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rjlLORENCE SEWIN8 MACHINES. PiiOTOGRAFH ALBÖMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, TURBAD, SILK, T "WI ST, MACHINE O IL, c. The undersigned now ollors the public TUE BEST SEWISyC ÜACHÍNE IIT j SE. FOB DUKABILITY, BE A TiTYoJ STYLE, and VA BIET Y ff WORK,it "STANDS ü? HEAD." It nee.l.s ciily W beUeetrtobeappreöfftteÖ. Runs tbe work bolli ways, tak es fout UiuU of stitchps, hem fella, gathers, braids, Wnd, cfuilts, gatbera and ëewi on ji mille at the same tlfná. S&wa frofpihc thinnpsi to the fabric without c!i;u)giug t}it? stitcli íeñsion or neeBíe, or without breaking theihread.- The Wonder of the World ! Also i vnriclv of IliemCs) bi-iintiful PHOÏOGRAT'II Al.BI'MS, l'IC'füKES mi.l FRAMES d greKt v;ui.-l.v and [nctures liamed to neder at short nutice. Also. BAKNU-M'H SELf-SKWEli or TUIJKEB, whicli cun tui tdjufited to ary Sewing Machine. Cnll at tho sigu of the l'LOÜENCE SEW1XG MAOHIÍÍE, a few íaon Eás( óf Oook's Ilutel. Stüching Neatly Done to Order, Also, on i'xhil.iliuii.thecelebr.ited " WEED SEW1N(J MiLCHTXE,' which toök the premium at the iliübigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Aan Arbor, Doe. 28tS, 1S64. 98!Ut l!JV CreatcBt Medical Circular l"n SA VLA Ëverhblishcd! fJÊ E % 9 JíaSTFifteíin-CahirKO 1 I jl W 5# letter pages fop tfro V i Êgr 3 cent Ltaiiips, b Yowng .M(.'u'.s CuniiilíTii i;i.J Medical Advisers in case of Spennalori-hca or tvminal Wpakuess caused by Masturljatiun, Genital lautaliziitnai, sclf-abuse, or secret habits indulged in by youtbs at the age of puber ty. DRS. JiCKSON, HF.IÏBKRT k CO.. Proprietors of the National Dyspenaary, establisbéd atCincinuati. OhiOjJan. J,st,18f;o. Iiu-ohiutiiry Èmissionn load to Impotoncy, Consuinption, Insanity and Datö. Tliuse who in the least Ironi lliiri M;iii';lii] pr;ict;cp, Bhould applv the whólo"önergy óf che sdul tothe attainment of hêalth ;t ui consequent en tent ment rul happintift, B.very one, ei'.ber sick or well, sïiould have our raluable treatise on thi subject, which is sent ftree of charge. We guaranlee to cuip (onorrhre.a.Olfet, yphiÜis, Inipoteucy, Nocturnal Eiuissione er Self-Abusi-, Diurnal Eraieioue, Female Complaiüts, in short, evejf posaible forra andvaríetj of exular Diaease. Cures r;tpid, tïiorontrh and permanent, and fcee moderate.- Seftd l'or mr Ctpouïar DR. JACKSONS FEMALE PILI.S- $1 peí box - ?)fcial writtt'n replies, ivell Realed, sent with the Circ ii lar, without charge. 300 pages, 100 engrarings. - (iTlu Mom itt-:i in oí I.ight, or MeiHóal Protector and llarriiige Guide, and au F.xplieit Key to Lovo and Beauty.' ItBATí3FACTQKltY reveáis variousaubjects nevor beforcfully explained in any popular work in the Euglish language. Price 50 cents, or three for Medicine and mstructions fent p romp f ly to any prt of tlie (JÖüirtry. Con-snlting ïiboms tf the Dispeatary, No.l07Sycamorestreet, 1'. O. Box3 No. 436. IK. JACKSONS ORIENTAL LTNÏMKNT Removefj all coldoess, and rejuven.ites nran.s which have lain dovmant foi inany 3'e;i.s. Cau be maik'd with perfect aafety. Price $2 per bpttle. HR JACKSON'S FRENCH l'ATl'NT MALE ?AFE, lt is the only eure and safe preventive agaíüet con tracting disease ever invented, Prico $1 each, S4 per half