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The Political Situation

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Jrum Iba New York WurM, Thero is something in tho drift of politica! etraws, ia the eet of winds, and in the geueral appoarance of the politica] sky which betokona a permsoent change. It ne'eds uo arguuieni to convinee tho experieuced obsetver tbat the llepublioanparty bas gune to piceos, futally and fioally, and tbat the Democratie party, uuited, harmonious, diseiplinod in tho school of advursity, and viüdicatod ly the immeasurable Calamitiea which havo bofallen the nation uuder the rule of its opponents, is eutering upon a novv era and a long period of power; and ia destinod, in all human probabiüty, to Ilústrate otir country's aunáis with brighter pages evon thun thoso of tVc half contury which records ; ita early growth and greatuea3. Who does not perceivo that hist fnll the Dena oeiatie party, went into tho elections j like a gallant ehip baating laboriously agaiust bead winds ? Who does not seo that to day it sets its wils in f'ritindly winds and favoricg tides ? Then it fought a bestile admiuistration, and almoat wrested victory frorn hands which wero dispensir.g more than iuiperial patronage, acd were proslituting to tho basest uses the nation's purse and sword. It bad to ask tho pcople for an instant change of rulers at a moment when the governmeut itaelf was in peril. It could soarcely pronounce a poliey, for the temper of the public enemy could not be íoreknown. To-day we are sure at least of an opon field and a fair fight, T'uene would havo insured us victory then. Bluch moro will they insuro us viotory now. To-day wo are crossing no streams, and tho grannies will not be scared to doath if the country swap horses. To-day thore are no variables to perplex the political problem. What the platforms promisa or demand, ia precisely what Democratie ascendency can and will insure - speedy Beconalruction on sound and constituiional foundations, Homo Eighte, and Equal Ta.iation. Perhaps one chief cause of the general belief in approacbing Democratie triumpha, is lesa tha divisions of our political opponents than the unity and harmony of our politioal friends. At Albany this harmony and good feeling we?e oonspicuous. Difficulties of repreentation whioh have diviued other conventions and aliaated large bodies of voters wero thero decidcd wi.thout debate, and the decisión wa3 manfully acquiesued ín by thost) who3e claims were overruled. The loeal disagreements of tbis city and of Brooklyn, even if they should unhappily be prolonged or revived, will not be anffered to impede tha guccegfi of the state ticket. In the choice of candidatos, let our opponentg bear witness, the conventiou gought mea of the highest character and of the best abiliti'.'s. Thero was hardly the usual coníesfc for oandidacies, The best man were sought, and the delegates frm alt paris of the state were of one mind as to who the best men were nraong those camed for thoir gelection. So far as the paat political or public bisiory of the candidatos signifies anything, it signiSes juat what the resolutions adopted by the oonvention signify. namely, that the Dsmooratio party is not a hida-bound, illibsral set of impracticables, arjxio'.js about obsolete issues, and figbting ovev tho böiies of dead horees elain in former battles, but a libersl, generous, living party, determiced (o iusnre good governmoni to tho oovmtry, now and hereaftér. lts face is turncü toward the living future. In that future it carries nono of the prejudices, the heart-bnrningfl, tba bitter oes, the retengas of the doad past, but ocly the wisdom which the past bas taught. The snmo ealargod and generous spirit animales the Damocracy of all tho Northern S'ates. Thero are no Bourbons in ita ranka. Tbs raco of Bourbons, if it over esiated, bas becomo extinut. A better proof than thia caun.ot bo found of the capacity of the Democratie party to reaume the reina of govornment, and to identify its own triumps with tho splendor of the nation's progresa u the paths of prosperity and peace. lis capacity will assuredly ba tried. "We aro staggering under burdens which would cripplo tho eoergies of nations less youthful and vigoroua. Out of commercial chaos and social ruin, industrv aad order are to be cvoked. Helf-governraent is to be recreated out of military domination, end tbc roign of law must ba triada to arise from tho midat of the disorder bequeathed to a wliolo continent from a gigantic civil war. Üur opponents offer notbing better to the people for tho great exigencies of theso timos than tho pasaion which procipitatcd, embittored, and prolongtid the war. Tho nostrnms which havo all but killed the patiënt, aro tbe cnly medicine they prescribe for bis euro. The men who houndod a great peoplo up to and over the awful brink of tho preoipioe, at vvhoss foot we lie are uot essctly the Samaritans whom tboy should or will invito to bind up their bi'oken limbs, heal thcir woiindn, and point out 'their future road. They will ask for the old guides and soareh for the old w ays.


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