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MISS E. A. HORAN IS TREPARE!) to c've lessons in Was F-uit.anc Flower makini;, alo other brnclies of Ornamental Work R!si lence oh Belroit Street, opposite the Agn cultural Hall. Cm1" " W. F. BKEAKEY, M. D., PHV=ICIAN N'D SÜBGEON. Office in Dr Haven's Bloeit, 6 dooi East of Cook's Hotel Resiflence corner of Uuron and Divijion itrceti, flrst door Eatt of Preshvterian Church, Ar-nArbor, Michigan. " W. E. LOCKARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTaRY PUBLIC - Ccnveyanciug aud collecting proniptly attended . Bounty, Pensions anl Back l'ay collected. Oflice nNe Block, Eat of Cook's Hntel, Ann Arbor, Mich. C. H. MILLEN. DETjKR in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c Min Street, Ann Aibor. __ ' PHILIP BAChT" TAEALEKSin Dry Goods, Groceries , Boots & Slioes, IJ fcc, Hin t., AnnArbnr. „_____ aiSDON & IIENDERdÖNT" DEALERS in Hardware, Stnves, house fnrnishlng jood, Tin Ware, &c, te, New Block, Mam it. A. J. SUTHERLAND, GKNTfor the NTew York Life ínsurance Company, Oflice on Hurón street AUo has on hand a stock of che innst approve l sewing machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHEiiT" .'EW MABKET- Hnron Street-General dealer in M Kresl. and Salt Meata, Beef, MuttOB, Pork, Hains, Poultry, r,ard, Tallow, &c. ,&e. WILLIAM LEWITT. PHYSICIAN AN'D SURGEON. Office at his residenco, north side of Huron,two door west of División street. ___ M. GÜITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Doalera and Manafacturers at Bdj-de Clotliing. Importersof Glottaa.Cumere, Doeskins, &c.,No. 5, PhreDix Block, Main st: WM. WAQNER. DEALER in Ready Mide Clotliing, Clotha, Casiracre, and V'estin?:. Hatí, Caps, Trunks, Carpel Bags, Sc, Photnix Block, Main street. "SLAWSON & SON. n ItOCERS, Provisión and Commission Sterchants , and VJ Iluilorflin Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster of Paris, oue door east of Cook's Hotel . BCOTT & LOOMIS. l StBROTYPE and Thotograph Artisis, in the rooms A ovor Campion' Clothing atore, Phosnix Block. PerFflct satisfactiongiven. C. B. PORTER. QURHEON DENTIST. Office Cornor of Main anilHnron O treets, over Bacil & Pierson'a Store. All cali Jfraptlyattended to. Ap.rl859 MACK & SCHMID. . DKVOERSin Foreïgnand Domestic Dry Good.Groceríes. Hataan.l Cap, Boots and Slioes, Cruckery, tí.. Corner of MaSh & Liberty sts. ANDREW BELL. TiËALER ía Gronries, Provisíons, Flour, Produces: ÏJ JWk. ie,, cofrtöï" Main and Washington StreeU, A rbor. The highestinarket pricespaid lor country produce. d7cramer, ATTOKN'RY & COUNSELLOR AT I.AW, Agent for the Phoeiii Fire and Connectiiut Mutu il Life InimncsOo-npaDies. Conveyingand Collecting promptJ tttended to. OIH:e over Stebbin t Wiltou's Store. ' M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliio Artimt. Corner Main and Hurón Streots, Anu Arbor, Mieli, rHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTVFE.S, fcr.. . kc. , in the latest styít's,and every cíTort made togive satis(otion. 956tf D. DeFOREST. fïTHOLESALE and retail dealer in Lumbeff jLath "V Shingles, Sash, Doors.Blinds, Water Li iu e, Gran ': Kre ihgla.ii tar. Planter Paris, and Nails of aüitizts, A 'tl! a:id:perf.-ct,i.sort:!Hiiit of the above, and all o t hei ïi" U of biiiMinK mn.ti;riaiR constantly on band at the "rost poisiblo ratea, on Oetroit t., a few r.odsfromthe liüroa Depot. AMo operating extensivcly in the ?Kent CemftntBooguj, UACK LINE. M. M. BOYLAN Is propared to carry passengers and bngg.ige to and frooj the depot to any private rcsidence in tbc cüy,- He also has a list of Boarrïtng l'laces, and wili direct etudents and etrar.gers whcre they can find board nud rootnu. Orden may be left at bis reeidence, Srst door Fouth of theM.K. Church. M. M. BOLLAN. Ann Arbor, August 14th, 18G5. 6 w 10-2 TEW MÜÖIC STORE t Persons wishing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, ftould go to WrLSF.Y'S MU?IC STORE, beforepurGhaiiing elsewherp . Ilr will warrant satisfaction to Purehasers, an-1 tfikfs pliiRnrc in referriug to thope Who hav aire.-uty purctjiisfil of lüm. He takes jtrifte 'n ;iying hs hm given the best o{ satisfaotton Hing far, and tftiébda so to do in all oases. Any Piano fÜl be furnishp'l that pnrrhaser may require. He isho it tobe distinctly uiKjerstood tbat lie wil] not be XJNDERSOLD kJ oy deilorEast orTVi'dt. S. B._The latest SHBP:T MUSIC fornale, PIANO WfJOI,S, fce. ALVIN WILSET. AooArbor. Doe. ÍTth, 1Í61. S83td


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