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BWBET Qui.mxf. o.N Bread and BdTTEB. -Dr. E. H. Watts, of üalveston, Toxhs, stafcs that in tlic caso of a cliild he liad treated for two weeks for chilla wlth bitter Qulnlne every other day without favorable results, he gave ten gi-alus of Swcet (ulnine, and the chilil had no reenrrence of the cliüls; and Dr. G. AV. Teete, of the .ame city, glvw it on bread and botter witU lil;c rcsuUs. Sold by Eberbach & Co. Rcnling of Pcvrs, Tho ppvs n Kt. Androw's Clmrcl', (Ep iscopalj w!!l ba rented ou Eaater Mondüy, April ntli, at 10 o'clock A. il. L. IJ. GILMORE, Scc'y. Card of JimiiUs. A.vxARro, April 12th, 1S70. E. B. Pos,- Dcar Sir : Please nllow mo throngh the columns of your paper to tondor my thanks to A. DeForost. W. V. Winos, CD. Colman, 1'. II. Abel, H. Cohn, Col. Harrls, and the malo ml femáis serv.nnts in the house lor the nterst they manifested for the afoty of my property dnrtog th connaijra. tion o tho niorulng of ihe loth butant. a. A.raasooET, Propriotor of Ilio Orcgory House. . Boimíy lo goldiers. Tiloso wlioenlistcdin 1S51 ontho flrst cali orPrcFleiit Lincoln, and w lio were honorably diwliíirLjod bíforetha explratiort of tho tena of thcir enUstmcnt. nro cntHled to 10fl ench, as bounty. And.soldlcrscnliatlng nnder nct oí .Tuly 4th, 18G-I are to be allowed the iinpaid instalments of bounty if thcj were dlschargcd by expiration of service. Tlin almvo classes should make applícation to tho undersigncíl. Ifarch 24th,187O, 1-CJ0 JOIIN X. GOTT, Bounty nj Claim Agent. A COUGH, CÖLD, OrTsokË THROAT jgflíth Kcquiresimme'liate nttention , ne. PJÍdAÍwA, -:' [' t ofton resulta n an ucuiable ttJMiízj""""rn'r' Bronchial Troches JStoSt willraostiarariably givcinatantrolicf l'or Bmi0Bin8, Asticjh, Catakrii, CosrPTTv nndTiiiioAT DnaisW, t hoy havo asoothins effect. SINOERS and PUBLIC SPKAKKRS use them to clearaníl s:rt'nijtheti the voice. Owing to tbc giuni reputatlon and populnrity or tbc Trochen, many worlhlrsa and cheap imitoiiinit are offertd,utkich are gooi for twlhing . 1)0 juro tooHTAlN tba írue BROWN'3 BRONCHIAL TROCHES. l-'44m6 SOI.I) tVTBYWHKBt. gf0rSD!ci LI WASHTEHAW CÓUNTY. _ fSm. SS mSm Uw S8 m ; j lij! aafasilLAW i bbé ra P HS H- O-n-: p 5B BB [ nowryrjbucl M=-a= :-J. tl GENERAL U .jjj kJwjy CONVEYANCER jjLTrJLi " iI A NNflRBOR ii.iiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiin!h1_ .__- REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The nmlcrsijfnod haring n. perfect Record liistnry of aM of the Heul Kntate Tille in thi Olty, ini in'thr County of WftRhtpn-iw, tnkt-s pleAfluro in annnuncinj to the public that he will examine title, ffive abBtmclBot Eenl Kftate title, make need. morlgnges, contract and Otlxr legal papers on the nhorteat notire: Will ñUo mfttte faleof City property an,A faniiB , rent houaps, and forecloe mortBrngeïH. Persons wantinjr a hlatOTJ Of K'-.i! litle, willrecollect that hil Booki take in Tax ïitles nnil' all colIttenl mattaif whlch touch each particuhir ■lescriptiu ; nnd all mortfifigefl, ancient or modern, wfii'-li appcttr to be still üubsisting of record at the present time. 1 offer the following Roal Esute for nale : No. 100 Thn Malony House and Lot on DlrUlon Street. Mo.101. Home suri Lot In Ili.