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New YoWK, April 12. Money s firmcr, but -with do strlngency Gold has ad vaneed a little on the week, bal s less flrm to-day, closing at Ï.ISJ, Thi courso of tlie breadstQft' market is stil downward. A decline in frelghts Stlmulated snipments to Liverpool, and the largi shlprnents caow a declino thcre, whlch is of courso reclprocuted here. It may be true thiit tnere is a tcm pora ry overstock in jtverpool, but lliis does not negativo the ïypothesis that au attempt ia being made ïere to créate a "corner" in the markel with a view to a speculativo riso before next 11 arrest. Tlic stock of flour leid here is comparatlvely small. The Btock of rorn and oats are both nearly dellcient. Tli is ccrtainly does not favor low irices, nnd holders of wheat Should cODslder well wliollier tlr.1. present Ijt ratea are a real Index oí values, or wlicther tliey are due to the cfforts o' speculators. Still, the nppUes to come forward on tlie opening ol naviirntion may hoep prlces down. .Vivires froin tlie west are 'generally favorabli lor tlie groivlng erop of winter wheat Tbere are complalnta of winter kiiiin (rom ■ome sections, but thcy are mach lesa thao was anticipa ted two months slnce. Oom uk! lis, ánder thelnflnence of liglit stocks, have both ndviuici'd. Bedns, In the face ol liglit Kcolpts have been heavy and dep ed, inediimis havlng decHned alxut ]()c, and marrons Stlll more, and holders llnd it dlfflcult to sell. There Is an casicr feellng in npples, and good State applcs would hardly go ibore f4.60 per bW. Clover seed is in goriú deniand, aodwltb moderate arrlvala prices bare ad vaneed add are iirin at, 15JL@15c per ponnd. ïiinotliy has been n active deinnnd, has Improvcd, and closes nu nt. 6@6.00 per ba. Drled uppie extremely dull, western betnt; at 6'.i@7J. ïer ponnd. Wool rcinnins (]iiiicslationary. Stocks 1k'1(í by manufacturera are small, ind any considerable revival Inthedemand for poods between thla and shearlng tirae vould criibp n active market for the raw tapie. In IJoston considerable sales of Michigan lleece are reported at 4Tfg48. DfcTorr, April 13. Navlgatlon is as yet confineil to a lew points on thé rlvei and lakc sliore. The principal points depenrilug npou the city ibr Hiippiks are not yei accesslble, nn! ns .1 . lence tracU laogalshes. Prices of lour and wheat have kept well up, and no declino is noled 011 the week. ('urn is ■ather unsettlert, bat pvlccs u llttle botter. ats rIro abotit Ie better. Green applea In dlr snpply, uk) stem ly. Butter in Kood Bupp'y, am! vreaker. Drled fruit unhaugeu. aggs vreaker. Alter tiiis week, .::iii' (xrcurrinfi mi Sninlay, a furtherdelln may bc looked ftr. Feetl hl hi good Iemand, and prices soniewhnt bd ter at S1SJ5 for hran, $;2t tot co.irso mlddling, ü(l .s-'Ofor Maplc Bngar scarce, and ïricos llrm at 17@lSc. Tbj season's yicld vill doiibtlcss be llght, anti good samplen vill sell well. Pork ad vaneed 50e per bll. n Mouda; - clear pork belng now qnoted t $30. Potatoea are not active, and prices re nulier wenk. Ulover and tlmothy seed re sironft allH ïi"i amaneen, sales oí lover belng reported at j$0.50@l0, aud oí Imothy at $7@7.50.


Old News
Michigan Argus