo quantitles. Sccond door South of Public Square, Main ?t , Aun Arbor, Michigan. lOOTtf TTATS, CAPS" AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON i PIERSON havo received lbo inrgeH ütock of ever Drouglit to ihis markot, which they ure solliuir at very LO PfilCBS1. The stock eonslsteof- GENTS' SILK HATS- oll stylcs. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BRIM UATS, GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' CAPS- al! kinds. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CAPS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANOY KELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, CARPET & TRAVELING BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUND0WN8. SHAKERS, and in fací, all gooJs pertaining' to their trade. JOHNSON & PIEKSON. MAIX STKEET, . lOlOtf - - ANN ARBOR ïstöëy of raË'wÖRm BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. Onttoflht prinnpnl Contrihulorno th Dirtloiiarife of 'Ja-7k " i0man A"l'iuk',B'ography, and Ucog PLAN OF THE WORK. P!ncoPirVlterRaleigli solaced l,i„ imprlsonmenl Urnerby thecompositiou of hl Histor, ol the World, tho I,,temturo of Knland has never achieved the work which he loft unflnished Tliare have been " ÜBÍTírüal Iü.-tories," from Ihc bulk of an eBcyetopredla to Ure mout which tho annals of each nation are spparatoly recorded ■ hut without an atlempt to traca the story of Divine l'rovidence and human progresa iu ono coñnocteil na r rative. Itispropose.Hoiipplythw want by a work, condonsed enough to ko. pit witliiu a roasnñnliV aize but vet sofull as to ba free trom the dry baVness ofan epitome. Tile I.itcraturo of (iermany nbounds in liistory, - suchas those of .Muller, Behloñer Kavl von Rottock, lluncker, and others,- which at iir'ovethede mand for uch a book, and furnish modoU, in aomfidi gree.for lts ex.cution. But even those treat work;m: stimowhat deficiënt in Vnnlorgan ie unïuj which itlie chiel aim of this "Ilist iry'of the World." The story of ourwhole race.'like thatol e i'ch sepir iite nation, has a beginning.a middle.and nn enll " SPhat story we propon to (bllvw, from itsbeginning In the saorod records, and from the dawn of owilisattOD in tlio Kast,- ïBrougli thesuccessive Oriental Empire, -the rise of liberty and the peifection of heatlion polity , irta, and literatuie iu Creece and Rome,- the chanire wluch passcd over the face of tho world xlun tba llght of christianity sprang tip,- the origin and Bral appearanoe of (liona barbarfna races wbtob overthrew both divisionn of the Komiin Empiro, the an mil oí tho State which rose on trui f'mpirp's ruins ncluiiiug the picturesque delails of medieval httory, nnd tho stoa. ly progress of niodorn liberty and civiliza fcton, - añil 1he extensión ol these iitHuences, by dis cnvery.cono.uest, colonizaron, and ('hristian misnions, to the remotest regions o the e;uth In a word,a epaiate histories relloct the detached scènes of humai aetion aud sufftring, our aim is to brlng intoone viei tbs reren) paus whicli aaeoreily forni un tíi'eat ►bolo, movingoDwards, vinder the guidunoi; of Divine l'n.vidunce, to the unl.iiow u i'uil uidaineil in the Dii.nv pui-poses. Ko paihs wülbe spared n oaXe thls hlstory acholarUke in ubstance and popular in tylo. ItwiH bo !oaaded on thebosl authoritlfl,aaaièt and modern, origi nal and si-tondary. The v.