-cuck'ü addition l'i ice $2.000. N'o. 102. Tiro Story Brick Houso on Spring Street. N'o. 103. Two Story Wood Houso on Spring Streot. No. 101. Siró House. Lot and Earn juft weet of Law College. N'o. 105. Finn IToiise. Oiit-hnunp, Barn and Sacres of Lanil, Water Fount, &c- very desirablo Propirty. No.lOfl. Houso and Sacros of Land inkiile corpnra tiou. No. 10T. ITo'in nmi Lot just soutli ot the L'niveralty building. N'o.108. 15 !i acrosof Land oast of tho l'niversity ('loimdb. N'o. 1C9. City Loto nearly oppositu Dr. Chase's l'rinting Kstablmhiocnt. N'o. 110. One Two Stoty Wood Dwclling on State Street. N'o. 111. Ono o!igint Two Story Brlcfc Houso near Univcrijity Square. No.112. 30 acres with buildings just north of tho City. N'o. 113. One Tivo h'tory House jast aorth Cemetery (ïrounds. Xo. 114. Two Brick Houses wost side of UniverEitv H'i'iare. N'o. 115. 6 acre jui-t west of the City. N'o. 116. 5 acres with buildingi just west of tbe N'o. 1J7. 16') acres with buildings and inprovoments .. ra Iw norlh- good n'ituation. N'o. 11". ;i-J0 acres- fino farm in Shiawassee N'o.llü. 2,000erof WUd Unda In the Coantlaa of Nnyn-. M.. urn,, Sijriiiaw nw Sliia . -My Abstract üuoks aro miatml tu date, No. 120. Ono ebgant Tbree Story Iiuilding on Huron ïtroet, went. N'o.121. lTöiicreson id.lle Road to Vp-ilan'.i. N'O. 122. 40acresonScuth Road with Buildings and improvi-ments. N'o. 123. ;;o acros on N'orth nCxtor Road. 2'; milo out, with improvcmentii. N'o. 124. And much olher Real K.nato not herein in oludd, Theroaremanyoldmort?:!:.., i,, Wwhtenaw County TindUobarfed ol Reoord, aod the lawi of Limita. tfo u to MnrtgagM la dlfferint from applloi bla t" Bl Batata. rv Term! of Commlaaloo en sbIí of ReM F.staio one pircont. if sale made. RatM for searoh of Kal K"tato Tltle ' ■■■'its i.t v.,r ro I is and alxeeota yeiirfor Uortgagea until chance of notie. Nocharget lllb made forexumlnatlnn of lltla making papar oí reeordlag, t, ,rt.,.s I en ding monny thTongh !"■. Maner wanted to loan on unlncum bered Id'al E'tata from one to Ure jeara, at 10 net cent. in'.ereüt n-t to the len ter, Ann Arbor, March 20, lt70. THACV W. ROOT. pOll SALE ! Thfsnbücribcrporrorforsalcthü honso.nnd all or n portion of the u-roanda on Ann Street, between NrtbuidnfthStraeU, belng the realdence of the lateVoliiRvChapm. Forterma :i: , :., e .ch. pin. Alsoabout3acrc8onMlller Avenue. O. A. CHAPÍN, ) Ann ATbor,Aprll:?tli, 1S60. j;jj pOR CASH YOC CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor, Jana&ry , 1870. 1252 AKE YOU GOING TO BXJILÜ P We will furnish Largo Bills of Lumbor as Low a3 any dealor in Michigan. We solicit no patronage cxcopt sucli as your riterest will give us. Zet us mt"ke figures on yowr billa "bof ore, you go away f rom Jtome to inircliase. 1.UM E, BLOOD & CO, PHYSICIANS' Prescrip ( tions Accurately and Caro , fully Proparo d by R. W. ELLIS& CO. TO HIK WORKIXUCLAS - We arenow prepftreft ío furninh all cliisflos with constant empioymentat home,th whole of thO timo or for th spare tooment. Huinf.-'H neir, light, an.l profitable. Persona of either exeasily earn from ÖQo. to $5 per ereDing, ano a proporttonal Rum by devotlng their whole time to the buulno. Boys and pirls earn nearly as ma oh n.n nion. That all who see thi notice mayflcnd tlioir artdress. and tpt the busine, wo mnko this uDiaralIoled offer : Tonuchaft are not woll satiftfled.wr will senil $1 to par for tho trouble ofwrltlng. Pull particuUrs, a valuable pimple, wliicli wil! doto cnminencft work on, and ajcopyof The Penpe;$ TAtcrary Companiov - fn of the largost and best fi ■,; v n.'s'-iiierf( pabllshsd - ill sent f ree by mail. Iïen'lcr.if fou int permanent, profitable wnrk, addresa B. ('. ALLEN fc CO , Augusta, Malne yöTicËT IT Iu3L"E"SJ TO GO TO THE FARMER'S STORE, And licarn their Frices before buying your Goods at other Places. XpLOÏÏR AND FEED S'rüKE ITT NETV BRIOK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AXD .:.r. KINDS OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN CBfltfint1y onhABd,Bnd '.elivered to cuRtomeis in (iiiy part of the city. JOBH G. LAVBEXOAVKn A n n Aibor, N'ot. 16G9. 