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Stay In The Country

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Ihe frec.uuut letters we recoive from yc.ung ii.ou aboiu c mi. g lo ihc city, and usking reative to the chances óf employni. n', advaucrment,eto.,coi:straia us lo say, witli empinéis, Ülay m Uu Country! Aud thU admonitor; dviua u i foundtd ujKin urne no ua knowUige o! boLh cuuiitry nd city lite aud svooatiofaa - the hel h and competeucr wiiich tbe one assures, ;.nd the uucertaii.ties, diMi.ppointniOüts, and failures atiending the ottier. Our large cities are Over-crowded, and the prese.l i a most uufavorable j.eriod to chaise fr. m country to tnwu lile and occupatioti!', even if suih is ever advieable. [n New l'.rk ei y aloue tees of tiious;.nd8 of inte.ljgeut and skiliful peoplo are out of employmeut or only livmg frora hand to mouth ; aud lbo times are suoh that the prospects of thoso ho de nnd upoo occupatioo iu stores, offices and mauufuctorie, are becoming' more and more di-courugiug. Muny who havo families dependent upon tbeir labor for support are wisejy remowing 10 the country,- and not a íew capitalibis and busii.e-s men are manilesting shrewdne88 aud foresight by securini? soiaü t.mua or lauded estales for tbeir sous, with a view of plucing thtm be. yond tbe teniptation aod chances of town üfe and fpeculution. Ai,d we believe there are to-day at least a quarter of ii millioü of people in ihis city who would materiaüy befer tbeir cndiuon by going into tho country- on farms, ot to ecw uud growiDg towns in tho west, suuth, fctc, whcre land is chcap aud fcrtüe, and labor in detuand and well rtwarded. Young men, and cspecially farmer' sonn, who are looking city-ward, thould carefully consider tLe chances of succes?, whTi-li. ur the best, are poor indeed, as Blatistion amply demónstrate,- aud ponder well tbe life-long coi seijuenccs of a changa from country tocity üfe and occupattODS. Tfcoso lookiüg fur employment in nrwspsper offices (either as clerk or brain-workere), as are raany who write us, me parlioularly cauiiooed o look beforc ihey leap nto tho temptng but uncertaiu auil laboii u.s whirl)ool of journiilism. For ia tliis, as in nost city profesHous and truds, thera in ittle or do room, exMjit for nuph genus as s rare indeed. Por ono bi ihiant ucci-ss Üke that of Greeley or Raymoud here ara a ll.oufaud gal fuilures, ailure which not unfrequently render he ai-pirants and their famiüos bot fa dtsitute and wii-erable. An aiivcitiseneüt for a competent nevopuper iumi r editorial wi iter, would ut ont-e bo tisweird by t cores of city recalenta. [Ualified by lor g jractice to Occupy tho iO8iiii.ii ; bünce liow poor the chauce of n Dexperienoed oountryman, uLles.x he losiesses superior cafacity, or is backt d y ii.iluiiitial friend; uud the Jatter cao only aid hiui in starting, for persis'eut labor and deoided bram-powcr uru required 'o achine oren uverago succees ni a íiulú so fi.le.l with iictive cotnpet. itors. - Rural Kiw Tortor If fiftcKii ïuunti s ui Graut rolls up a Democratio nmj rity of ninety tliousiiud in NbW Yoit, liai wil] tour jours of ihtf Rnws kind cf ru' prcduco ?


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