üt progresa rceulh made m hintorical n.1. orilles] invesfiitinj, th ramiltE oh tüined fioui !he mo.irn scieuce of compai-ative philology, and tlie discoveries which have laid open aai sonrees of infofmatiou conecining tho Kast, alii.n! such l'aeilities as to malve the present a (it ejioch (or ovr unlertakin)r, The work will be divided into Period, aeh complete, initsel1", and will lm 1,1 l'jVt"oluuies in t'em Octavo. - 'AHOun ITiamuT, .ncred and Pt-cular; from th Cn-ation to the 1-allt.f tlie Wostftrn Kiupiie, iu A. D. 4TTi. Two voaiines. II .- VitniKVAi. TIistorï, Civil and Ecclesiaslical ; the Fall of the Western Fmpirclo tlir takinit "I Corfitantiunple by the TurLn, in A. 11. 1453. Two Volnraes. III- MfH)Ki:. nv ; the Vall of tho lijzantine l'iii].irr. to ourown Times. Konr Volume. It willhn pnWisli.-d in S vols.R vo. l'rico in oloth. $3.5" per volume. Sheep, S1.6U. Hall MolOCCO, $5Volume 1 now ready . Agents Wnteil iii all paiU of te Couutry. ApplicaUoo should be made at once to the l'ublishers. D, APPLKTON & CO., 'JamtlS.'.S 4;( , 44 [ Rrcadway. N. V NN ARBOB WOOLEN tYIILLS Art now fèady to furnish partid n it.ii uil kinds o] WOOLEN GOODS! iÜ will KX ÏIANlJI ■C.OOI1.--FIIK W001.. Persons fuMiUhiiiff their on W onl, ran lutve it MiMTüirrUfiEt) in;., nng KIND (II r;:nrs i]..y !hooe,at Kilt) TNOTU'K AjO, )■: til ulur altt ..!i"ii will he f;iveü to CAUDIAti OF LOLjLSi Tli"ir Milt ar all twpHd witi Wii loucliioery ot Ihe bt xnt] mo t ;tpi;in-i(t p tin n ÏMXLWSOtt fc Hl NT. Ana Vrbor, Mich. H4J öth, U6ö, lrttUfe I 1ULIU8 BAtïER & Cü., Great Piano Forte anJ Melodeon EMPOEIUM! WAKEROOMS IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE, 09 WASHINGTON STREKT., New York Wareroomi, 050 Bmadway. Wliulosale Agtnls tb e V. S. for WM, KNABE & GO'S CELEBIlA'l'ED Gold Mecial Piano Fortes! ÜSPÜi lis y' 'l'amonU guárantela for fiZ AI.SO, AQEKT3 FOB SOEBBLER & SM1TH, BOARDMAN & GRAY, A. 11. MLE&CO., Ani other First Clasn ríanos. 23S5& S:iftJKKftB2 'S 1".KY nj Agitable Toúcb' "ditoauty Particular attention paid to the selectiün nf iBitrumrat. for distant orders and a , HviSe of ex iDstrinnent sLouUnot prove cntirely eatisfactorv _ WHOLESALE DZALERg will flnJ it to 11,Pir advan WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART.NEEDHAM&CO'S CELE UH ATED HARMONIUMS, MELODEOfl?, ■A-3tt OHGAIffS. ALSO FOB fiEOROE A. PRINCH A OO'S MEL0DE0NS and 0RGANS, Manufacturera and Import")rs ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! String-s, Aocordeons, Vlolins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Merchandise, hvoturoaiHllmportation, are used bv most all of tha wí5oSmfJ reco'ved the tía" dal audniGHKST prepared o h DEALERS BANTO and xnivf ,CrsrUe '" tLi8 ""."ttne.o.est KEMEMBERTHK PtACB JÜLIUS BAÜEB & C0M 69 WASHUfGTON BTREET, CI1I0AGO, - - - . 1LLi 1019 New York Warcrooms , 650 Broadwaj. RARE CHANGE TO BUY GOOÜS CHEAP! 1 have n tori a ruil stcok of stnple aaá FANCY DEY gOODS, A ruil Koe of DOMK.ÏTira and CHOiCE GROCERÏES ! ! All pmvhasod üinco ihö WAR CLOSÉD! And owing tfi (ureumstitnets bcyond m conirol, mrffh to ni!ikpa.n Immcdiate Sale of the Stock. CASH CUYERS can for a fi-n Ks havo góoda at j ust abuut riIEIll OWIS' PIUOES! J. II. MAYNARD. Ma.v5Hi,lt6fl. 1007 tf DEMEMBEH G. & E. JsNOVER'S ís ttii' Nnitli ■Dor ol Grpgorjs Ne Block. (], W, SXOVEH. E, SPII, ïóoa


Old News
Michigan Argus