1245mft QRENVILLE, DRUGGI8T! N"o. C Main Street. JCamt Slde, KSEI'S CONSTAXILT OM I1AND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD.GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLORS, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BBUSHES, UURTO.TS TOBACCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATE'S SOAPS, RAIR OILS $■ HAR RESTORERS DRUQGISTS' SUNDRIES. HAIB DYES, FLAVORING AND Handkerchier Extracts GLAS8 RUBBER, AND TilüSS ALL Ub' BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WINES AND AGENT POR TOB O BEAT U. S. 1EA COMPN'T. Prescriptions put up with Care at all Hours. Storoopenonth Snbbath Irom T to 10 A. M4 12 '.o 2,und i to 8 P. M. GR VILI.E tt FULLER'S ACCOUNTS, "IF XOT SETTLED BY APRIL lst, WILL BK LEFT WITH THE PROPER OFKICERS FOR COLLF.CTION GEO. GRENVILLE. MarchSth, 1869, JJALT! WALK INü S. SOISIDHEIM, SUCCESSOR TO M. Guiterman & Co." AT THE OLD CLOTHiNG HEADQUARTERS HAS JC8T OrENED A or- FALL GOOBS CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, VEST1NGS, $C. AH of the Best and r.atest Styles, Togetber wlth LARGE AND WELL 8ELECTED STOCK OF READ5T-MADE CLOTHINGi AND GENTS' FURNISHING ÍQOODS, WITH TOE LARQKST 8T0CK Oï Bovs' and Youths' Clothing EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKETS Whlch he offers at Greatly Reduccd PrJces Also a laico lot of TItrO'TNrKe 1 CLOTHINC MAPETO ORI)ER IN THE BEST STYLE Cali and examine tor yoursehet I No. P, South Slnin Strt. AN'V ARBOR.i-"rrT.,lPf.?, i 10C?(f líjLm.ovaIi. KECkT CO. Have romored tbelr STOCK OF F1MURE And Undortaker's Goode, Tu Miick k Schraid's Bloeit, No. 52 South Main, and No.4 West Liberty Streets. THE LAKGE3T STOKE IX THE CITY, AND BCIlt EXrRESSLY FOIÏ TUE FURNIIURE TRADB. TUEY HAVE NOWIS STORE THB LAnGESTandFINEST STOCK OF FURNITURE F. VER OFFERED IK THI3 COUNTY.OF TnEIROTTX MANUFACTURE, superior Born is quautv andstyle, wh[ch th8t now offer to the public cheapbr than cax bebouohï any wiiere elsk1i tot state. toeir stock ixclbdes eviry ahx1ci.e neededto furnish tue best house from top to bottom. Thclrold patroon and tho public generalij arttavitod togive tbemacalL J. KECK h CO. Ann Arhor,January, 1870. usi ï ■ i a ,S Si a 5 1 At wb 3 R ui í h j fi s .11 wS J BÍ & i m CO y (I, a os' s Mfl O fri ANN AKBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOUE $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDEP3 AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 21at,18C9. USOtf T ÜMBER YARD! C. KEAPP ITa a targe and well stocked Lumber Yard, on Jafraon Birtt, !n the south part of tbe City, and wlll keepoonstantly on hand un excellent t rlcty of LUMBER, shingles, ]latit, &o. wliicli will be lolilas lew m can be afforded inlhl mutket. Qualitr and pricCBsuch Ihat nooie need to go to Detroit. CONItAD KRAPFp Ann Arlior.Oct.lst. 1869. 986tf A QOOD CUP OF C O 3F 3P" 3E5 3ES ! IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAK E IT.GOTO HÜLL, R0BJM80N & C0,


Old News
Michigan Argus