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Dying Of Bad Smells

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" Diet Bt her resiilence, of a nnueou3 irmtill, M-irgarct Smith, in the 40th year of hor age." If, in the moriuury colamu of this or evcry other papar, the expression " died of typboid tover" was Itrioken out, aud in ts stead printed " died of a nauseous stnoll," the frequenc.y vith whicli wa shottld find tbess words occurring vvould uct a little surprise aud alurm tig. Is it, indeed true, that naueoussmellf actnally kill ? That they aro very duiiieüblo wo all know, but tliai thcy are dea'tlv not overy otie is fully aware. We are acoustumed to regapd riar olfuctoriea bs snurces from wliioh pleas-ure may ba derived, mther th:iu ns moniioi's to waru us agüinst uuwliolesooie und destructivo odors. Did we trust them in thia latter eüpacity and heed their raoniiions, delicate aud almost imperocpiible as they freq'iently are, muoh fickness and deaths would every yaar be proveuted. It is a fact now very well understnod ín the medical profession that all excreroentitious matter "f the huinan body received into the body agaiu tbrougb the lungs, the pores, or iho mouth an direct aud (ndly poisons They wil: kill as certainly a arsenic, or prusai(J acid, or a pellet of cold lead, if eaough of them aro takon. Prince Albert died of a minute crevice in the mouldering niausion of an olc London sewer that ran undcr a cíese adjoining his suimnsi1 sittiog-room. The odor was imperceptible, but it made Queeu Victoria a niourner all her day üuo amoug the distinguishyd and la ïnented American dead in 180!) died of a water closet adjoining his offico wliicli was not properly drained. The papers eaid " typboid fcver,1' and thousunile niourued his " untimelj' removal from a field of extensivo usofulness bere, to his everlastiag reward." The cleriy and pious people called it " &n iiiBcrutabltand myslerioua Frovidence ;" the doctors said " imperfect sewerage." lu the country there are fewer deatbs froui this cause thn iu the city, for reabods quite obvious : populations are not crowded together, aud effeto mattera are returnedmore promptly to the soil. Yet in the moat heahhy localitiea typhoid jfev6T sometinies oceurf", md mny always be traced to ís only sotircü. In the suiiuiier of 1860 the writer of this artiolo spcut souio moutbs on the plateau of' tlio Cuinberland Moanta'ma, than which, perhapp, the world does not afíord a more salubriotis región. Withiu a ruile uf our cottage au cutiré faatily lay prostrate vvith typhoid fevor, aud wo of their numlier (lied. What was the matter tliere ? In ono largo log cabin, iuiperfeetly ligbted aud ill veutilnted, teu persons, :Ue, slept, lived. Thero was earried on all the work of the faniily ; the beds were nover aired, the linen e!dom erer washed, and the slops were thrown where easu nnd oourenieuce suggested To a htalthy pair of lungs the atnicsphero within and nr.iuur) tho'bouse was simply iotolerable. But thoy Itsd beowme uccustomed to the odor, tíinuh it utterly refused to niake peuce with tbem. As the warm'h of ths sun iucreases. more and im re vigiiance shuuid be uscd by the hoiiïc-kccper to kei-p everythinj; iu und ur.:und lier premlsea perfectlv weet and wholtsume. Dryeuthwill BAffiple'cij dUinfect nnd deudorize every offeiisive Bubstanoe. Whtrre this caiinoi be ff))plied, litne, diluto su'phurto acid, and cooperas wat'ír furm very nod subStituros. Particular nttenliou should he pai'i to the drainage "f tlio i-iuk, e-pecially if ihat ai d the well ure coanguous. Sleeping rooms should be thoru'ugbly aired and sunued every day, a d thu bedding liung upon a line nirïeucéai leact oiich every week durinu hut neaiher. If theee pimple rules aro religiously ODiêrved, whatever other di-eases in.y affect the f-imily, tVphiud fever ill uut De aiDong tnem. -


Old News
Michigan Argus