dozen, and $7 per dozen, sent by mail. 6m99G THE ONLYSURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH Ü ÉNlf II Aa the name índícntes , it not imly RSXKVfi the growth ot tbe bair when thin and oflf, but it posilively ÉnêV8 the colou to ita orÍL'n;i! hade when it is turning gray or white, whether caused by diwmw, grief or oíd age. It will certuinly (3o what Ís cliiiinod forit, a fact to which hundrt'ds, nay, thoiiHiinde wbn Iiave ueeil it.are ready and wüling to testify. Wbore one boitle is f.iirly needjBOttny commuolty, it reputaiiun "spreads l:ke wild lire,'' and is the best advertisement anl ree ommeudation we desire. In the Kastern States, where the"RKXEWER" uriginatcd, it ík itsed by all Younp Ladiesasa Dressing, and istobcfmmd on the toilet tables ofYounp Heo, falso attbeir barbéis ; (whlle ülder Men and Womcn' will aot be witKiin! it. asa renewer and restorative for their grey locks and bald Iipndf;, which it chang s to their entire satisfaction. We iirosellinp: in the city of Boston alone, upwards nf 19,000 biittlorf per mouth, tlie Hiera ftfving the RKXEWER the preíerence over all other lïair PreparOtlOttE. If notsold by Druggïsts in your town,a trial bottle willbcspnt to you by Expresa, upon receipt of one dollar by mail - tiiusgivisg youan opiiurtunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. 4ÉST Orders for Trini Bottleê, raust be addressed to our gt-neral Ageut for the Northwestern States. C. A COOK, Box 653, C'hlvno, 111. AU .such orders will receive prompt attfnxion. R. IMIALI..V ('t).. Pcoprieiorfl, Xaslma, X.H, T!e tradoKuppliert al Mnmifciurers1 priêes byï"UiwfiRjFlSCfl&FLLLIBVhoiAftfeiírugifírtt.ícíCgo, Illinois. linios ÜílL). S" SOLD AT WHOLESALE in MeCroit, by Fsirrand, SJieley & Co. Rifle F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [ Hurueswirs to A . .1 íiitluTiri',) Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistola, Ammimition Flasks, PomJics Gann Bags, and Evcvjother artidc u. Ü'utLine. Alíkm.l, ,,f BLEÏAIRXWC5)BeattheshnrtcKt notir-c, nnil intnebest mannnr. t, falfaííorOBentalwajskoiit orluiuJ anjmadeorclcr &%. Shop (xypcr Main aad M'aBliington tieits. Ann Arbcr,üct.8, 1B6Ü. 8ÏCtf Mr. Mathewe Bbí prejíWÍ Hic VK.VKÏIAN KAU! DVE ; siluro lli;;-L fimeir has bpen usd by thíi'.isands, and q noinstance has it fr.-riccl to give eiitiresatisfncTIieVEXETTAN DYE tho cheapedt in the World It.spriccisonly Kifty Cents, and ach boltle contains doublé the quantity oi dye in thotíc urtually aoldfor ïlip TKXKTIAN IYE s wairanted not to Injiirc thc hnir or ttie scalp ia the .sliktest rlcgreo The VENEDAN DTB worts with rapMity bkH erf niiity. tltc liair rftqtiirtng preai-Htinn whjiteveí Tbo VEN'KTIAN' IiYK produces nny shailp ttast h'rv be licBtiíid - nncl.lia.twul Bot fnd crock frwnshoiit - one that is as perrnniirnt ns the liuir itsclf. Kor sale by alldruggistií. - rice .r)0 eënts. A. 1..MAT1IEW.S, Ooncral Agent, 12 Ool.l Slri',-1. New Vork. Also. Mnniif;fti'-'r of Tatbkw ' A'wrrCA ,HilR }i.O8ft,Th( Ï m ha'r írfvKÍnf e: -m . Ifi 'rfo-í-ottlíif.. CominisHioiiers' Notíce. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ok Washtknaw, sa. O Tlio tinctersigued htwing b&én appoljited ty the Probato Couvt for lid Comity, Commissionors to receive, exnmtue. and adjnat all claims and demanda of all personé againet tnfc estáte of M'iiim Conts, late ) the riiy oi' Vpsil.