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Gaming At Saratoga

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Tho Saratoga correspondent of the Boston Post ihua disuoursoa upou the establishment of John Morrissey : " Gaining is not bo reputablu iu Saratoga as at Badon Baden, though soino people jf Lis posilion may, he soen iu Oüinpiiny with the pRofessicmal blacklegs who niglitly haunt Mr. Morrissey's elegant pandemonium d uring the fashioaablö seasou. Tho womcn, kowever, do not frequent the GStablishmeot, whutever you have heard to tho eoutrary, II faut iamuser - but thon thoro aro billiurds and bowling and piïfol ehootjng - amuaameutd wHIoh Qre not at ".11 undyr baa and cj-uito snfficient for t'r : Lidiea who affect diversious of tho ujore muscular and ïnasouliue 8ort. (We bad a woman hero tho othor day who could shoot a rosebud out uf your button bolo, if you liked, at ten paofe I had tio latiey to oxpoau ny too susceptible bosoin to a lady iu that style - though thero was anothor fellow courageoua enuugh to hold a flower in Lis hand for her to are at ; and still another who gave her, for a target, what braius he bad botieath the applo at whioh, placed upon his hat, she successfully aiinod.) But aa to amusing thoinsolvüS at tho tables whore tho impassive and importurublo coupiers preside, no respectablo wuiuin kore would think of outuring the estabüshmeDt undor aay ciroumstauces, whilu as to the other sort, (fortuuately we havo . do ewi-virtuoua elasa in this country,) the moral Mr. Morrissey would not tolérate their Booiety for a moment. Li waB onco said iu Eugland that thiugs had como to n protty pasa when tho patriotism of tho kingdom was ia the kcaping,of John Wilko3 and tha religión in the oustody of Lord Sandwich. It may be thought no lesa romarkablo and absurd that tho marais of America, and of mnny Europeans, too, should bo carod for by au emiuent ex-pugilist, who, havtffg latteily exchangod tho ring for i cing and roulette, givos hia somewhat battered countoaauoo to tho myateries of chance, upou the sols oouditiou that the ] goddess and her votaries ehall oouduet theinselves with dooorum in the touiplo and upon the turf, and oheat oaoh other as little as possiblo with tho nature and teiuptation oí tho game. Yot such is the cbaritable, aud, I boliovo, not altogüther groauüless, opinión of Sara toguiauB, irauüient aüd poruiauout ; aud thut, I Buppose, ia the reason why the . great bau'kcr of tho tioklo divinity reuiaius uuiuülügted iu the muuagemout of a gambling houae which, in the magnitude of it oporatious, rivals the concern in Londou whioh, iu tho natuu of ' Üroekiord," was the must fuuious and 'infumous Ol the "hella" óf tw goueratioos ago, Iadeod, Mr. Morrissoy is looked upon hero by muuy persona aa a sort of Napoleon, who, by t;upprossiug, for lus owu advantage, the minor oua meaner dcBoriptiou of " aportiag mon," iu hiuiself a benefactor of socioty. My own viow of the matter is uot so ioduï geut. Nevertheloss, iu oauapany with an attaché of tho New York pregs; I paid him a visit the othor ovouiug, and eaw the tiger in his jungle. " The building is a largo and haudBomo om;, of brick, and h situated ou a populous utreot, a HtUe üdidu uoui tho business oeutre of tuo towu. lts exivrri ui appearauce is that of a private roiidence of a min ot woalth; ouly iho door, unliko the rest oí tho buüdiugs iu the row, has neither name uor uuinber - which excoptional ciruuinstanoo is a suliicieut guido to tho plaoo. ïho building bas Uvo Blories, (a}aa ! how many more than tliat ; aud thrilliug utorieH, too, if they were ouly told,) cach oí which is divided into half a dozen i partinont3. Soine of thesu I did not euter. Thoso which I iuHpectod wero very bandaomely, though uot extravagautly, furnifhed. A well-supplied bar is, of couruo, tho iirst thiug that ineets tho eyo on ontering tho house. What I ■witnessüd of gauiea and giimesters I shall not rolutc, further than to say that I saw thoro an ex-Senator from ono oí the tnobt nortlieru of tho Southern States, who, to his shauio bo it spoken, is much & frequeulor of Iho house, and was at tho timo giviug hisetnincut es ampie to tbo tbroüg of gidily young men who, with fiushod cheoka and eageï eyes, wero his assoeiates in the games ol the night. ïo a mere spectator, liko tnyBelf, a littla was enoufih ; and it wua not difficult to tako my doparturo after half an hour's observation oí tho s'.raugo, sad Booiios of (lio placo. Tho euohanters wand touolies only tho votaries of tho tickle god.dess; and with thom iho spell is foari'ully potent. Facilis decensus Averni, etc. It is easy for a young fellow to get iuto Alorrissey's ; but to get ouf agaiu with a skin, if thoy meddle vsith tho tigor; or, winning or losiug in tho contest, to escape to the upper air of a grood coDscionoo and u quiet mind - that is not so easy, my boys - if, iudoed. it be quite possible. Lot 1110 add, by way of moral, to this njoagru akoteh, that I was more than ever convinced that 11 luck al play is bad luck, and that, excepl in the harinless, housohold game of baokgarnmon, tho ouly good Ihrow of dieo is to throw thom iuto tho lire. ftloreovor, all that I saw and board coniinaed my belief iu the thooi'y of tho sisterhood of tho vices, and suggestod the furthar reflection that the sisters aro on very intímate, not to say cordial, torms wilh each other." Benjamin FiUpatriok, lormerly President pro tem. of the U. S. Seuate, is a candidato to represent Autauga iu the Alabama Stato Oonvention. A niarriago betweon tho Crown Prineo of Denmark and tho Princesa Louise of Sweden is being nojiotiated. A fow days ago the iirst Bteamor sinco 1859 arnvod at Lawreoco, Kansas. The Btroanis in that State are just uow mach iwollen.


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