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The Darien Exploring Expedition

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A lettQf f rom tlio Darien explotíng exeditOii, tlatcil Celedonia Bj, Maroh ICih, s'iites tliut on ilicir ftuivnl the [ndiaoa on boifa fides of tlio bny were vmih'J tliat they would uot bu molested and tlicir trieiulship sooured. Vv'iiliiiígon lüvcr ws cx)ilored a mil.! frnm its noutli, when the bnots sent fouod it m(ogfiblo to procecit further and relurncd, mt it naa decidsd to com menee the eurey nbout tlireo hundred yarda from the noutii oí mis river. uDsi'quenlly onpain Selfridge, accotnpanitd by otber olticers aud sixty marines, etartod by way of Caledonia lliver to reach tho lead waters of tho SavannahïRiver, and returned on t'ue Jd of Marcli. They jassed over Lieutenant Strain's route 'or n considerable distance. Following ,be Caledonia River to tho font of the ast range of the Cordilleras tliat divido lie Caribbeau Sen froin the Paoifio slope, tben crossed the mountauia fo the vostern slope, liad an interview viih au [lidian chief, and then returned. It wag a successful reoonnowaanoe, demoiiBtrairif; that Caledonia liivcr ha ix rise of only fifty feet to tho mountain spurs, and bctween tbat point and tho plain of Sucubli Iiiver, on the Pacific slope, and tliere ia but ono and onc-half miles of ligber elevation. It isbclieved that the Bwrvey.s will prove that tho water befwcen Caledonia and Sueubli liivers is not more than ono hsodred nnd fifty 'oei fall. Pack mulea have been sent to ('iirlhanrcna. Survcyors aio running a ine to the lowest of the mountain passes, jut tho woik is slow, owing to the dense under growtli. The expodilion ishealthy and the Indians frinndly, but it is snid the Indiaas on the Pacific slope aro not. Several passos will soon bo examinod by Sulfridge, and all aro sanguine of success. The iV. F. Sun says that the reading of the letter writtcn by A. D. Itichardson to tho wifo of Mr, McFarland, pro duefd in court an effect so poiverful anf marideBiujr that tho ehaucos are that i tlio oouncil for the defeace had caid to tlw j u ry , " Tfe hare dono. If yoi choofo to hang the prisoner for phooüog the man who wrote that letter tohis wife hang him !" that the jury would bave acquitted JIcFarlaud without leaving their seots. Boston tnkes 20,948 gallons of milk a day, and 7,ClG 00 anuually. ïhere er 75Ü covvb withiu the oity limits.


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