-mti, iu snkl Oouuty, deceased, hereby glvc nottce that six months ironi dato ure al lowcd, By order of said Probate Court, for to present Ehelr clniins ágáinat tho estáte of saldueceaeedi andthiit tli.'v wHI incef at the offlce of John C'arpeuter, in said city, cm Saturd.-iy, tliu foiirtociitü day of Octoljor, and Wednefday, the ter.tli day of Januavy uext, at oue o'c:lock ia the al'Lenioon, of cach of BUd days, to receiTO, examina miei adjust said claims, Datcd, July ïuth, 18(!5. 1018 Commiesïoners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of M'iistitcinnv, ss. The mulcrHÍncd having been appoiuted by the Probate Court for eaid County, Commissioners to recelve, examine, and adjust all claims and demauds of all perstms agaiost the estáte of Justin Coats, late of the Oity of Tpsftantï, in miá Conuty, deceased, hereby give notice that six months froni date are, allowcd, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims agaánst thé estáte of said deceased, and that théy will meet at the office of John Carpenter, iu said ci'y, on Saturday, tlie fourteenth day of October, aud Weauesday, the ten in day of January next, at 011c o'olock, P. M., of each of said days, to receive, exaniine, and ad juat said claims. Da'ed, July lOih, WK. 1013 TTAK MUST ENDED ! CHARLESTON TAKEN ï ! f ■■'■ s' '■' ■ _■ ' .''' :'■'■-'(■'■' ■'%. QOITËRMnN & C0, Bein coiinectcd witb one of the largeat houaes iu N'ew York, which LaB beticr fucilities for Selling Gheaper than any otlier house. Are büund to be not tslj ran :n:a : ir jbbz by aoy establishinoat that now exists. Having employed anexperlenued z: "wu" jet1 nar1 jb mzl - direct from NEW VORK CITY, who has had long experience in the business, we guaruulce tu givo the best SATSSFACTSOiy to our numerous CUSTOMERS & STÏÏDENTS of the University. Keepiug on hand tlielargest stocli of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, VESTLAGS, together with the Iargest stoei of Heady-Made Olothing, FÜR1SHIIG GOODSII &C, &C, &O., rwFX3ac.ja32 mamrari'jmr , which we will sell cheaper tljfiu any otlier establishment in the city. All we ask is that our fricnds and Students will give us a cali and satisfy theniselves. M. QUITERMAN. á. Co., QOODS AT HALF PEICE! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTIOS AEE DOWN! WOOLEKS ARE DOWN ! GROÜERII ARE DOWN ! and now ík the time to buy your SPRINC COODS! - o - 3fc BACH Hns juat opened a compliiíe aasortment of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cloths, Groccries, &cv &c, buught sincp tlio surrenderof Lee and tbe great full ie cie-f. Cftl! mraeiliütely and examine hiswok. Ann Arbor, April, 1865. 1005 HOWARD ASiSOCIATION, I'IIILADELPHIA, PA. Disensos olllif Ncrvou, Snilnnl,l7rlnary and Sexunl Systems- now nd relia h Ie treatïent- in rpptirt. of the HOWAKD ASSOCIATION- ent by mail in sealed letter envelopotj, free of charceWrpss rr. .1. SKILIJN' HOÜHTO.V, Howard Asaocition, No. 2 South Nmtli Street, I'hiladelphia, Pennyhania, lycJ69 A KN'ABE PJAVO- one of tli best instmraeutf ' üadfr-írl.'i'T} rfv Jr'-ytrt öt the


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Michigan Argus