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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Mis. Je ff. Davis is in Paris. - Au electiou - pltbiscilum is the French of it. - Free tratïe is rapldly gainhiK favor hroughoat the country. ■ - The authorship of " Beautiful Show" Ls&galn belug agltatod. - The Chief Justice of Halae refuscs to ïaturalizo liquor Bellers. Sound; - Uucle Sam is to havo a sein! inonthly na 11 coinuiiiiiicnliun wi'.h Asia. - Fout ball is taking the place of base ball to a considerable extcnt this season. - üraut and family visited West Poiut lie first of this week - important item. - Goöcl gwaclonsl 'ow hawible! An inglish nobleman reeen tly feil from liis ïorse whllë chnsing a fox. - The Roman (,'alholie organ in Lomlon tatcs tliat the Ecumenical Couucll has Work before it fox one year. Greeliy bas been immortaiized. A own, üTty miles from Chcyennc, has lamed alter lii:n. - Another plot to dcprlve Napoleon of lis ability to trentliehas been discovered and frustated. - The protectlon pollcy of Congress proccts aJmost eyerytblag exoept the pockets of the laborlng man, and that it robs. - " Onlv one public meeting was dissolved last night by the authorities," is the atest start)] ng telegram from Paris. - The "" inania is subsiding, and Youug America is impatieutly waitiug, with open mouth, for somethiug nciv. - Tlie Radical party in scarching for a ïobby to succecd the negro, made a capital nt when thcy stmck the taritl'. - Mrs. KicliarOson McFarlaud is about writiug her autobiography. Vlonder if it Tvill be classed with " Sparks." - Prince Frederick of Prussia has an eye on the Spanish throne, mnch to the discomflture of Napoleon. - The JIor;non9 are arming and drilling Whieh loofes as if Rrlgham ioténda to stand by his numeróos wife and family. - H. O. pubüshes a card defending the late A. D. Kichardson. Being upon the Tribune staft' covers a multitude of sius - In his estltnatlon. - The telegraph announces that the Feniau raid upon Canada has been indellnituly postpoued. The Domiuioniles can uow rest tranqullly. - Meetings expressive of sympathy for the Kichmoud suüerers are btiug held tlirougUout tlic country. How it must soothe their palns. - Oregon, Mo., is a nlce place. Excellent place for cousumptives. The thermometer indicated aehangeof only seventy degrees In twtlve liours tiiere, the 14th of last mouth. - The American Medical Assoclation have refused the credentials of several colored physiciaos, and alsoof all white ones Consulting with tJiem. More reconstruction for Congress. - The admiren of Lord By ron banquetee! to his memory the other day in New York. The Iftorld is anxious to know whether it was his marriage or separation annlversary which they celebrated. - Some wretch bas sent Iloraee Greeley a dead white cat, labelled " a uew kind of' strawberry," claiming to have lnvènted it since reading H G's. articles upou " What I Know about Farming." Horace didn't think the iellow cute at all. - The prolcclive policy .of Congress, which taxes articles of consumption instead oi property, and conseqnently tiinnvs the burden of taxation upou the poor, while it enriches the rich, doesn't seem to be exactly the tliing. - It is stated that Parson Brownlow has his " dying speecli " all preparad. If his life should end as did that of Mark Twwln's "Good Little Boy,"-- by the assistance of nitro-glycerine, the public will be saved a great inflictlon. - The New York Sun has hauled down the name of Iloraee Greeley "or gubernatorial candida te for New York, and hoists that of Alaska Seward. What good taste the Sun does exercise. - Mis3 Ilattic Johnson, the young lady who eloped with Rev. Itorace Cook, but whom he claims to have returned " pure as the snow," was rccently marrieU to one of her oíd llames. He must have been n plucky fellow.